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Nowadays, endophthalmitis is still a rare but
dreadful complication of intraocular surgery, es- A BRIEF COMMENT
pecially cataract and glaucoma surgery. It seems This type of endophthalmitis is rare. The causa-
to be useful to review the last data about epi- tive germ is more frequently a fungus, most of-
demiology, diagnostic, management and, most ten candida albicans, but also other subtypes
of all, prevention. of candida and aspergillus (2). The endoge-
When thinking about endophthalmitis, many nous endophthalmitis may also be bacterial,
questions arise. What are the risk factors to- and the germs most commonly encountered are
day? What are the most suitable antibiotics to staphylococcus aureus, and streptococcus, main-
treat endophthalmitis? What is the best way to ly streptococcus pneumoniae (3). Less frequent-
administer them? Do we have to get vitreous ly bacillus can be the causative microorga-
and aqueous humour samples? Do corticoste- nism.
roids have any place in the treatment of en- The risk factors are well known: septicemia,
dophthalmitis? How to prevent it? And so on. multifocal systemic infection, use of intrave-
The purpose of this update is mainly to review nous drugs, immunodepression, parenteral nu-
what are our current knowledge about the most trition (4).
frequent type of endophthalmitis, that is the Hemocultures often allow the causative organ-
one that can occur after cataract extraction. ism to be known before the diagnosis of en-
dophthalmitis. However, taking a vitreous sam-
ple may be necessary, especially when the en-
dophthalmitis is the first clinical manifestation
DEFINITION AND of a more widespread infection. The treatment
CLASSIFICATION first includes systemic antibiotics and the treat-
ment of the risk factors. A functional vitrecto-
Endophthalmitis is the inflammatory answer to my, in order to restore the best vision as pos-
a bacterial, fungal, or parasitic invasion of the sible, may be indicated later, when the infec-
eye. More simply can we say, in the postsur- tion is well controlled.
gical cases, that endophthalmitis is a more-
than-expected ocular inflammation (1).
The endophthalmitis may be endogenous, with
an intact globe, and arising from a septicemia.
But sometimes no systemic infection can be ENDOPHTHALMITIS
found. This complication is particularly critical. It fol-
Much more frequently is the endophthalmitis lows a penetrating or perforating ocular injury,
exogenous (95% of the cases), arising through with or without a retained intraocular foreign
a traumatic or surgical ocular wound. body. The incidence of endophthalmitis after

Bull. Soc. belge Ophtalmol., 311, 43-49, 2009. 43

penetrating trauma ranges from as low as 2% POST-CATARACT
to as high as 17% (5,6). The risk of infection
is significantly higher when there is an intraocu- EXTRACTION
lar foreign boby, even if it is a metallic one ENDOPHTHALMITIS
(7,8). The causative microorganisms may be
the same as in any endophthalmitis, but with INCIDENCE
a strong predilection for the bacillus account- On the basis of 3.140 650 cataract extrac-
ing for approximately one fourth of the infec- tions, Taban et al have found a variable inci-
tions (5,7,9,10,11). The prognosis is usually dence of post-surgical endophthalmitis, de-
poor for two reasons. The first one is the main pending on the period of time taken into con-
causative germ, bacillus, that is quickly and sideration (13). During the period between 1970
uniformly devastating for ocular structures. The and 1980, the incidence was 0.327%; during
second one is a frequently delayed diagnosis, the period 1980-1990, it was 0.158%, be-
because of the difficulty to make the difference tween 1990 and 2000, the figure was the low-
between a normal post-traumatic inflammato- est, that is 0.087%, raising to 0.265% during
ry reaction and a true intraocular infection. the last period studied, 2000 to 2003. This
worrying increase during the last period may be
at least partially explained by a change in the
POST-SURGICAL incision location for cataract extraction over the
EXOGENOUS time, the risk of postoperative endophthalmi-
ENDOPHTHALMITIS tis being higher with a corneal incision. Indeed,
the same authors mention that, during the pe-
INCIDENCE riod 1992 to 2003, the incidence of endoph-
thalmitis was 0.189% if the surgical approach
The overall incidence of post-surgical endoph- was corneal, 0.074% if it was scleral, and
thalmitis is around 0.3 % (12). However, this 0.062% if it was limbal.
figure vary with the type of intraocular surgery.
The incidence after phakoemulsification (du- RISK FACTORS
ring the period from 2000 to 2003) is around Several risk factors are well known and com-
0.25% (13). mon to endophthalmitis of any cause. As men-
After trabeculectomy, this figure raise to 1% tioned above, immunosuppression is a risk fac-
(14) and even 5% (15) if antimitotic drugs are tor, the most frequent situation being diabetes
used. (12, 19).
The incidence is lower after penetrating kerato- Other risk factors are specific to cataract ex-
plasty, the main risk factor being the graft con- traction.
tamination (16). As seen before, incision in clear cornea increases
Surprisingly, episcleral indentation for retinal the risk of post-surgical endophthalmitis (13).
detachment treatment, even without any per- A non-watertight incision, most often a corne-
foration, carries a small risk of endophthalmi- al one, is an associated risk factor.
tis: 0.02% (17). Complications during surgery, mainly vitreous
Finally, the incidence of endophthalmitis after prolapse and vitreous loss, as well as increased
vitrectomy is rather low, 0.05 to 0.15%. This duration of surgery, the two factors being most
favorable figure may be explained by the posi- often linked, are also risk factors (19, 20).
tive intraocular pressure that is maintained du- Finally, another risk factor of post-surgical en-
ring this kind of intraocular surgery (18). dophthalmitis has recently been highlighted. It
seems that intraocular lenses made in silicone
carry a three-fold increase of risk of postoper-
ative endophthalmitis (21).

The conjunctival flora is by far the main source
of infection, followed by these of the eyelids and
the lacrymal sac (22, 23).
Studies have shown that the contamination rate SECOND PRIORITY: INTRA-VITREAL
of the aqueous humour at the end of surgery ANTIBIOTICS
varies between 5 and as high as 43% (24, 25).
The normal conjunctival flora is a mixture of In order to cover as well as possible all the
staphylococcus epidermidis (75-90%), staphy- germs that can be responsible for the endoph-
lococcus aureus (25-40%) and corynebacteri- thalmitis, two combinations of two antibiotics
um species (20-75%). are to be recommended (14). The first one is
vancomycin 1 mg + ceftazidine 2.25 mg, and
the second one is vancomycin 1 mg + amika-
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS cin 0.4 mg. Vancomycin is useful to cover the
gram+ organisms and particularly staphylo-
The key symptoms are pain and decreased vi- coccus epidermidis, that is still the most com-
sual acuity. But it is important to keep in mind mon germ responsible for post-cataract extrac-
that some patients may be asymptomatic (26, tion endophthalmitis (32). Either ceftazidine or
27). amikacin may be efficient against gram- organ-
The key signs are hypopion and tyndall in the isms. However both have a drawback: when
aqueous humour. Less reliable signs are red- used together with vancomycin, ceftazidine may
ness and edema of the eyelids, conjunctival in- precipitate and become less biodisponible. Ami-
jection and corneal infiltrates. kacin has the advantage to have a synergistic
activity with vancomycin against gram+ organ-
MANAGEMENT isms, but may cause macular infarction in less
than 0.5% of the cases (33, 34).
FIRST PRIORITY: MICROBIOLOGIC When a fungal endophthalmitis is suspected or
DIAGNOSIS proved, amphotericin 5µg is the treatment of
choice. If the organism is resistant, voricona-
As soon as the diagnosis of endophthalmitis is zole 100 µg might be useful (oral communica-
suspected, the first maneuver to be done is to tion, Euretina meeting, mai 2008) (35).
obtain a vitreous sample in order to find the
causal microorganism. A sample of aqueous SYSTEMIC ANTIBIOTICS?
humour may be useful also, but the priority is
to get some vitreous by tap, biopsy or vitrec- In the EVS study, patients were randomized in
tomy (see below). two groups, with and without systemic antibio-
The probability to find a microorganism by di- therapy (30). The treatment used was intrave-
rect examination or by culture is indeed higher nous ceftazidine and amikacin for 5 to 10 days.
in the vitreous (40 to 69% of the cases) than There was no difference in final visual acuity
in the aqueous humour (22 to 30%) (28). The or media clarity with or without the use of sys-
microorganisms found are gram + bacteria in temic antibiotics. However, this antibiotic com-
85 to 94% of the cases (29, 30): staphylococ- bination shows a poor penetration in the vitre-
cus epidermidis is the most common (45- ous cavity. Of note is that this penetration is
50%), followed by streptococcus species (24- even negligible for intravenous vancomycin. The
38%) and staphylococcus aureus (7-11%). systemic treatment that was choosen in the
However, the causal germs are changing. In the EVS study may be described as obsolete in
endophthalmitis vitrectomy study (EVS) (30) 2009. Certainly can we not base our judge-
methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ment on the EVS results to decide whether sys-
(MRSA) were found in 1.9% of culture-posi- temic antibiotics are necessary or not in the
tive endophthalmitis. In a more recent study, treatment of acute post-cataract extraction en-
MRSA were found in 18% of the cases, among dophthalmitis.
which 2/3 ended up with a final visual acuity So far, there has been no definitive study to
of hand motions or less (31). This change is of prove that the endophthalmitis patient is bet-
concern as we have to deal with an increasing ter managed with than without systemic anti-
number of intra-ocular infections that are more biotherapy along with intra-vitreal antibiotics
difficult to eradicate. (36). In the daily practice, we are inclined to

prescribe systemic antibiotics, and the best Corticotherapy may probably be started as soon
choice today would be a quinolone. This fami- as 48 hours after the beginning of the antibio-
ly of antibiotics is characterized by a good bio- therapy, if a fungal infection is not suspected.
availability, a long half-life, and a good pene- Dexamethasone may be injected in the vitre-
tration in the vitreous cavity. The quinolones are ous cavity. The recommended dose is 400 µg
quickly bactericidal (37) . Which one to choose? (40). However the half-life is quite short, 4
Ciprofloxacine has been the first one to be used, hours.
but several cases of bacterial resistance have In our opinion, systemic treatment with corti-
emerged (38, 39). Experts in the field recom- coids is not advised because of the many general
mend the use of a third-generation quinolone contra-indications and side effects.
such as moxifloxacine (AVELOX t) and gatiflox- Most often corticoids drops and sub-conjunc-
acine (not commercially available in Belgium) tival injections are used, but their action is main-
(oral communication, Euretina meeting, mai ly directed toward the anterior segment.
According to the EVS Study, endophthalmitis
In the EVS study, there was no difference in vi- share several characteristics when the causal
sual outcome whether or not an immediate vit- micro-orgasmism is virulent, that means all the
rectomy was performed if the initial visual acu- germs except for coagulase (-) staphylococci
ity was hand motions or better (30). However, (30). A virulent micro-organism should be sus-
in those patients with initial light perception pected when the endophthalmitis occurs less
only vision, immediate vitrectomy produced a than 48 hours after cataract surgery, when the
threefold increase in the frequency of achie- presenting visual acuity is reduced to LP only,
ving 20/40 or better visual acuity and a 50% when the pupillary red reflex is lost and when
decrease in the frequency of severe visual loss there is a corneal infiltrate or a non-waterthight
over immediate vitreous tap or biopsy. surgical wound. On the other hand, a coagu-
We may recommend immediate vitrectomy when lase (-) staphylococcus will typically cause a
the initial visual acuity is reduced to light per- less acute endophthalmitis with a better prog-
ception only, and delayed vitrectomy if there is nosis (1, 45), occuring not earlier than the fourth
no clinical improvement 48 hours after intra- day after cataract surgery, or even a subacute
vitreal antibiotic injection. or chronic intra-ocular infection. Staphylococ-
Once the infection is well controlled, a func- cus aureus releases many toxins and may cause
tional vitrectomy may also be necessary in or- an acute, necrotizing endophthalmitis with a
der to improve the final visual acuity, should the guarded prognosis.
vitreous remains opaque. Streptocccus species typically cause an hyper-
acute endophthalmitis with a very poor prog-
CORTICOSTEROIDS: YES OR NO? nosis. This is especially true for Strepococcus
pneumoniae (1, 46).
The use of corticosteroids in the treatment of Propionibacterium acnes and several coryne-
endophthalmitis is still a matter of debate. There bacteria may cause chronic endophthalmitis
is not a single prospective randomized study that may sometimes improve temporarily with
which could have proved the efficacy of corti- corticotherapy only. The diagnosis may be chal-
costeroids in this situation, at least on the vi- lenging, but the prognosis is quite good (47,
sual outcome (40). 48).
The rationale for the use of corticosteroids is
that the ocular inflammation that occurs du- PROPHYLAXIS
ring endophthalmitis may become the main PRE-OPERATIVE EXAMINATION
cause of irreversible complications (41). For
this reason, several authors advocate early and It is important to detect and treat pre-opera-
massive use of corticoids (42, 43, 44). tively the patients at risk, such as those with

immunodepression (most commonly diabetes) ticoid-dependent. The most common causal
(12, 19), or chronic infection in the vicinity of germs are Staphylococcus epidermidis, propi-
the eye (most commonly dacryocystitis (49). onibacterium acnes, and some corynebacteria
(47, 48). These micro-organisms share the par-
ASEPSIS ticularity to secrete a biofilm that allows them
to adhere to prosthesis such as intra-ocular im-
General guidelines for hand washing and opera- plants, and to survive in a quiescnt state (57).
tive field draping must be followed. But the These characteristics explain why this type of
single most important step is to decontami- endophthalmitis may be triggered by YAG pos-
nate the operative field: lids, ocular surface and terior capsulotomy.
conjunctival cul-de-sacs with 10% aqueous poly-
vidone iodine before surgery. This is the only
specific prophylaxis that has been proved to de- CONCLUSION
crease the incidence of post-cataract extrac-
Diagnosis, management and prevention of post-
tion endophthalmitis (50).
cataract extraction endophthalmitis in an
evolving matter. In each endophthalmitis case,
the true challenge is to take right and quick de-
Antibioprophylaxis is a matter of controversy cisions in order to restore the best vision as pos-
(51). The last published recommendations have sible. Nowadays, most cases are still caused
been done by the European Society of Cataract by staphylococcus epidermidis, and a useful vi-
and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) (52). The sual function can mostly be salvaged provided
only indication for systemic pre-operative anti- the treatment is promptly started.
biotherapy is severe atopia. In this situation,
staphylococcus aureus may colonize the lid mar- REFERENCES
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