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Name: Franco Zamora

Code: 00205517
People lack knowledge about literature; this ignorance is affecting engineering
development. This effect is because literature has much to offer scientific theory and
application. Conversely, lack of knowledge of literature harms science, because
literature have a relationship in the form of influence and inspiration. This ignorance in
the influence of literature and in the wonders of science and its application, can harm
the processes of developing in science and engineering. Also, the problem is found in
the way that people understand this relation as different and incompatible topics. This
ignorance can be extrapolated to the general lack of scientist knowledge in the common
population. I have collected information about the schedules of different universities
with the objective of evaluating and comparing the differences between every
university. This survey suggests how the university population has a source of literature
or humanities, because the courses that are in the planning of study for the
undergraduate titles. The survey offers students thinking about the questions about the
relationship between engineering and literature. This analysis was made with a system
of charts and explaining in order to understand answers that haven’t any coherence
between questions, and if these students can internalize this concept of relation between
knowledge areas, in order that the analysis of these results can be a source that show
the understanding with the relationship. The results are an apparently good level of
literature and humanities. But with a disastrous level of comprehension in the relation
between knowledge areas and his causes in other areas like in this case science fiction
with engineering or any kind of natural science. This result suggests that the missing
relation in the comprehension capacity can be solve with an explicit explain of the
relation between engineering and literature. In order to be easy assimilation and an
effective familiarization with the literature inside areas like natural science.

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