Shortcuts of MS Word: Open/Save/Close Document

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Shortcuts of MS Word

Open/Save/Close Document

Ctrl + n Create a new blank document

Ctrl + w, Ctrl + F4 Close the current document
(Ctrl + o, Ctrl + F12,
Ctrl + Alt + F2) Open existing documents
Ctrl + s Save an existing document
F12 Save with a new name (Save as)


Ctrl + cc to open the clipboard dialog box

Ctrl + c, Ctrl + Insert
Ctrl + Drag (After Selection) Copy Data on Clipboard
Shift + Del, Ctrl + x After Selection just Drag, Cut, Move Text
Alt + Shift + Up Arrow Move Paragraph (up)
Alt + Shift + Down Arrow Move Paragraph (down)
Ctrl + v, Shift + Insert Paste
Alt + Ctrl + v Paste Special
Ctrl + Shift + C Format Painter (Copy)
Ctrl + Shift + V Format Painter (Paste)


Font (Dialog Box) Ctrl + d

Font Size Default range (8-72)
Font Size Actual range (1-1638)
Ctrl +] Increasing font size pt. by pt.
Ctrl + [ Decreasing font size pt. by pt.
Ctrl + Shift+> for increasing the font size according to default
Ctrl + Shift+< for decreasing the font size according to
default range
Ctrl + b, B Bold
Ctrl + i, I Italic
Ctrl + u, U Underline
Ctrl + Shift + D Double Underline
Ctrl + Shift +W Underline Words Only
Single Strikethrough Double Strikethrough
Ctrl + = H2O (Subscript)
Ctrl + Shift + + 1sem (Superscript)
Ctrl + Shift + K SMALL CAP
Ctrl + Shift + A ALL CAP
Ctrl + Shift + H Hidden text
Ctrl + Spacebar Clear Formatting
Ctrl + Shift+ N Normal Font
Shift + F3 Change Case

Selection (Text and Object)

Ctrl + a Select All

Double Click Select the Word
Tripple Click Select the paragraph
Single Click
(From Invisible Selection bar
(From Left margin)) Select the Line
Double Click
(From Invisible Selection bar
(From Left margin)) Select the Paragraph
Tripple Click
(From Invisible Selection bar
(From Left margin)) Select the Whole Document
Alt + Left Click (Drag) Free Hand Selection
Ctrl + Shift + F8 ---  Free Hand Selection


Ctrl + l (L) Left Alignment

Ctrl + r Right Alignment
Ctrl + e Center Alignment
Ctrl +j Justify
Ctrl + Shift + J Distributed
Ctrl + 1(one) Single Line Space
Ctrl + 2 Double Line Space
Ctrl + 5 1.5 Line Space
Ctrl + 0(Zero) Spacing before Paragraph
Ctrl + m for increase left Indent
Ctrl + Shift + M Decrease left Indent
Tab increasing First Line Indent (from starting pt.
of a paragraph)
Ctrl + t for increasing hanging indent
Ctrl + Shift + T for decreasing hanging indent
Ctrl + Shift + L Set the Default Bullets

Footnotes and Endnotes

Alt + Ctrl + f for Insert footnote

Alt + Ctrl + d for insert endnote


Alt + Ctrl + n Draft/Normal

Alt + Ctrl + p Print Layout
Alt + Ctrl + o Outline View
Alt + Ctrl + s Split View (Split Document in maximum 2
Ctrl + Scroll (Mouse) Zoom Level (10% to 500%)
Ctrl + F2, Alt + Ctrl + i Print Preview


Ctrl + f Find
? (Wildcards) represent any single character
* (Wildcards) represent any nos. of characters
Ctrl + h Replace
Ctrl + g, F5 Goto
Ctrl + z, Alt + backspace Undo
Ctrl + y, F4 Redo (Repeat Action)
Ctrl + Shift + G Word Count


Ctrl + Return (Enter) Page Break

Shift + Return (Enter) Text Wrapping Break
Ctrl + Shift + Return (Enter) Column Break


Ctrl + Shift + F5 Insert Bookmark

Ctrl + k Insert Hyperlink
Alt + Shift + D Insert Date
Alt + Shift + T Insert Time
Alt + Shift + P Insert Page No.
Alt + Ctrl + t Insert ™ Symbol
Alt + Ctrl + c Insert © Symbol
Alt + Ctrl + r Insert ® Symbol
Alt + Ctrl + e Insert € Symbol
Alt + Ctrl + m Insert Comment


Alt + Ctrl + 1(one) Heading Style 1 (Level 1)

Alt + Ctrl + 2 Heading Style 2 (Level 2)
Alt + Ctrl + 3 Heading Style 3 (Level 3)
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow () Heading Promotion (9-1)
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow () Heading Demotion (1-9)
Ctrl + Shift + S Change Style (Apply Style)


F7 Spell Check
Shift + F10 Spell Check from shortcut menu (Right Click)
Shift + F7 Thesaurus
Alt + Click Online Dictionary


Alt + F8 Run Macro

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