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Learning activity 2

Desarrollar esta evidencia sin haber desarrollado el contenido del link Activity 2, es equivalente a
hacer el examen sin haber estudiado o haber leído el contenido del curso. Esta es una evidencia de
aprendizaje, como tal es evaluada. Esta evidencia es evaluada con calificaciones que determinan
si aprueban o no el curso. Por lo tanto, se invita al aprendiz desarrollar el contenido del Learning
Activity 2 del link en mención ANTES de desarrollar esta evidencia de manera cuidadosa.

Esta evidencia califica y evalúa el uso correcto de las siguientes estructuras:

 Verbo to be.
 Pronombres personales: I, you, he/she/it, we, they
 Estructura: Would like
 Verbos en infinitivo: Would like + Verbo en infinitivo. I would like to drink
some tea.
 Tiempo futuro: Will.

Evidence: Who would I like to be? - Read Carefully

This evidence consists of two parts
BEFORE you develop this activity, you need to take a look, review, and analyze
the multimedia content in the Material: Talking About the Future in the Activity 2

Fuente: SENA
Part 1.

In this first part, your answers may contain several sentences, however; each
answer should not be any longer than three (3) lines.
Think about your future. What plans do you have in mind? How do you want your
life to be in the future? Write a composition about your future in which you answer
the following questions:

 Where would you like to live?

 What would you like to study?

 Where would you like to work?

 Would you like to get married and have a family? Why / why not?

 What hobbies and free time activities would you like to do?

 What places would you like to visit when you go on holidays?


 Answer all the questions above in your composition.

 Give a title to your composition.

My future life

I would like to live in a smaller city near the beach, like Santa Marta. I really
like swimming in the ocean and enjoying hot weather. Though Bogota is a
nice city, I am tired of contamination and stress. It would be a good change.

After I finish at SENA, I would like to continue studying. I want to be a

psychologist, so I want to study psychology at Nacional University because
they have the best Psychology programs in Colombia.

I would like to work for Google. There, employees don’t have to wear a tie
and they can play video games and relax. That would be the opposite of my
current job, where I have to wear a uniform and deal with stress all day.

I don’t think I would like to have a family. Instead I would love to be alone, at
least in the near future. I could consider the possibility of a family later on,
after having enjoyed life for some years.

One thing I would really like to practice is swimming. I really love it.
Unfortunately, I cannot practice now because my free time is quite limited.
However, after I finish at SENA, I may have some extra free time to swim

Would you like to get married and have a family? Why / why not?

I wouldn’t like to get married. I would like to be single forever, so I can go to

parties and enjoy with my friends. Maybe one day in the far future I will have
a family. But in the near future, I want to be single.

Use the text box below

Our future

I would like to live near Bogotá in a nearby town; I would like to live in Cota
or Chía. Although Bogotá is my favorite city, I love going out at night because
there is always a plan to do.

After I finish at SENA, I would like to continue studying. I want to be a

Business Administrator, so I want to study at the Universidad Minuto de Dios
because I already did some semesters.

I would like to work in my own company, have my own schedule and be able
to make my own decisions in a quiet place with a beautiful view.

I think I would like to have a family. My boyfriend and I would like to have
only 2 children, one girl

I would like to skate, it is a sport that I enjoyed as a child and I would like to
do it again, also to keep fit.

Would you like to get married and have a family? Why? Why not?

Yes, I would like get married. I would like to have a family as I grew up; full of
people with whom I can share the good and the bad moments.

Part 2.

This activity evaluates your knowledge on the use of WILL to express future

Imagine that in 10 years your city / town will be perfect. What will it be like? Think
about the problems your city has now and how they can be solved for it to be
perfect in 10 years.

Write a description of your city in 10 years. Use will and the vocabulary learned in
this learning activity. Highlight will-sentences with green and vocabulary words with
blue. Remember to use connectors and punctuation.

Take a look at the example below to help you get started.

"I think my city will be better in 10 years. Probably there will not be traffic jams
anymore. Also public transportation will be clean, efficient and organized. For
this to happen, the roads will have to be in perfect conditions.

After solving social problems and creating better job opportunities, it will be the
safest city in the world. In addition, we will have the best museums and art
galleries. Besides, there will be a lot of green areas and parks to enjoy. We will
have the best football team, not like the one we have now which performs
poorly. I believe people will be friendly. And finally, the most important aspect
will be to have more public universities, so everybody will have the chance to

It will be as nice as a European city, but a lot more enjoyable and vibrant

Write your own description in 15 lines or less:

I think my city will be better in 10 years, it will be cleaner, it will not have
problems of environmental pollution and all the inhabitants will be plant a tree,
recycle and take care of the water.

There will not be traffic jams anymore, public transport will be free, it will be
clean, more cycle paths and better parks will open; All people will return to their
home cities, the law will be stricter with people who repeat their crimes.
Education will be free and the unemployment rate will be lower. We will win the
best sports competitions in the world because children will be encouraged to
sport; it will be a great city.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.
Criterios de evaluación
Utiliza like teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto

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