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C ardiovascular Critical Care

By Leah Johnson-Coyle, RN, MN, Louise Jensen, RN, PhD, and Alan Sobey, MD

Peripartum cardiomyopathy, a type of dilated cardiomyopathy

of unknown origin, occurs in previously healthy women in the
final month of pregnancy and up to 5 months after delivery.
Although the incidence is low—less than 0.1% of pregnancies
—morbidity and mortality rates are high at 5% to 32%. The
outcome of peripartum cardiomyopathy is also highly variable.
For some women, the clinical and echocardiographic status
improves and sometimes returns to normal, whereas for oth-
ers, the disease progresses to severe cardiac failure and even
sudden cardiac death. In acute care, treatment may involve
the use of intravenous vasodilators, inotropic medications, an
intra-aortic balloon pump, ventricular-assist devices, and/or
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Survivors of peripartum
cardiomyopathy often recover from left ventricular dysfunction;
however, they may be at risk for recurrence of heart failure
and death in subsequent pregnancies. Women with chronic
left ventricular dysfunction should be managed according to
guidelines of the American College of Cardiology Foundation

©2012 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

and the American Heart Association. (American Journal of
Critical Care. 2012;21(2):89-98) AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, March 2012, Volume 21, No. 2 89

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eripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a type of dilated cardiomyopathy of unknown
origin. It occurs in previously healthy women in the final month of pregnancy and
up to 5 months after delivery.1 Although the incidence is low—less than 0.1% of
pregnancies—morbidity and mortality rates are high, ranging from 5% to 32%.2,3
For some women, the clinical and echocardiographic status improve and may
return to normal, whereas for others, PPCM progresses to cardiac failure and even sudden
cardiac death.4 In severe cases, women experience a rapid deterioration in health, show no
improvement with medical therapy, and may require cardiac transplantation or die of heart
failure, thromboembolic events, and/or cardiac arrhythmias.5 Thus, initial severity of left ven-
tricular dysfunction or dilatation is not necessarily predictive of long-term functional outcome.5
In this article, we review PPCM and present guidelines for practice.

Epidemiology that African American women were 2.9 times more

The reported incidence of PPCM varies because likely to have PPCM than were white women and 7
the diagnosis is not always consistent and a com- times more likely than were Hispanic women. The
parison with age-matched nonpregnant women does greater incidence of hypertension in African Ameri-
not exist.4,6,7 Reported incidences range from 1 in cans may influence this finding.4,7
299 live births in Haiti8 to 1 in 2229 live births in
Southern California9 to 1 in 4000 live births in the Etiology
United States.4 The wide variation most likely is the PPCM is distinguished from other forms of
result of geographic differences and cardiomyopathies by its occurrence during preg-
Initial severity reporting patterns.10 Also, limited access nancy.16 Precise mechanisms that lead to PPCM
to echocardiography in some areas remain poorly defined. Many etiological processes
of left ventricular may lead to overestimation of PPCM.11 have been suggested: viral myocarditis, abnormal
immune response to pregnancy, maladaptive response
dysfunction is Several risk factors predispose a
woman to PPCM, including increased to hemodynamic stresses of pregnancy, stress-activated
not necessarily maternal age, multiparity, multiple cytokines, excessive prolactin excretion, and pro-
pregnancies, and pregnancies compli- longed tocolysis.4,10,17,18 Also, a familial predisposition
predictive of cated by preeclampsia and gestational to PPCM has been reported.19-21 Although underly-
long-term outcome. hypertension.4,6,12 Although PPCM ing genetic variants common to dilated cardiomy-
occurs more frequently in women at opathies are being proposed,22 a genetic basis specific
the upper and lower extremes of child-bearing ages to PPCM has not been systematically studied.23 The
and in older women of higher parity,4,13 the disease European Society of Cardiology currently classifies
has also been reported in 24% to 37% of young PPCM as a nonfamilial, nongenetic form of dilated
primigravid women.3,6,14 In contrast, the results of a cardiomyopathy.24
large population-based study from Haiti suggested
that multiparity and increasing maternal age are not Viral Myocarditis
risk factors.8 Demakis et al12 and Brar et al15 found Viral myocarditis has been proposed as the main
mechanism for PPCM and was first reported by
Goulet et al.25 This proposal was later supported by
About the Authors Melvin et al,26 who found myocarditis during endomy-
Leah Johnson-Coyle is a nurse practitioner in cardiac ocardial biopsy in 3 women with PPCM. The biopsy
sciences and Alan Sobey is an intensive care physician specimens had dense lymphocytic infiltration with
in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit at the
Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, University of Alberta
a variable amount of myocytic edema, necrosis, and
Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Louise Jensen is fibrosis. Others27 have also reported an association
a professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of between PPCM and viral myocarditis. In a study by
Alberta in Edmonton.
Felker et al,28 62% of women with PPCM had
Corresponding author: Louise Jensen, RN, PhD, Professor, myocarditis or borderline myocarditis on biopsy;
Faculty of Nursing, 3rd Floor, Edmonton Clinic Health
Academy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada however, clinical outcomes did not differ between
T6G 1C9 (e-mail: women with and without myocarditis.


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Abnormal Immune Response erythropoietin, and hence hematocrit levels.18 Hil-
An abnormal immune response to fetal micro- fiker-Kleiner et al31 discovered that PPCM develops
chimerism (harboring of fetal cells in maternal cir- in mice bred to have a cardiomyocyte-specific dele-
culation) has been studied as a cause for PPCM.29 tion of STAT3, a protein that plays a key role in
Other researchers4,6,16,18 support this theory that dur- many cellular processes such as cell growth and
ing pregnancy fetal cells released into the maternal apoptosis. The deletion of STAT3 led to enhanced
bloodstream are not rejected by the mother because expression of cardiac cathepsin D, promoting the
of the natural immunosuppresion that occurs dur- formation of a 16-kD form of prolactin. In women
ing pregnancy. However, after delivery, women lose with PPCM, STAT3 protein levels were low in the
the increased immunity, and if fetal cells reside on heart, and serum levels of activated cathepsin D
cardiac tissue when the fetus is delivered, a patho- and 16-kD prolactin were elevated.16,31
logical autoimmune response can occur, leading to
PPCM in the mother after birth. Selenium and Malnutrition
Nutritional disorders, such as deficiencies in
Abnormal Hemodynamic Response selenium and other micronutrients, were thought
During pregnancy, blood volume and cardiac to play a role in the pathogenesis of PPCM.12,26 Defi-
output increase.4 In addition, afterload decreases ciencies of selenium increase cardiovascular suscep-
because of relaxation of vascular smooth muscle.13 tibility to viral infections, hypertension, and
These changes cause a brief, and reversible, hyper- hypocalcemia. However, Fett et al32 concluded that
trophy of the left ventricle to meet the needs of the neither low serum levels of selenium nor deficien-
mother and fetus.2 This transient left ventricular cies of other micronutrients (vitamins A, B12, C, E,
dysfunction during the third trimester and early and b-carotene), played a significant role in the
postpartum period resolves shortly after birth in a development of PPCM in Haitian women. In con-
normal pregnancy.2,18 Pearson et al4 suggested that trast, women with PPCM from the
PPCM might be due, in part, to an exaggerated
decrease in left ventricular function when these
Sahelian region of Africa had low
levels of selenium.33
Viral myocarditis
hemodynamic changes of pregnancy occur. has been
Prolonged Tocolysis
Apoptosis and Inflammation Prolonged tocolysis refers to
proposed as the
An increased concentration of plasma inflamma- the use of tocolytic agents (b-sym- main mechanism
tory cytokines, specifically tumor necrosis factor a; pathomimetic drugs) for more
C-reactive protein; and Fas/Apo-1, a plasma marker than 4 weeks.18 The association for peripartum
for apoptosis (programmed cell death), have been between tocolytic therapies and cardiomyopathy.
identified in women with PPCM.3 Levels of Fas/Apo-1, heart failure appears to be unique
a ligand found on cell-surface proteins that plays a to pregnancy. Tocolytic agents are used for the man-
key role in apoptosis, were higher in women with agement of various other conditions without the
PPCM than in healthy volunteers.3 Furthermore, these occurrence of signs and symptoms of heart failure
Fas/Apo-1 levels were higher among women with like those experienced by pregnant women. Such
PPCM who died than among those with PPCM who signs and symptoms may develop in pregnant
survived. However, a correlation between increased women as a result of normal physiological changes
plasma cytokine levels and left ventricular function that occur, including an increase in circulating
or outcomes has not been demonstrated. Van Hoeven blood volume.18 Lampert et al34 found an associa-
et al30 further concluded that ejection fraction at the tion between use of tocolytic therapies and develop-
time of clinical findings suggestive of PPCM was the ment of pulmonary edema in pregnant women and
strongest predictor of outcome. proposed a link between chronic use of b-sympath-
omimetic medications and PPCM.
Hilfiker-Kleiner et al16,31 have proposed a new Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis
pathogenic mechanism for PPCM: excessive pro- Features of a normal pregnancy include increased
lactin production. Levels of prolactin are associated blood volume, increased metabolic demands, mild
with increased blood volume, decreased blood anemia, changes in vascular resistance associated
pressure, decreased angiotensin responsiveness, and with mild ventricular dilatation, and increased car-
a reduction in the levels of water, sodium, and potas- diac output.11 Thus, the onset of PPCM can easily be
sium.31 Prolactin also increases the level of circulating masked—and missed—because the manifestations AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, March 2012, Volume 21, No. 2 91

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can mimic those of mild heart failure. Women with left ventricular hypertrophy, ST-T wave abnormalities,
PPCM most commonly have dyspnea, dizziness, dysrhythmias, Q-waves in the anteroseptal precor-
chest pain, cough, neck vein distension, fatigue, dial leads, and prolonged PR and QRS intervals.4,38
and peripheral edema.4,10,13 Women can also have Several laboratory tests should be performed: com-
arrhythmias, embolic events due to the dilated, plete blood cell counts and serum levels of troponin,
dysfunctional left ventricle, and acute myocardial urea, creatinine, and electrolytes.11,20 Liver function
infarction due to decreased perfusion to the coronary tests should be done, and levels of thyroid-stimulat-
arteries.4,10,35 They can also have other indications ing hormone should be measured. In the initial
typical of heart failure: hypoxia, jugular venous dis- evaluation, the serum level of troponin may be
tention, S3 and S4 gallop, rales, and hepatomegaly.35 helpful in ruling out myocardial infarction; how-
Blood pressure is often normal or decreased, and ever an increase in troponin in the acute phase of
tachycardia is common.20 PPCM, without myocardial infarction, can occur.35
PPCM was first defined in 1971 as the develop- Levels of B-type natriuretic peptide and N-terminal
ment of myocardial disease that occurs for the first pro-B-type natriuretic peptide can help in confirm-
time toward the end or in the early stage of the ing the diagnosis.38,39
pregnancy.12 A modification of this classic definition Unlike pulmonary artery catheterization,
added a strict echocardiographic crite- echocardiography is noninvasive and allows serial
rion.1 The National Heart, Lung, and evaluations in pregnant women.1 Serial echocardio-
Magnetic Blood Institute and the Office of Rare graphy with Doppler imaging is used to evaluate
resonance images Diseases workshop adopted the modi- and monitor regional and global left and right ven-
fied definition in 2000.4 In 2010, the tricular function, valvular structure and function,
can be used to European Society of Cardiology Work- possible pericardial pathological changes, and
ing Group on Peripartum Cardiomy- mechanical complications.11 Findings in women
measure global opathy36 proposed a modification to with PPCM are consistent with the findings in heart
and segmental the existing definition of PPCM. PPCM failure: decreased ejection fraction, global dilata-
is defined as an idiopathic cardiomy- tion, and thinned-out cardiac walls.4,11,38
contraction and opathy manifested as heart failure due Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging has been
identify inflamma- to left ventricular systolic dysfunction suggested as a complementary tool in the diagnosis
toward the end of pregnancy or in the and evaluation of women with PPCM.13,21,30 Such
tory processes. months after delivery when no other imaging can be used to measure global and seg-
cause of heart failure is found. Thus, mental myocardial contraction, can help in charac-
PPCM is a diagnosis of exclusion, suggesting that a terizing the pathogenesis of the disease, and can
broader definition would eliminate PPCM as a reveal inflammatory processes.13 Baruteau et al21
missed diagnosis.36 maintain that because cardiac magnetic resonance
The definitive diagnosis of PPCM depends on imaging can be used to distinguish inflammatory
echocardiographic identification of new-onset heart from noninflammatory pathogenesis, it can be
failure during a limited period around parturition. helpful at the initial evaluation of a woman with
A diagnosis of PPCM requires the exclusion of other PPCM to determine the pathophysiology and to
causes of heart failure: myocardial infarction, sepsis, guide further therapeutic options. Ntusi and Chin40
severe preeclampsia, pulmonary embolism, valvular disagree, however, and do not see a benefit for
diseases, and other forms of cardiomyopathy.17,37 obtaining cardiac magnetic resonance images in all
Chest radiographs should be obtained in sus- women who have PPCM. Guidelines for diagnosis
pected cases of PPCM.35 Chest radiographs may be of PPCM according to the American College of Car-
helpful in acute pulmonary edema, but much less diology Foundation (ACCF) and the American Heart
so if no clinical evidence of pulmonary congestion Association (AHA)39 are provided in Figures 1 and 2.
is revealed. Radiological indications of heart failure
such as cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion, and Management
pleural effusions may be evident.35 However, diag- Compensated Heart Failure
nosing cardiomegaly on the basis of a chest radi- Management of PPCM is similar to standard
ograph in a pregnant patient is difficult because treatment for other forms of heart failure.4,39,41 How-
the heart is pushed upward and laterally, giving the ever, no randomized clinical trials have been done
false impression of cardiomegaly. to evaluate these therapies specifically in PPCM.
Electrocardiograms should also be obtained. In Furthermore, careful attention should be paid to fetal
PPCM, the tracings may be normal or may show safety and to excretion of drug or drug metabolites


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Woman with signs and symptoms of heart failure who is
during breastfeeding after delivery.4 The goals in
In last month of pregnancy or
treating heart failure are to improve hemodynamic
Within 5 months postpartum
status, minimize signs and symptoms, and optimize
the long-term outcomes. Treatment focuses on
reducing preload and afterload and increasing car-
diac inotropy.2,4,35 Pearson et al4 reinforce that col-
laboration among medical specialists, including Signs and symptoms of heart failure
obstetricians, cardiologists, perinatologists, and
Dyspnea Cough
neonatologists, is essential in care of women with
Fatigue (at rest or exertion) Heart palpitations/tachycardia
PPCM. Of note, polypharmacy may be required for Neck vein distention Sudden weight gain, fluid retention
optimal management, to slow progression of heart Exercise intolerance Arrhythmias
failure and to improve outcomes in women with left Peripheral edema Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
ventricular systolic dysfunction.42 Medications should Weight gain (water retention) Hepatomegaly
Chest pain Weakness
be continued until evidence indicates improved
and/or resolved left ventricular dysfunction.4,35
Women with PPCM should be treated in the hospital
when they have evidence of hypotension, worsening
heart failure, altered mental status, and increased Diagnostic testing
work of breathing.42
Complete family history, to identify possible familial association
Preload reduction is accomplished by adminis- Serum tests
tration of vasodilators, such as nitrates, most of Complete blood cell count with differential
which are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.35 Creatinine and urea levels
Loop diuretics are important for management of Electrolyte levels, including magnesium and calcium
signs and symptoms and for preload reduction, Levels of cardiac enzymes, including troponin
Level of B-type natriuretic peptide and/or N-terminal
although caution is warranted in antepartum women pro-B-type natriuretic protein
because rapid changes in intravascular volume can Liver function and level of thyroid-stimulating hormone
lead to a decrease in blood supply to the uterus and Chest radiograph
therefore the fetus.35,43 Restriction of dietary sodium Electrocardiogram
is also helpful in preload reduction.2 Bed rest was Transthoracic echocardiogram
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and/or endomyocardial
once standard care but is no longer recommended biopsy (when indicated)
because of the increased risk of thromboembolism.20
The current recommendation is light exercise such
as walking.4,10 Figure 1 Evaluation of peripartum cardiomyopathy.
Ideal medications intrapartum include hydrala-
zine, nitrates, digoxin, and diuretics. Angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors are contraindicated after more than 2 weeks of therapy. Digoxin, an
during pregnancy because of their teratogenicity, inotropic agent, is also safe during pregnancy and
but these medications are the mainstay of treatment should be considered for women with left ventricu-
of PPCM after delivery for afterload reduction.4,13,38 lar systolic dysfunction and an ejection fraction of
Safe alternatives during pregnancy include hydrala- less than 40% who have signs and symptoms of
zine and nitrates.4,10 Aldosterone antagonists have heart failure while receiving standard therapy.42
been effective when angiotensin-converting enzyme Guidelines for management of compensated heart
inhibitors were not tolerated, but the antagonists failure in PPCM are presented in Table 1.
should not be used during pregnancy.41
b-Adrenergic antagonists, such as extended-release Decompensated Heart Failure
metoprolol and carvedilol, have been approved for In pregnant women with acute decompensat-
use in PCCM and can improve survival.4,20,43 How- ing heart failure, management begins with the
ever, b-blockers should not be given in the early ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation).35 Assessment
stages of PPCM because they can decrease perfusion of the airway is critical because pregnancy or recent
in the acute decompensated phase of the disease.35 pregnancy with associated third spacing of excess
Pearson et al4 have proposed that carvedilol be used intravascular volume can result in a suboptimal air-
in postpartum women who continue to have signs way.35 Women with impending respiratory failure
and symptoms of heart failure and have echocardio- from pulmonary edema require rapid initiation of
graphic evidence of left ventricular compromise supported ventilation.44 Endotracheal intubation is AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, March 2012, Volume 21, No. 2 93

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Diagnostic criteria for peripartum cardiomyopathy
All 4 of the following:
In antepartum women, fetal heart rate monitor-
ing should be started early because abnormalities in
fetal heart rate tracings are common when maternal
1. Development of cardiac failure in the last month of pregnancy or
within 5 months postpartum oxygenation and circulation are compromised.35 Med-
2. No identifiable cause for the cardiac failure ical stabilization of the mother’s condition is critical
3. No recognizable heart disease before the last month of and may result in resolution of fetal distress and pre-
pregnancy vent the need for emergency cesarean delivery that
Additional most likely would be poorly tolerated by the mother.35
1. Strict echocardiographic indication of left ventricular dysfunction: Women with acute heart failure benefit from
a. Ejection fraction <45% intravenous administration of positive inotropic
b. Fractional shortening <30%
agents such as dobutamine and milrinone, none of
c. End-diastolic dimension >2.7 cm/m2 which are contraindicated in pregnancy.44 Positive
inotropic agents improve cardiac performance, facil-
itate diuresis, preserve end-organ function, and pro-
mote clinical stability.13,17,39 Dobutamine requires
No: Consider other cause Yes: Meets criteria for b-receptors for its inotropic effects, whereas milrinone
diagnosis for peripartum does not, an important distinction in planning care
cardiomyopathy for a patient who is being treated with b-blocking
drugs.39 Furthermore, milrinone has vasodilating
properties for both the systemic and the pulmonary
circulation, a mechanism that may be a marked
benefit over other inotropic agents. In women with
Consultation with cardiologist, obstetrician, perinatologist
systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg, dobut-
If diagnosis is made before the woman gives birth: involve amine may be preferred over milrinone.44 Vasodilatory
anesthesiology and neonatology also, and consider transfer to
drugs such as nitroglycerin and nitroprusside also
a high-risk perinatal center
may be of benefit.35,39 Nitroprusside should be used
with caution in pregnant women because the toxic
Figure 2 Diagnosis of peripartum cardiomyopathy. effects of thiocyanate can be harmful to the fetus.20,42
Based on Pearson et al4 and Sliwa et al.36 Clinicians should not focus therapy on a spe-
cific blood pressure value that might or might not
indicate hypotension; rather, they should focus on
often required; however, attempts involving nonin- signs and symptoms associated with poor cardiac
vasive ventilation may obviate intubation.44 Nonin- output and hypoperfusion, such as cold clammy
vasive ventilation must be used with caution because skin, cool upper and lower extremities, decreased
of the high risk for aspiration. Breathing is supported urine output, and altered mental status.39 Inotropic
with supplemental oxygen to relieve signs and symp- agents are of greatest value in women who have
toms related to hypoxemia and is assessed via con- relative hypotension and an intolerance or no
tinuous pulse oxymetry. Women should have cardiac response to vasodilators and diuretics.42 Regardless,
monitoring, including ST-segment monitoring when if invasive monitoring of hemodynamic status is
available.13,35 Blood pressure should be monitored used, once the clinical status of the woman has
with noninvasive blood pressure cuffs until arterial stabilized, every effort should be made to devise an
catheters are placed. Venous and arterial access oral regimen that can maintain symptomatic improve-
should be obtained early so that medications can ment and reduce the subsequent risk of any deterio-
be administered promptly and monitoring can be ration in her condition.42
streamlined.35 Some clinicians39 advocate for the use Left ventricular thrombus is common in women
of pulmonary artery catheters in women whose heart with PPCM whose ejection fraction is less than
failure is refractory; however, this logic has been 35%.2,38 Warfarin should be given to postpartum
questioned because many of the drugs used to treat women whose ejection fraction is 35% or less, and
PPCM produce benefits by mechanisms that cannot heparin or a low-molecular-weight heparin should
be assessed by measurement of short-term changes be given to women who are pregnant and have a
in hemodynamic status. Pulmonary artery catheters similar ejection fraction.20,35 Anticoagulation therapy
may be beneficial in patients with heart failure, but should be continued until left ventricular function
little information is available on their use in is normal according to echocardiographic find-
women with PPCM. ings.13,39 Arrhythmias should be aggressively treated


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Table 1 Management of compensated heart failure in peripartum
to minimize thrombus formation and to optimize
cardiac function.4,10 Nonpharmaceutical therapies
Immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory Low-sodium diet: limit of 2 g sodium per day
therapies have not improved the outcome in PPCM Fluid restriction: 2 L/day
and, in general, are not recommended.45 Because of Light daily activity: if tolerated (eg, walking)
the various mechanisms of PPCM, immunosuppre- Oral pharmaceutical therapies
sion most likely would not help all women.13,35,45
Antepartum management of peripartum cardiomyopathy
In a case report, Jahns et al46 stated that bromo-
criptine, a dopamine antagonist that inhibits pro- Carvedilol (starting dose 3.125 mg twice a day, target dose
lactin secretion, prevented the expected deterioration 25 mg twice a day)
in the size of the left ventricle and systolic function Extended-release metoprol (starting dose 0.125 mg daily, target
when given in addition to standard heart failure dose 0.25 mg daily)
therapy in a woman with PPCM. The treatment of Vasodilator
STAT3-deficient mice with bromocriptine also pre- Hydralazine (starting dose 10 mg 3 times a day, target dose 40 mg
3 times a day)
vented the development of PPCM in a study by
Hilfiker-Kleiner et al.16 The results of assessments of Digoxin (starting dose 0.125 mg daily, target dose 0.25 mg daily)
the therapeutic effects of prolactin blockade with Monitor serum levels
bromocriptine are promising, and trials are being Thiazide diuretic (with caution)
done in women with PPCM.16,31 In a case study, de Hydrochlorothiazide (12.5-50 mg daily)
Jong et al47 argue that the benefit of using cabergo- May also consider loop diuretic with caution
line, another potent dopamine receptor antagonist Low-molecular-weight heparin if ejection fraction <35%
like bromocriptine, is the long half-life, 14 to 21
Postpartum management of peripartum cardiomyopathy
days, of cabergoline, so a single dose is often enough. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
Medical therapy can be unsuccessful in women Captopril (starting dose 6.25-12.5 mg 3 times a day,
with PPCM, and mechanical cardiovascular support target dose 25-50 mg 3 times a day)
with an intra-aortic balloon pump or ventricular Enalapril (starting dose 1.25-2.5 mg 2 times a day,
assist devices may be required.48,49 Left ventricular target dose 10 mg 2 times a day)
Ramipril (starting dose 1.25-2.5 mg 2 times a day,
assist devices can be a bridge to recovery or to trans- target dose 5 mg 2 times a day)
plantation.13,49-51 Use of short-term extracorporeal Lisinopril (starting dose 2.5-5 mg daily, target dose
membrane oxygenation has also been of benefit in 25-40 mg daily)
women with PPCM whose heart failure was refrac- Angiotensin-receptor blocker (if ACE inhibitor not tolerated)
tory to medical therapy and who had persistent pul- Candesartan (starting dose 2 mg daily, target dose 32 mg daily)
Valsartan (starting dose 40 mg twice a day, target dose 160 mg
monary edema with hypoxemia.48,50 Extracorporeal twice a day)
membrane oxygenation can also serve as a bridge
Consider nitrates or hydralazine if woman is intolerant to ACE
to left ventricular assist devices in patients with
inhibitor and angiotensin-receptor blocker
refractory cardiogenic shock despite use of an intra-
aortic balloon pump and full inotropic support.51 Loop diuretic
Furosemide intravenously or by mouth–dosing considerations
Women in whom maximal medical manage- should be made on the basis of creatinine clearance
ment is unsuccessful may be candidates for cardiac Glomerular filtration rate >60 mL/min per 1.73 m2:
transplantation.48 According to one study,14 cardiac furosemide 20-40 mg every12-24 h
transplantation was necessary in 4% of women with Glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2:
PPCM. In another study52 in which 69 women under- furosemide 20-80 mg every 12-24 h
went cardiac transplantation for PPCM, the investi- Hydralazine (starting dose 37.5 mg 3 or 4 times a day, target dose
gators concluded that heart transplantation is a 40 mg 3 times a day)
practical therapeutic option for women with PPCM Isorbide dinitrate (starting dose 20 mg 3 times a day, target dose
who have advanced heart failure and signs and 40 mg 3 times a day)
symptoms unresponsive to medical therapies. The Aldosterone antagonist
Spironolactone (starting dose 12.5 mg daily, target dose
risk of organ rejection in women with PPCM does 25-50 mg daily)
not appear to be higher than the risk in women of Eplerenone (starting dose 12.5 mg daily, target dose 25-50 mg daily)
similar age who have a history of pregnancy and b-blocker as above
undergo transplantation for other causes. However, Warfarin if ejection fraction <35%
in an earlier study, Koegh et al48 found that the inci-
dence of biopsy-proven early rejection, necessitating aBased in part on Jessup et al39 and Heart Failure Society of America.42
increased cytolytic therapy, was marginally higher in AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, March 2012, Volume 21, No. 2 95

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Table 2 Management of decompensated heart failure in
peripartum cardiomyopathya

Airway women with PPCM than in women with dilated

Intubate promptly upon distress for increased work of breathing cardiomyopathy. Table 2 presents guidelines for man-
to prevent complications with difficult airway later in treatment agement of decompensated heart failure in PPCM.
Provide supplemental oxygen
Maintain continuous pulse oximetry to monitor SaO2
Outcomes of PPCM
Measure arterial blood gases (if available) every 4-6 h until Prognosis of PPCM is positively related to the
breathing is stable recovery of ventricular function.17 Failure of heart
Circulation size to return to normal is associated with increased
Start cardiac and blood pressure monitoring mortality and morbidity.4 Women with persistent
Insert arterial catheter for accurate blood pressure monitoring
left ventricular dysfunction are less likely to survive
and blood sampling
Obtain central venous access with central venous pressure and recover normal cardiac function than are women
monitoring with improved left ventricular function. A fractional
In antepartum women, obtain fetal monitoring shortening less than 20% and a left ventricular
Pharmacological management of acute heart failure in peripartum diastolic dimension of 6 cm or greater at the time
cardiomyopathy of diagnosis are associated with a more than 3-fold
Intravenous loop diuretic (caution is advised in antepartum higher risk for persistent cardiac dysfunction.53
women) Sliwa et al3 found that ejection fraction was the
Furosemide: dosing considerations should be made on the strongest predictor of outcome in women with PPCM.
basis of creatinine clearance Abboud et al17 reported that 50% of women with
Glomerular filtration rate >60 mL/min per 1.73 m2:
PPCM recover baseline ventricular function within
furosemide 20-40 mg intravenously every 12-24 h
Glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2: 6 months of delivery. In contrast, Ntusi and Mayosi18
furosemide 20-80 mg intravenous every12-24 h found that only 30% of women with PPCM have
In severe fluid overload, consider furosemide infusion or complete recovery of cardiac function; most have
ultrafiltration partial recovery. Medical therapy as outlined in the
ACCF/AHA guidelines39 should be continued when
Nitroglycerin infusion 5-10 µg/min, titrate to clinical status and
blood pressure a woman does not recover function. When appropri-
Nitroprusside 0.1-5 µg/kg per minute, use with caution in ate, implantation of defibrillators to prevent sudden
antepartum women cardiac death and use of cardiac revascularization
Positive inotropic agents therapy should be considered.
Milrinone 0.125-0.5 µg/kg per minute Reported mortality rates for PPCM vary widely.
Dobutamine 2.5-10 µg/kg per minute In a study by Sliwa et al,3 the mortality rate in 29
Avoid b-blockers in the acute phase, as they can decrease perfusion women was 32%, whereas in a large population-
Heparin sodium, alone or with oral warfarin (Coumadin) therapy based study in Haiti by Fett et al,8 the mortality rate
Monitor oxygenation with arterial blood gases every 4-6 h until was 15.8%. In a study of 123 women by Elkayam
patient’s condition is stable
et al,5 the rate was 9% at a mean follow-up time of
Consider endomyocardial biopsy; if proven viral myocarditis,
consider immunosuppresive medications (eg, azathioprine, 24 months. Brar et al15 concluded that mortality
corticosteroids) rates associated with PPCM were lower than initially
Every effort should be made to devise an oral regimen that can
reported at 2.5%, and Mielniczuk et al9 reported a
maintain symptomatic improvement and reduce the subsequent mortality rate of 1.36% to 2.05%. Earlier diagnosis,
risk of worsening clinical status coupled with modern management of heart failure,
most likely has an important influence on the mor-
tality associated with PPCM.9,15 Although rates have
If no improvement clinically:
improved, mortality remains extremely high in
Consider cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
Perform endomyocardial biopsy to detect viral myocarditis women with PPCM.
(if not previously completed) One of the most frequently cited issues for
Assist devices: women who survive PPCM is whether or not they
Intra-aortic balloon pump can safely become pregnant again.5,14 No clearly
Left ventricular assist devices established recommendations for future pregnancies
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in these women exist.20 Left ventricular recovery and
function are considered the most reliable prognostic
If a woman remains refractory to therapy, consult your institution’s factors and predictors of survival in subsequent
guidelines for bromocriptine or cabergoline administration for pregnancies.20 Future pregnancies are not recom-
suppression of prolactin production
mended in women with persistent heart failure,
aBased in part on Jessup et al39 and Heart Failure Society of America.42 because the heart most likely would not be able to


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ACCF/AHA guidelines for the diagnosis and management
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of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task To purchase electronic or print reprints, contact The
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plantation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009;53(15):1343-1382. (949) 362-2049; e-mail,


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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Review and Practice Guidelines
Leah Johnson-Coyle, Louise Jensen and Alan Sobey
Am J Crit Care 2012;21 89-98 10.4037/ajcc2012163
©2012 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
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