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Why Teach?

Connor Michael

Teaching is a two way street. Teachers always have expectations about how a class

should and should not be run, and how students need to behave. However, students also have

expectations about the teacher that are required in order to effectively perform well in school. In

this way, the students and teacher need to agree. If the teacher treats students with respect, trust

students, and immediately lays out expectations on rules, assignments and the punishments that

occur when they are not followed, then everything works well. Comparing why teaching was the

path to choose is the same as why teachers teach. The purpose of teaching is to prepare the next

generation of adults for the “real world.”

Students should be able to have fun while learning, but can lose the privilege of doing fun

activities if they misbehave. In order to gain students’ trust, the teacher must show some kind of

caring and “fun” in class. In this way, students stay engaged with the teacher because they have

respect for the teacher, not just because they have to be there. Furthermore, the teacher should

also ask students what they expect of him/her. In other words, treat the students like adults, not

like children. However, this can be lost if misbehavior occurs. The rules should be laid out on

display for students to always see but only be articulated the first day of school. Tell them the

reasonable punishment that goes with the act. In this way, students know immediately what is

expected of them and what happens if they break this trust. Teachers should come up with

unique disciplinary techniques that are constructive and effective. This is part of my management

and organization. Students need to have fun in class, but also to know that there is a time for fun
and a time for strict learning. The only way to be an effective teacher, no matter what the subject

area or grade level, is to be consistent.

Students should not have any technology, unless pre-approved, in site. This also goes for

fidget spinners. The use of phones while the teacher is lecturing is very prevalent. Many students

do it. With new technology that students can more subtly send or check messages on increasing,

it is harder to know when students are doing it. Students’ phones and smartwatches will be

collected or placed in a designated area before class starts. They will be turned off or on silent

while they are in the classroom. Students who do not obey will have a discipline. Fidget spinners

can be just as distracting as phones or smartwatches. (This came through personal experience.)

Students are not allowed to have them in class unless they have been preapproved through the

teacher. However, the teacher needs to respect the property of the students. Likewise, students

need to respect the property of the teacher. Broadening student knowledge and creating a leader

of the future is the goal of any teacher. However, this cannot happen with distractions like

cellphones and computers.

Being a close confidant with students, to let students know they can always come and talk

to teachers if there are problems anywhere is important reason to teach. Sometimes, a teacher is

the only sane voice a student hears all day or even the only one in his or her lifetime. An

effective way to gain students’ trust and respect is to always be open and friendly to them. This

can also go the other way around, but always start out by trusting the students. Always have trust

for the students and they will trust the teacher. If students know they are not trusted, they will act

out more. If the students know they are trusted, they will not act up in fear of losing the trust

bestowed by the teacher. A wise former teacher and mentor once said to never use “you guys”
when referring to students. Not all students are guys just how not all students are “gals.” There

are other forms of communicating with students than saying “you guys.” “Boys and girls” is a

good alternative example.

Overall, teaching prepares the next generation to achieve great standards in an ever

changing world. A teacher’s job is to prepare students for the real world. This can be done in

several ways. Distraction in class due to technology and lack of focus are the keys for failure.

Engage with students, and let them know that teachers are there to help them, not criticize or

belittle them. Teachers teach not only the present but the future. This was the reason why

teaching was the path chosen.

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