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Chapter I



We live in a country with a hot temperature, as a result, most of the people looks

for a refreshing food to diminish the hotness they feel. The business that we create is the

Hot Ice Cream Buns. We cater different fruity flavour Ice Creams from fresh fruits. Ice

Cream is one of the delicious and tasty item, which is very popular worldwide. We serve

non-seasonal and non-seasonal. We serve seasonal because we all know that time is

different. Few people even though its winter they look for ice cream to eat. Therefore, we

have different perception. People say that ice cream makes them feel so happy. Ice cream 1

is one of the most favourite of all people so they do not have the time to choose. And also

we serve in seasonal because it’s warm. Too many people cold food the one they looking

for like the ice cream. Ice cream can be consumed right around the year.

Uncertainty you are wondering where the word “Hot” came from when our

product is Ice cream. So, the word “Hot” it means our welcoming for our costumer and

there is a little bit difference from the original ice cream. Try our product for to not

confuse. The word “Buns” instead we used buns as da main we substitute the buns into

bread crumps. The ice cream coated by the egg and the bread crumps and cook by deep

fried. We provide ice cream by maintaining high standards of quality in a joyful

environment. Ice cream consumption usually peaks during the hot summer months.

Demand, however, is also stimulated by festivities, be it town fiestas or birthday parties,

making ice cream very much a part of every celebration. As such, consumption of ice

cream remains significant even during the rainy season. Since it is strongly associated

with joyful occasions, its consumption is also triggered whenever individuals desire to
reward themselves as it is an easily accessible indulgence. The creaminess in ice cream

comes from a balanced level of fat and sugar in the recipe. Emulsifiers and stabilizers are

what control the mouth feel and texture of the final product. Creaminess in an ice cream

comes from the even distribution of air bubbles (controlled by the stabilizer) throughout

the mixture, and the size of the ice crystals (controlled by the emulsifier). Ice creams

made at home contain egg yolks which contain lecithin. Lecithin is an emulsifier, which

helps maintain an even distribution of fat particles all throughout the ice cream. On the

other hand, commercial versions of ice cream contain stabilizers and emulsifiers, instead

of egg yolks.

Ice cream is sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is

usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with

fruits flavors. It is typically sweetened with sugar or sugar substitute. Typically,

flavourings and

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine The Effectiveness of Hot Ice Cream Buns in the

Business Profitability among the STI College Vigan students.

Moreover, the study seeks t to answer the following questions:

1. What flavour of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the best seller and costumer’s

2. What flavor of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the costumer’s least favorite?
3. What strategies best use to sell the product?
4. Is there any suggestion that costumers wanted to business to be done?

5. Is the business profitable as a business ventures?

Significance of the study
Library. This research study will aid as an additional reference for future


Students. Mostly student is one of the beneficiaries of this research, especially for

those Culinary Art students, it will serve as their basis for better understanding

towards the Ice Cream Shop.

Parents. This can help to think and create their own businesses.

To the future researchers. This study will benefit and help the future researchers

as their motivation and inspiration to whom would like to undertake a further

study on the area of focus


Operational Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the content of this study, the following terms are

operationally defined:

Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a

desired result.

Ice cream. A sweet flavoured frozen food containing cream or butterfat and

usually eggs.

Dessert. A usually sweet course or dish and usually served at the end of a meal.

Frozen. It need to be froze before eating.

Profitability. Ability of a company to use it resource to generate revenues in

excess of its expenses. In other words, this is a company’s capability of generating profits

from its operation.

Business. An organization or economic system where goods and services are

exchanged for one another or for money

Assumptions of the Study

This study will be based on the following assumptions:

1. The instrument that will be used in the conduct of the study is valid, objective

and reliable.
2. There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of hot ice cream

buns in the business profitability among the students of STI College Vigan
3. The result of the respondents were checked how the effectiveness of the Hot

Ice Cream Buns in the business profitability among the senior high school

students of STI College Vigan

Chapter II
This chapter presents the findings of the researchers and other related literature

that support the content of this study.

Theoretical Framework

The researchers are guided with the following related literature in

conceptualization and the conduct of the study

Ice Cream Nowadays

Ice cream we call glaces a la crème in French. Base on the book written by

Shannon Jackson Arnold, that in France, sundaes are called coupes after the wide-

mounthed. (Shannon Jackson Arnold 2004) write one book and the title of the book is

Everybody Loves ice cream. Shannon fond that got so matter that influence people want

to eat Ice cream.

Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years,

though its origins probably date much further back.(C. Clarke 2004). Ice cream is one of

global market , because almost every county in the world eaten and made ice cream. In

the worldwide production of ice cream is around 14.4 billion liters in 2001, .( C. Clarke

2004 ) people in the word like to sales ice cream because of the weather and advertising.

For example in France , 65% of sales are made between June and September, the weather

one of the reason a substantial impact on sales, especially at the certain time. Such as on

the weekends. .( C. Clarke 2004 ) ice cream famous in may flavor, brand, and also

packages. In book Ice cream by Robert T. Marshall et all state that Compositional

standards differ around the world, as does the understanding of what constitutes ice


The customer’s point of view, price is often used as a cue in their expectations of

the product/service performance (Han 2010) some of the customer perception is the more

he or she the more quality or services they will get, they will get what they pay.

Customers do not know/remember the actual price of a specific product/service, but they

encode the price in ways that are meaningful to them (Zeithaml, 1983). No all customer

will remember how much one scoop of ice cream in Bakin Robbins or Haagen Dazs.

Perception of Services quality, it will back to how the waitress serves you, To gain

competitive advantage and increase organizational effectiveness, companies are focusing

their attention on improving service quality. ( Gazzoli, 2010 ) but come of the company

not really focus about the service quality, like the ice creams store that normally people

just buy the grab it and go. But some of the ice cream like Haagen Dazs and Baskin

Robbins. They have a shop that the customer can sit and enjoy they ice cream.

Consumer behavior is seen as “the behavior that consumers display in searching

for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect

will satisfy their needs” (Schiffman & Kanuk 2007:3).( viviam claasem 2007) consumer

behavior is a base in the marketing concept. Consumer behavior that we have actually to

understanding of consumer trends, consumer wants models to predict purchase and

consumption patterns, and communication methods to reach target markets most

effectively. With we understanding about consumer behaviour the consumer behaviour,

we can know what certainly the consumer want or what customer looking for. Consumer

behavior is based on the study of human behavior, but from the point of view of a

consumer role. Mostert (2002:37) accepts that consumer behavior is founded in human

behavior. (viviam claasem 2007)

Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of thorough the senses

(oxford dictionaries) that actually what the normal limits of human perception. Alias

Radam in the journal about consumer perception, in the journal he mention that

Consumer’s perception and attitudes can influence the decision of making process and

also buying behavior of each individual. Perception actually affected by external and

internal environmental effect such as economic, social, cultural and so on. The propose of

we know about customer perception is to built up the customer experiences, with this we

will know what the customer perception about service quality, product quality, and so on.

Customer perception is one of important part, because when the customer want to

purchase same product especially food product will step one process so the customer may

decide to buy or to not buy the product

Perception, Color. And realism ( Wayne Wright) Store atmosphere is about

explain more subconscious concept involving customers emotions in the store (Emma

Aspfors 2010) perception and Sensation are perfect combination. For the Sensation refers

to the process of sensing the environment through touch, taste, sight, sound and smell.

Sight is more to the product that we can see with our eyes, we can see different

colors that make us feel more interesting purchase the product. Because Emma Aspfors

said that . Color has also proven to have both physical and psychological influences on

humans. Colors are of course important especially in the home-furnishing business since

it is a business that is easily affected by trends. Except for the importance of having the

right colored store due to trends, colors also can affects customer perception and buying


Playing slow music in the store will make the customer feel enjoy, feel more

relaxed. Relaxed customers’ perception would certainly be better than non-relaxed

customers would, but the objectives of a store do not always go with the customers

(Peter, Olson 2005, 495; Solomon et. al 2006, 43-44) (Emma Aspfors 2010)

Touch is more to the material in the store, the material that use for the chair, table,

the counter and so on. This actually to create a customer perception of high quality the

advices are to choose material as silk or wool while but all the material or the quality will

back with the restaurant itself.

Smell, it’s a other senses, this also can influence buying behavior. Different

restaurant or store normally have they own smell that make unique, Baskin-Robbins and

Haagen-Dazs they own smell, that can it can affect customer’s perception.

Taste is more to the product itself. Each of the food product have special taste,

that you can’t get from other shop, chocolate flavor that customer taste in Baskin-

Robbins will different with chocolate flavor Haagen-Dazs. Knowing Consumers taste

preferences are very central for the food industry when Segmenting and positioning a

new product (See e.g. Solomon et. al 2006, 45-46) (Emma Aspfors 2010)

Brand is very important for a product in the market, brand name is to give

consumer information about the product itself. Brand asset are difficult and expensive to

develop, maintain, and also adapt ( David A. Aaker ) one product must have a good brand

is right to say to have a good brand that acceptable in the community is not easy and to

have brand is to cheap. The brand attitude is opinion of consumers toward a product

determined through market research. It will tell what customer think about a product or

service, whether the product can answer what actually the consumer need, and just how

much the product is wanted by the consumer. Brand attitudes determine the consumer’s

psychological aspect. The strength of brand loyalties is demonstrated by the fact that, on

average, precursor keep about half their market in units even though the fact that generics

are roughly one third the price of first pioneer ( Henry G. Grabowski 2009) first pioneer

is important because they that make brand strong.

The History of Ice Cream

History of Ice Cream Much of the early history of ice cream remains unproven

folklore. In the Eastern hemisphere ice cream was appreciated and enjoyed largely by

royalty. Ice cream was the favourite dessert for the Caliphs of Baghdad. The Arabs were

the first to add sugar to ice cream and were also the first to make ice cream commercially,

having factories in the 10th century. It was sold in the markets of all Arab cities in the

past. The Arabs introduced ice cream to the West, through Sicily. In China, during the

Song dynasty people began putting fruit juice in the water used to create the ice. Milk

began to be used in the Yuan dynasty as the Mongols, who were nomads, introduced milk

to China. In India, as early as the sixteenth century, the Mughal emperors used relays of

horsemen to bring ice from the Hind Kush to Delhi where it was used in fruit sorbets.

Kulfi is believed to have been introduced to South Asia by the Mughal conquest. Its

origins trace back to the cold snacks and desserts of Arab and Mediterranean cultures and

it is very closely related to the Persian ice cream. Kulfi is still enjoyed by Indians today.

The International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers (lAICM), Washington DC

(1978) wrote in "The History of Ice Cream" that Charles I of England hosted a

sumptuous state banquet hundreds of years ago. The "coup de grace" of the delicacies of

the day was cold and resembled freshfallen snow but was much creamier and sweeter

than any other after-dinner dessert. The king wanted the delicacy to be served only at the

royal table and rewarded his French chef with a lifetime pension on condition that he did

not divulge his secret recipe to anyone, thereby keeping ice cream as a royal prerogative.

Ice cream was introduced to the United States by colonists who brought their ice cream

recipes with them., Many of the confectioners were Frenchmen, who sold ice cream at

their shops in New York and other cities during the colonial era. President George

Washington, and President Thomas Jefferson are reputed to have regularly eaten and

served ice cream. Another narration from lAICM history states that Dolley Madison, wife

of U.S. President James Madison, served ice cream at her husband's Inaugural Ball in

1813. The first Canadian to start selling ice cream was Thomas Webb of Toronto, around

1850. William Neilson produced his first commercial batch of ice cream in Toronto in

1893, and his company produced ice cream at that location for close to 100 years. In a

monograph published by the Royal Society of Chemistry "The Science of Ice Cream", it

was stated that the history of ice cream is closely associated with the !0 development of

refrigeration techniques (Caroline and Weir, 1993). Before the development of modern

refrigeration, ice cream was a luxury item reserved for special occasions since ice cream

manufacture was a laborious process. Ice was cut commercially from lakes and ponds

during the winter and stored in large heaps in holes in the ground or in wood-frame ice

houses, insulated by straw. Ice cream was made by hand in a large bowl surrounded by

packed ice and salt. The temperature of the ingredients was reduced by the mixture of

crushed ice and salt. The salty water was cooled by the ice, and was liquid below the

freezing point of pure water.The immersed container can make better contact with the

salty water and ice mixture than it could with ice alone. The immense labour involved in
making ice cream was reduced considerably when Nancy Johnson invented the hand-

cranked freezer in 1846, a device that is still in use in certain parts of the world (Khanna,

2004). However Nancy Johnson did not patent her invention, hence the credit of

patenting goes to a Mr. Young who invented a similar type of freezer in 1848 and called it

the "Johnson Patent Ice Cream Freezer". Commercial production began in North America

in Baltimore, Maryland, USA as early as 1851 by Mr. Jacob Fussell who is considered to

be the father of the American ice cream industry. 11 However, the invention of the hand-

cranked freezer did not really facilitate largescale production of ice cream for commercial

purposes. The invention of the continuous freezer by Clarence Vogt and subsequent

modifications and improvements made by other manufacturers gave an impetus to allow

ice cream manufacture to blossom into an industry. The ice cream cone was used in Paris

in 1807 and plans are underway for the celebration of the bicentenary of the cone in


The origin of ice-cream

An ice-cream-like food was first eaten in China in 618-97AD. King Tang of

Shang, had 94 ice men who helped to make a dish of buffalo milk, flour and camphor. A

kind of ice-cream was invented in China about 200 BC when a milk and rice mixture was

frozen by packing it into snow. Roman emperors are supposed to have sent slaves to

mountain tops to bring back fresh snow which was then flavoured and served as an early

form of ice-cream. The King of England, Charles I, is supposed to have offered his chef

£500 a year to keep his ice-cream recipe a secret from the rest of England. The explorer,

Marco Polo (1254-1324), is believed to have seen ice-creams being made during his trip

to China and introduced them to Italy. Ice Cream sundaes were invented when it became

illegal to sell ice-cream sodas on a Sunday in the American town of Evanston during the

late 19th century. To get round the problem some traders replaced the soda with syrup

and called the dessert an "Ice Cream Sunday." They replaced the final "y" with an "e" to

avoid upsetting religious leaders.

All About Ice Cream

It’s probably no surprise to you that July is National Ice Cream Month, National

Ice Cream Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in July. This year National Ice Cream

Day is July 15th, 2018! In the summer ice cream is the perfect cool treat to help you beat

the heat, whether you’re a sorbet snob or jonesin’ for a gelato - but do you know the

inside scoop on how this cold confection became a favorite dessert around globe? Find

out All About Ice Cream!

The Cold Not-So-Hard Facts. In 1984 President Ronald Reagan declared every

third Sunday of July to be National Ice Cream Day and the whole month of July as

National Ice Cream Month, but the history of this dessert is older than America itself, ice

cream goes all the way back to Ancient civilizations, and there is a lot of debate between

ice cream historians about who got there first!

Ice cream comes in all kinds of flavors. The beginning of ice cream can be traced

all the way back to 400 BC when the Ancient Persians would pour grape juice

concentrate over ice as a sweet to treat to cool off. They later added different flavors like

mango and rose water. Snow would be collected from mountain tops and stored in

underground chambers specifically for this cause. They weren’t the only ones trying to

chill out, the existence of a frozen rice and milk dessert in China has been documented

from 200 BC and the Ancient Roman Emperor Nero is said to have loved a fruit topped

snow-based dessert.

There is some debate over who had the closest thing to what we now call ice

cream - for example in the 10th century the Arabs invented a dessert in which they

combined milk, ice and sugar with rosewater, dried fruits and nuts, however the Chinese

were the first to invent a machine that combined the flavors into a creamy state and when

the famous Italian explorer Marco Polo visited China, he brought the ice cream

technology home to Italy and...voila! Gelato!


Based on the literatures cited above, the student researchers consider that the

dependent variables are the answer to find the level of awareness of the students on deep

web access.

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

1. What flavour of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the

best seller and costumers favourite?

2. What flavour of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the

costumer’s least favourite?

3. What strategies best use to sell the product?
4. Is there any suggestion that costumers
The Effectiveness of “Hot
wanted to business to be done? Ice Cream” in the Business
Profitability among the
5. Is the business profitable as a business
students of STI Vigan
ventures? College Vigan.

Figure 1: The Conceptual Paradigm

The figure shows the relationship of the independent variable which is the profile

of the respondents and the dependent variable which is the effectiveness of Hot Ice

Cream Buns. The student-researchers will be guided by the above conceptual paradigm

throughout the conduct of the study.

Chapter III

This chapter present the research design, research locale, sample or the

respondents, research instrument, data collection procedure, and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

This study will utilize the descriptive experimental research design. Descriptive

research described the characteristic of a population or phenomenon being studied.

Descriptive designs include case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observation.

Experimental research involves the manipulation of an independent variable and the

measurement of a dependent variable.

Locale of the study

This study will be conducted at the front of Vigan City Hall, located at Burgos,

Vigan City Ilocos Sur. This will be conducted on third grading period of the school year


Population of the study

This study will utilize consumers as the respondents. The respondents are those

who only belong to the age bracket 10-15 years old, teenagers, male and female.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that was used in data gathering has five questions. In

order to know their knowledge, the respondents answer and survey questionnaires.

Observation and interview.

Population and sample
This study will utilized the consumer as the respondents. The number of the

respondents will be the number of consumers.

Data gathering procedure

The researchers made a letter of approval and send to the office of the Principal of

STI College, Vigan. The researchers distributed questionare to the students which contain

questions that need to be answered based on their experience of course to the students.

After answering the distributed questioner, the researchers collected the answered

checklist for them to get their frequencies and results.

Data gathering instrument

The researchers used survey by distributing question to be answered in sentence

to the students who were the respondents of this study.

Data Gathering tools

The researchers use a questioner as a research data gathering instrument for the

study. The respondents are asked to answer in the questioner that based on the dessert

food and what are the suggestion they will give.


Chapter IV

The following survey question are observed by the researchers with the following

Question #1: What flavour of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the best seller and costumer’s


Respondent1: Mango-Graham slushie are usually sold. Unlike to your product, this is

the first product that our tasted it.

Respondent2: Mango-Graham ice cream it delicious that we can’t able to order again

because it is sold out that fast.

Respondent3: Mango-Graham it is the trend now so we tried to taste and it is so good.

Respondent4: Mango-Graham ice cream most of them are still looking for. But then it is

not available

- The flavour of hot Ice cream buns best seller and costumer’s favourite is the

Mango-Graham. It seem like the Chef product is that they just tasted a strange Ice

cream. Mango-Graham shake are usually sold. Unlike to our product, it is the first

product that they tasted it and this is the product that trend now. This is the

product of us that first to finish. And some of them are still looking for this

flavour even it is not available.

Question #2: What flavour of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the costumer’s least favourite?

Respondent1: Knowing that honeydew is we do not like too much.

Respondent2: We are not familiar with this flavour.

Respondent3: We Re afraid what may the tastes result.

Respondent4: I am not into this flavour.

- The flavour of Hot Ice Cream Buns is the costumer’s least favourite is the

Honeydew wit Banana Ice Cream. Knowing that honeydew is they do not like too

much. They are not familiar with this flavour. We just created this flavour with

our own. They are afraid what may tastes result but all of our flavour is

creaminess, sweetness and delightfulness.

Question #3: What strategies best use to sell the product?

Respondent1: The best strategy to use in this product is to use social media.

Respondent2: The best strategy to use in this product is to use social media because it is

very powerful one.

Respondent3: The best strategy to use in this product is to use social media. Once you

click it everyone can able to see, know and aware of it

Respondent4: Social media is one of the social media because it’s very easy to use for


Respondent5: The best strategy to use in this product is to use social media you can

upload in face book, Instagram and etc. and make a commercial of your product.
- The best strategy to use in this product is to use social media because social media

is very powerful. Once you click it everyone can able to see, know and aware of

it. And it’s very easy to use for everyone. And making a commercial.

Question #4: Is there any suggestion that costumers wanted to business to be done?
Respondent1: Our suggestion you can make another and more flavour of your product.

Respondent2: You can make a cookies and cream ice cream.

Respondent3: Make a flavour that can customers you know will like it.

Respondent4: More flavour and make a cookies and cream

- Their suggestions is they want us to make another flavour of our product the

cookies and cream but they do not know we can only make from fresh fruits.

Make more flavours.

Question #5: Is the business profitable as a business ventures?

Respondent1: We like ice cream to eat even though it is seasonal or non-seasonal.

Respondent2: In all time it is good to freshen up ourselves in eating ice cream so it is

profitable business.

Respondent3: Yes, it is profitable because most of us loves to eat ice cream.

Respondent4: Yes, it is profitable.

- Yes, it is profitable because most of us loves to eat ice cream to freshen up

ourselves. And we can still eat ice cream even it is rainy or sunny days.
Chapter V

The study aims to determine the effectiveness of hot ice cream buns in the
business profitability among the students of STI Vigan College Vigan, and researchers
find out that there are many of them are like the Ice Cream products.

Summary of Findings.

The data gathered were analysed and interpreted through the use of experimental

1. The dessert is profitable all the time. The purpose of this product is to let them

know that fresh fruits are good for making ice cream and all the fruits are

compatible to all ingredients in making ice cream.

2. The flow of our product is very well done.


With the findings of the study as the foundation, the researchers can take that:

1. The hot ice cream buns is effective in the business profitability among

costumers in Vigan.
2. In making ice cream is easy but it is not easy to sell them because you don’t

know what customer’s like.


In relationship of the findings and conclusion made in the study, the

recommendation are constructed:

1. This will be a good resource for future researchers.

2. This will be good basis for the next entrepreneur.



Puerta Real, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur


Age: 17 Years Old

Birthdate: September 24, 2001

Place of Birth: Tamag, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Father: Mr. Lito T. Tagorda

Mother: Mrs. Juliana T. Tagorda

Siblings: Joanne T. Tabuyo


Elementary School: Sto. Domingo South Central School

Junior High School: Divine Word College of Vigan

Senior High School: STI College Vigan



Solotsolot, San Juan, Ilocos Sur


Age: 17 Years Old

Birthdate: July 20, 2001

Place of Birth: Tamag, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Father: Mr.Gaudencio G. Tabaco

Mother: Mrs. Flordeliza V. Tabaco

Siblings: Mrs, Catherine T. Cueto


Elementary School: Namruangan Elementary School

Junior High School: Solotsolot National High School

Senior High School: STI College Vigan



Bulala Centro Vigan City, Ilocos Sur


Age: 18Years Old

Birthdate: September 28,2000

Place of Birth: San Francisco Del Monte Quezon City

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Father: Mr. Donnie Tabaniag

Mother: Mrs. Mercy Aragoza

Siblings: Cyrem Joy A. Tabaniag


Elementary School: San Francisco Elementary School

Junior High School: Vigan National High School West

Senior High School: STI College Vigan



Sta Catalina Ilocos Sur

Age: 19 Years Old

Birthdate: February 13 2000

Place of Birth: Sta Catalina Ilocos Sur

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citiizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father: Mr. Maximo A.Rafanan
Mother: Mrs. Sunasa Rafanan
Brother: Jonathan Rafanan
Joel Rafanan
Mark Gil Rafanan
Demy Rafanan
Maricel Rafanan

Elementary School: Paratong Elementary School

Junior High School: Cabittaogan National High School
Senior High School: Sti College Vigan

Qualitative Research

In Partial Fulfillment
Of The Requirements in the Subject of
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Camille V. Tabacp

Jeanntte T. Tagorda

Maek John D. Rafanan

Dexter John A. Tabaniag


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