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FNBK 3650

First Paper

Dan O’Neill

For my paper I have decided to summarize and discuss the story part of the

presentation by Mr. O’Neill. I have actually heard a bit about Mr. O’Neill before watching

this presentation, as my girlfriend is a lead teller with First National and will tell me about

interactions with her and Mr. O’Neill. From what I have heard and now seen he seems to be

a genuine and caring person that really wants to make the business and the employees

lives better. He also seems to be a great leader for the bank and manages to improve upon

it all the time; always topping what some thought was the banks peak.

Mr. O’Neill started off talking to the group about how he was able to get to where he

has gone. He stared talking about his college job as the editor of The Gateway and how that

really gave him the experience that he needed when it came to selling yourself and the

product. After that he went on to talk about how he learned about improving his character

with a personal story of embarrassment that happened when he was the manager in

training for Sears after he got out of college. He made sure to tell the audience hat the moral

lapse in judgment, of not helping employees when he should have has continued to shape

the decisions he makes to this day.

After that he really stressed the importance of walking through the doors that you

are offered and to take advantage of the opportunities given to you. Moving from the Sears

area over to the FDIC gave Mr. O’Neill more prospects to move further with his career.
Then discussing the stressful interview with Mr. Lauritzen and how that got him into First

National Bank. Mr. O’Neill always talked about trying over and over and to never give up on

yourself. Taking advantage of the situations you are given is the best way to make it where

you want to go in your career.

My reflections off of this presentation are quite good. Mr. O’Neill has a lot of

character and is a good public speaker. As I had said earlier I have heard many things about

him and they were all very positive and what I saw on the video really just continues that

trend to me. He seems like a good guy that wants to make as many people happy as

possible if he can. His presentation skills are pretty good too, he was able to fill me with

some hope that there is a chance that when the time comes to get a job I will be able to get

one. Mr. O’Neill shines as a great leader and more people should be focused to act like he


I liked that he was honest that his path was not just a straight one up to where he is

now. I also like that he says most people have the serpentine pathway that they use to get

into the job that they have now. As a college student I have been worried for some time

about finding a job and how I will be able to make money. It was nice to hear from someone

so accomplished that there are many people like me and that I shouldn’t worry so much.

Letting things fall into place and then take advantage of situations will lead me with the

best results. Overall, Mr. O’Neill did a great job when it came to conveying the information

to all of us, and also was able to put some humor into the presentation. That really allowed

a connection to form with him and the students.

In the end, this was a great presentation by Mr. O’Neill and really accomplished

what he set out to do. I would love to meet with him and speak with him and learn some of
the knowledge he has. Being that caring and honest is a hard to find straight among some

people these days, and Mr. O’Neill seems to really set the standard for when it comes to

how to act and approach dealing with your job, co-workers, employees, and ultimately your


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