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Universidad de Oviedo

240 - Problemas M340 ISA

MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC4:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC4;

MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC4_sub:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC4 and Qx_mot_subir;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC4_baj:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC4 and Qx_mot_bajar;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC5:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC5;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC5_sub:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC5 and Qx_mot_subir;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC5_baj:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC5 and Qx_mot_bajar;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC6:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC6;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC6_sub:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC6 and Qx_mot_subir;
MxP_NoFC1FC2_FC6_baj:= not Mx_FC1 and not Mx_FC2 and Mx_FC6 and Qx_mot_bajar;

if MxP_FC2_FC3_dcha or MxP_FC2_FC4_izda then

set (MxP_T1);

if MxP_FC2_FC3_baj or MxP_FC2_FC4_dcha then

reset (MxP_T1);

if MxP_FC2_FC4_dcha or MxP_FC2_FC5_izda then

set (MxP_T2);

if MxP_FC2_FC4_izda or MxP_FC2_FC5_dcha then

reset (MxP_T2);

if MxP_FC2_FC6_izda or MxP_FC2_FC5_dcha then

set (MxP_T3);

if MxP_FC2_FC6_baj or MxP_FC2_FC5_izda then

reset (MxP_T3);

MxP_NoFC3FC4_dcha:= MxP_T1 and Qx_mot_dcha and not MxP_FC2_FC3 and not MxP_FC2_FC4;
MxP_NoFC4FC5_dcha:= MxP_T2 and Qx_mot_dcha and not MxP_FC2_FC4 and not MxP_FC2_FC5;
MxP_NoFC5FC6_dcha:= MxP_T3 and Qx_mot_dcha and not MxP_FC2_FC5 and not MxP_FC2_FC6;
MxP_NoFC3FC4_izda:= MxP_T1 and Qx_mot_izda and not MxP_FC2_FC3 and not MxP_FC2_FC4;
MxP_NoFC4FC5_izda:= MxP_T2 and Qx_mot_izda and not MxP_FC2_FC4 and not MxP_FC2_FC5;
MxP_NoFC5FC6_izda:= MxP_T3 and Qx_mot_izda and not MxP_FC2_FC5 and not MxP_FC2_FC6;
MxP_NoFC3FC4:= MxP_NoFC3FC4_dcha or MxP_NoFC3FC4_izda;
MxP_NoFC4FC5:= MxP_NoFC4FC5_dcha or MxP_NoFC4FC5_izda;
MxP_NoFC5FC6:= MxP_NoFC5FC6_dcha or MxP_NoFC5FC6_izda;

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