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Universidad de Oviedo

230 - Problemas M340 ISA

Mx_ForMan:= (Ix_ForMan and Ix_LocDist) or (MxP_ForMan and not Ix_LocDist);

Mx_MarAut:= (Ix_MarAut and Ix_LocDist) or (MxP_MarAut and not Ix_LocDist);
Mx_Paro:= (Ix_Paro and Ix_LocDist) or (MxP_Paro and not Ix_LocDist);
Mx_Nmin:= (Ix_Nmin and Ix_LocDist) or (MxP_Nmin and not Ix_LocDist);
Mx_Nmax:= (Ix_Nmax and Ix_LocDist) or (MxP_Nmax and not Ix_LocDist);

(*Memorias para la pantalla de operador*)

MxP_NivelMedio:= not Mx_Nmin and not Mx_Nmax;
MxP_Bomba:= Qx_B1 or Qx_B2;

Sección "Estado-Marcha"

Sección "ControlDesgaste"

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