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D. S. Pickerell, Maker’s Mark Distillery, Vapour^Liquid Equilibrium

Loretto, KY, USA
In order to understand what happens during the dis-
tillation process, we need to address the topic of
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press
vapour}liquid equilibrium. For the purpose of this
discussion, we will consider the case of distilling
a mixture of water and ethyl alcohol at a constant
Introduction pressure of 1 atm. Figure 1 shows the vapour}liquid
Grain fermentation yields a water-based liquid mix- equilibrium curves for this mixture. It should be
ture commonly referred to as distiller’s beer. This noted that the concept of a single boiling point is
beer will typically contain between 5 and 9% by invalid for this type of solution. The lower line is
weight ethyl alcohol, 6}8% by weight residual grain referred to as the bubble point line. At a given concen-
solids, and a very small quantity of other compounds tration of ethyl alcohol in a liquid mixture of ethanol
known as fusel oils. These fusel oils, also known as and water, the bubble point line indicates the temper-
congeners, are primarily higher alcohols that are sol- ature at which the Rrst bubble of vapour forms as the
uble in ethyl alcohol but only partially soluble in solution is heated. The upper line is called the dew
water. The congeners contribute to the taste and point line. At a given concentration of ethanol in
aroma of whisky and are not typically removed in a vapour mixture of ethanol and water, the dew point
a single-column distillation. line indicates the temperature at which the Rrst drop
All separation technologies exploit some difference of condensate is formed as the mixture is cooled.
between items in a mixture or solution in order In order to explain the distillation process, a rather
to cause them to separate. These differences may simplistic approach is employed by assuming an
be physical, chemical or electrical in nature. In absolutely ideal system with no inefRciencies. For
particular, distillation takes advantage of the differ- actual distillation system design, a much more thor-
ence in boiling points to separate soluble liquids from ough analysis would need to be done. For illustrative
one another. Not all liquid solutions may be eco- purposes, let us assume we have a liquid solution
nomically separable by distillation for a variety of consisting of 40% by weight ethanol and 60% by
reasons. For example, one or more of the liquid weight water in a pot at 823C. Figure 2 shows the
components may not appreciably volatize, or the vapour-liquid equilibrium of this solution, which is
change in the concentrations of the components be- currently at point A. Let us further assume that we
tween the gas phase and the liquid phase may be so will add heat to this pot in an effort to bring the
small that the process becomes impractical. It may temperature up to 993C, as represented by point
even happen that there is no change in the composi- B (Figure 3). The solution will heat up until the
tion whatsoever.
In general, during distillation of completely
miscible liquids, the component with the
higher boiling point moves toward the bottom of
the still while the component with the lower boil-
ing point moves toward the top. In whisky produc-
tion, water boils at a higher temperature while
ethyl alcohol boils at a lower temperature. As a
result, distillation has an added beneRt as the
separation technique of choice, because the grain
residue is naturally carried to the bottom of the
still along with the water. If the still is
properly designed, the concentration of alcohol
in the still bottoms should be negligible and the
discharge from the bottom of the still will contain
all of the unwanted grain residues and the excess Figure 1 Vapour}liquid equilibrium: ethanol}water, 760 mmHg.
water. Continuous line, bubble point line; dashed line, dew point line.

Figure 2 Vapour}liquid equilibrium: ethanol}water, 760 mmHg. Figure 4 Vapour}liquid equilibrium: ethanol}water, 760 mmHg.
Continuous line, bubble point line; dashed line, dew point line. Continuous line, bubble point line; dashed line, dew point line.

temperature reaches about 833C where the heating started from, only hotter. The vapour could then be
line intersects the bubble point line at point M. At this superheated to 993C at point B, but no further cha-
point, the Rrst bubble of vapour forms, but because nges in ethanol concentration would occur.
the ethanol vaporizes more easily than the water at It should be noted that, during the distillation pro-
this point, the vapour phase is enriched in ethanol. cess, once the bubble line is reached, the concentra-
The concentration of ethanol in this Rrst bubble of tion of ethanol in the liquid phase moves along the
vapour is found at point N, about 75% ethanol by bubble point line from left to right, constantly de-
weight (Figure 4). As the mixture continues to heat creasing until the supply of liquid is exhausted. Sim-
up, eventually point P is reached at about 873C. At ilarly, the concentration of ethanol in the vapour
this point, the mixture is boiling. The liquid still in the phase also decreases, along the dew point line, as the
pot has a concentration of about 17%, as indicated liquid in the pot is exhausted. As a result, if we were
by point 0, while the total vapour concentration is going to distill ethanol from water in a batch process
represented by point R at about 64% ethanol (Fig- with a lower limit of acceptable proof, we would
ure 5). The solution can continue to be heated until have to stop the process before all the ethanol
the heating line intersects with the dew point line at could be recovered. Ideally, we would like to be
point T. At this point there is only one drop of liquid able to recover all of the ethanol from the solution at
left in the pot and its concentration is found at point some speciRed constant proof. If point N is the target,
S to be about 2% ethanol by weight. If all of the we could devise a process where we continually
vapour from this experiment was collected, its con- replenish the liquid in the pot at 40% ethanol and
centration would be found at point T } approxim- a rate equal to the rate that product is taken off by
ately 40% by weight ethanol } right back where we condensation.

Figure 3 Vapour}liquid equilibrium: ethanol}water, 760 mmHg. Figure 5 Vapour}liquid equilibrium: ethanol}water, 760 mmHg.
Continuous line, bubble point line; dashed line, dew point line. Continuous line, bubble point line; dashed line, dew point line.

Figure 6 Vapour}liquid equilibrium: ethanol}water, 760 mmHg.

Continuous line, bubble point line; dashed line, dew point line.

If a concentration greater than that represented by

point N is desired, a single pot cannot accomplish the
task (Figure 6). Suppose, however, that we set up an
apparatus whereby we constantly feed the Rrst pot as
described earlier, but now we condense the product
vapour and put it in another pot where it can be
distilled a second time. The concentration of the va-
pour from the second pot is represented by point X,
about 82% by weight ethanol. It can be seen that
adding more pots to this scheme would result in
higher and higher concentrations of ethanol in the
product. There is, however, a limit to this approach. Figure 7 Cut-away of typical distillation column.
As the bubble point and dew point lines get closer
together, the increase in ethanol concentration per
added pot decreases. Eventually, these two lines the beer still. The beer still consists of a cylindrical
touch. The point at which these lines touch is called shell and number of evenly spaced trays connected by
an azeotrope. Azeotrope is a Greek word meaning pipes called downcomers. Figure 7 shows a cut-away
‘to boil together’. Literally, at this point additional view of the inside of a typical beer still. The liquid in
separation by conventional two-phase distillation is the still moves across the trays and down the down-
impossible because the liquid- and vapour-phase con- comers. The vapour in the still moves up the column
centrations are identical. In fact, even getting close to through holes in the tray and through the liquid. The
the azeotrope requires more advanced distillation pressure of the vapour under each tray must be great
practices than those commonly used in whisky produc- enough to allow the vapour to pass through the holes
tion. and through the liquid to the next level up the tray
By anology, it can be seen that the problem of without allowing the liquid to drip through the holes
recovering the residual ethanol from the still bottoms (Figure 8). Each time the vapour passes through the
can also be accomplished through the use of addi- liquid, the vapour gains ethanol concentration while
tional distillation stages. In practice, however, the the liquid loses ethanol concentration. One tray is
distillation column is a more efRcient method of ac- roughly equal to one distillation in a pot similar to
complishing these distillation tasks than multiple pot that discussed earlier. Technically, the vapour con-
stills. Single malt Scotch whisky makes use of mul- denses in the liquid of the tray above it, and gives off
tiple pot stills in the production of their Rnal distillate its heat of vaporization. This heat of vaporization in
in a manner similar to that described above. turn revaporizes a corresponding volume of vapour
which is richer in ethanol.
The still is conceptually divided into two sections,
The Continuous Beer Still the stripping section and the rectifying section. The
The Rrst distillation element in a multicomponent stripping section is the part of the still that is on and
whisky distillation system is commonly referred to as below the feed-tray level. This section is referred to as

more intricate and tolerances closer in this section.

The plates in this section may also be more closely
spaced because foaming and entrainment are much
less of a problem here than in the stripping section.

The Beer Heater

As a rule of thumb, the conditions of the feed stream
to the still should match, as closely as possible, the
conditions on the tray to which the feed is introduced.
It has already been noted that the ethanol concentra-
tion of the feed stream is generally between 5 and 9%
by weight. The concentration can be closely predicted
from heat and material balance calculations where no
empirical data exist for a given feed stream. It has
also been noted that the feed tray is generally near the
18th plate. The feed tray location can also be pre-
dicted from detailed will design calculations. The
only problem that remains, then, is the feed temper-
ature. When fermentation is complete, the beer
temperature is generally about 343C. The feed tray
Figure 8 Typical plate flow detail. liquid temperature should be about 933C. Since the
vapour from the still generally has to be cooled and
the stripping section, because here the residual alco- condensed, it provides a convenient source of heat to
hol is essentially stripped from the feed stream so that pre-heat the beer. Usually, the beer feed is passed
the still bottoms have a negligible presence of ethanol. through a shell and tube-type heat exchanger with
The still must be designed not only to produce a spirit large diameter tubes to help alleviate plugging. The
of the desired proof, but also to limit base losses. vapours from the still are on the shell side of the
Typically, the stripping section has about 16}20 exchanger.
plates. The plates in this section must be designed to The condensate from the beer heater is generally
minimize the likelihood of fouling due to the grain returned to the still as reSux. ReSux is the liquid
residue being present here. Almost exclusively, sieve returned to the top of the still. It alters the number of
trays are used for this purpose because they have trays required to perform the desired degree of separ-
larger, less complex vapour openings and wider toler- ation as well as the tower cross-sectional area and the
ances to help prevent plugging with grain particles. heating and cooling loads required for vaporization
The space between the trays must also be sufRciently and condensation. ReSux is generally referred to as
wide to prevent foam and other entrained liquid on a ratio of the liquid returned to the still versus prod-
one tray from inSuencing the tray above it. uct collected. As the reSux ratio goes up, the number
It is possible for grain particles in the feed to be of trays required to perform the separation goes
entrained in and carried upwards by the vapour pass- down, but the requisite heating and cooling loads go
ing through the feed tray. This can happen on any up. At inRnite reSux, the minimum number of trays is
tray in the stripping section, but it is most critical on achieved, but the maximum heating and cooling
the feed tray. Various approaches have been utilized loads are required. At minimum reSux, an inRnite
to minimize this problem; almost all are mechanical number of trays is required for the separation, but
alterations to the still itself. The most common de- minimum energy requirements are achieved. An opti-
entrainment device is the use of one additional sieve mum reSux ratio can be calculated and the beer
tray immediately above the feed tray. heater can be designed to provide that reSux.
The rectifying section of the still is the part that is A general rule of thumb for still design would
above the feed tray. In this section, the alcohol is require that the reSux be introduced to the still on the
concentrated to the desired product proof. Typically, top plate because of its temperature and composition.
the rectifying section has between two and Rve plates. However, many distillers have made the decision to
The plates in this section are designed to cause more enter the reSux lower down the column near the beer
efRcient commingling of the vapour with the liquid as feed plate for quality reasons. Additionally, the Rnal
the vapour passes through the plate. Since solids are distillation proof in whisky production is only partly
no longer an issue, the contacting mechanisms can be determined by economic considerations. Depending

on the type of whisky being produced, there are ages to using a reboiler. First, it acts as one theoretical
generally governmentally prescribed maximum plate in the distillation column. Second, it saves on
ethanol concentrations which may be permitted dur- the amount of waste to be disposed of from the still
ing the distillation process. In the case of bourbon, the bottoms because it adds no water to the system.
US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms pre- However, reboilers are not generally used in
scribes that the distillate may be taken from the still at whisky production because they have a great tend-
no higher than 160 proof (80% ethanol by volume). ency to scorch the grain in the bottoms and, hence,
Of utmost importance, however, are the organoleptic degrade the product quality. In other stills with no
considerations which go into the production par- grain residue, reboilers have been used quite success-
ameters for the whisky. Product taken off at a fully.
lower proof retains more of the grain character, while
product taken off at a higher proof tends to have less
of the grain Savour constituents.
Process Control
Control of the continuous beer still is generally ac-
complished by means of three interrelated control
The Doubler loops. These loops regulate the level of the liquid in
Many distillers utilize a doubler in their whisky distil- the bottom of the still, the Sow of steam into the
lation process. The doubler is basically a pot still, like bottom of the still and the Sow of the beer feed near
the one discussed earlier. The doubler acts as one the top of the still.
additional distillation stage. It is used in practice for Typically, the liquid level in the bottom of the still
Rnal proof adjustment and for product quality en- is sensed by a level transmitter which, in turn, regu-
hancement. There are two fundamentally different lates a control valve on the discharge of a continuous-
ways of operating the doubler. The Rrst is called true ly running base level pump. Alternatively, in certain
double distillation. In true double distillation, the still conRgurations, the base level can be regulated very
vapours generally pass through the beer heater Rrst, simply by means of a Soat valve set at a certain level.
and then one or more condensers, so that the product This requires that the discharge be capable of gravity
is completely condensed back to a liquid form. This Sow away from the still bottom. Additionally, newer
liquid is then charged to the doubler where it is heated technology has made it possible to dispense with the
with steam coils and re-vaporized. The vapour from control valve on the base level pump. The level trans-
the doubler is then condensed again and taken off as mitter can provide a signal to a frequency inverter
product. which controls the frequency of the electrical current
The doubler can also be operated as a thumper. In running the pump. This frequency shift will cause the
this case, the doubler is Rtted with a large sparger. pump to speed up or slow down in relation to the
The doubler is charged with liquid to a level just signal from the level transmitter.
above the sparger. The liquid is typically de- In a similar manner, the steam Sow to the still is
mineralized water or the low proof tails cut from generally held at a constant base pressure or a con-
a previous distillation.The vapour from the still Rrst stant Sow rate. Base pressure control is the most
passes through the beer heater then through the spar- common means of steam control. A pressure trans-
ger in the doubler where it bubbles through the liquid. mitter in the base of the still above the liquid level
As the vapour passes through the liquid in the doub- provides a control signal to a control valve which, in
ler, it Sash condenses and gives off its heat of vapor- turn, regulates the Sow of low pressure steam into
ization which, in turn, revaporizes a corresponding the steam sparger in the bottom of the still. If steam
volume of vapour which is richer in ethanol. The Sow control is desired, an oriRce plate or vortex Sow
thumper gets its name from the sound made as the meter is inserted into the steam line. The Sow-sensing
vapour condenses while passing through the liquid. device provides the control signal to regulate the
Finally, the ethanol-enriched vapour passes through control valve. In the past, some distillers have used
one or more condensers and is taken off as product. the still top temperature as a means of regulating the
steam Sow, while holding the beer feed constant.
While this means is effective, it tends to be less re-
Reboilers liable due to the relatively large amount of process
Most beer stills are heated by direct steam injection response lag time.
from a low pressure steam sparger located in the base The beer feed is generally regulated by means of
of the still. A reboiler is a type of heat exchanger sensing the still top temperature, which is directly
which permits the use of higher pressure steam than related to the proof of the distillate. A temperature
a steam sparger will allow. There are several advant- transmitter generally provides a control signal to

a process control valve in the beer feed line, which is new technology has made it possible to control the
fed by a constantly running feed pump. More recent discharge proof more directly using a mass Sow meter.
technology has made it possible to control the
proof more directly by using the temperature-correc- Conclusion
ted density function of a mass Sow meter, which
can be correlated to the proof of the discharge A sign at the Stitzel-Weller distillery in Louisville,
from the still. The only downside to the use of Kentucky sums up the traditional view of the impact
a mass Sow meter is the process lag time that results of science on the beverage alcohol industry:
from having to measure the proof of the distillate
after condensation. Additionally, the control valve No Chemist Allowed
Nature and the oldtime know-how of the master distiller
can be eliminated from this loop by using a frequency
get the job done here. Because traditional Kentucky
inverter, as described above. Some distillers employ whisky is a natural product, we disdain synthetics, scien-
a more sophisticated means of controlling the beer tist, and their accompanying apparatus. This is a distil-
feed to the still by use of a cascaded control loop. lery, not a whisky factory.
Typically, a magnetic Sow meter is used to measure Pappy Van Winkle
the Sow of beer to the still and control the operation
of the control valve. The still top temperature trans- Tradition handed down through the generations is
mitter provides a signal which is used to manipulate the predominant means of whisky production. There
the control settings for this Sow control loop. are numerous stories of a distiller who had to replace
In addition to the above controls, one or more his still because it had worn out. When the new still
condensers must also be controlled. Generally, a con- was being installed, the distiller would make sure that
trol valve on the inlet cooling water line is used to it was identical to the one it was replacing, right
control this process. The control signal typically com- down to the dent in the side of the still, which was
es from a temperature transmitter which can either be generally reapplied by the master distiller himself.
located on the discharge water line or the discharge As a result, technological change is slow to be
product line. Due to the relatively quick Sow rate of adopted in an industry where any change in the pro-
the cooling water with respect to the product Sow cess may result in a changed taste. Technology is
rate, process control response is generally much bet- gaining a foothold in the area of process control,
ter if the temperature transmitter is located on the where new and better Rnal control elements, trans-
cooling water discharge line. mitters and control systems are always being applied.
Finally, if the product is double-distilled in a true This traditional approach has also resulted in an
doubler, one additional control loop is required. The almost complete lack of published literature on the
steam Sow to the steam coils inside the doubler topic of whisky distillation, which at best is viewed by
must be regulated. Almost without exception, this the industry as only part science and part art.
loop consists of a steam control valve and a temper- See Colour Plate 127.
ature transmitter on the vapour discharge from the
doubler. In a manner similar to the still top control, See also: III/Wine: Gas and Liquid Chromatography.



J. Guasch and O. Busto, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, these components determine the organoleptic proper-
Tarragona, Spain ties of wines, while others are signi"cant for classify-
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press ing their origin and/or for checking whether some
adulteration has taken place. Concentration levels of
these compounds vary according to the variety of
Introduction vine, the climatic conditions under which the grapes
From the chemical point of view, wines are aqueous were grown, and the conditions under which vini"ca-
alcoholic solutions containing more than 1000 com- tion and ageing processes have been developed.
ponents that can be present at high concentrations The quality of wines is established by sensory anal-
(g L\1), but also at trace levels (ng L\1). Some of ysis, which is clearly correlated to their chemical

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