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10 Things Successful People Do Before They Go to Bed

Studies show that many successful people carve out non-negotiable time before bed to devote to
reading. This doesn't have to be reading in a specific field, though many choose to read in their
respective fields. Some successful people take time to catch up on news, skim their favorite blogs, or
read fiction books. It helps them connect with their creativity and passion in life.

Listen to Music
In the same vein as reading, listening to music allows many people to unwind from their day and relax as
they work on letting their workday go so they can focus on their home life. It also helps the mind relax
so that it's easier to fall asleep. Successful people tend to choose relaxing music, such as classical or
soothing jazz. Heavier, up-tempo music is better for the gym.

Meditation is a great way to relax the body and clear the mind. Many people have a hard time sleeping
because they can't seem to shut off their brains, and in those cases, meditation will help. Successful
people understand that getting a restful night's sleep is important to their success, so they set aside 10
minutes or more to meditate each night. It's also good for focus, control, and self-discipline.

Gratitude Journal
Successful people are grateful for their accomplishments, big and small. Reflecting on the positive things
that happen each day can drastically increase your mood. Keep a journal by your bed and take a few
minutes each evening to reflect on your day and write down the positive things that happened and for
which you are grateful.

Make a To-Do List

When the mind becomes cluttered before bed, it's usually because there are a ton of things you need to
remember to do and you're trying not to forget. Instead of spending the night tossing and turning, take
a page from a successful person's book and make a to-do list. This will give you a reference to refer to
the next day so nothing is missed, and you can prioritize and maximize your efficiency.

Leave Work at Work

Once successful people leave the office, they don't bring their work home with them. Stephen Covey's
seminar, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," talks about sharpening your saw. If you're cutting
down a tree, you will make more progress by regularly sharpening your saw instead of using a dull
blade. The human condition is no different. Take a little time away from work each day.

Spend Time with Family

Successful people understand the importance of putting family first. Family gives life purpose and will
make going to work everyday much more tolerable. Even if it's only an hour or two a night, try to be
engaged with your family and present in the moments you do get to spend with them. Ask your partner
about his or her day and ask your kids about theirs.

Plan Your Sleep

Sleep is vital to your success in both business and your personal life. Without sleep, you miss things and
you court illness. In addition, human willpower is limited, so it's better not to waste it sleeping in
miserable 9-minute increments when you hit snooze. Get the required amount of sleep each night, but
don't overdo it. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning.

Lie Down on a Positive Note

Successful people know that they have to celebrate their wins, even if they are rare. Focusing on the
negative will only make you feel more stress. Even if it was a bad day, think of one good thing and focus
on that before going to sleep. Some days that may just mean you made it your kid's soccer game on
time or had time to eat lunch, but that's still a win. Be thankful for it.

Picture Tomorrow's Success

Positive affirmations and visualizations are favorite techniques of successful people. Spend a few
minutes each night visualizing yourself as successful the next day. This will help motivate you to make it
happen because you've already seen it, and you know it's what you want.

Strive for balance

There are many habits that successful people possess that can seem unattainable for others. Making
time to read every night seems like an enormous chore, but the benefits outweigh the time it takes to
do it. Making a to-do list might seem tedious, but it improves efficiency and overall organization. Over
the next few weeks, try incorporating a few of these habits into your day-to-day routine and see if it
increases your level of happiness and success.s

Disclaimer: This is a research that I did 10 years ago and now, I can’t find the online source. Please claim
if this is yours so that I can acknowledge.

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