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Tools Needed:

▪ Something round (as large as you can get unless you're good a drawing a
big circle by hand, then good on you!)
▪ Brown Paper (or any type of paper you can cut a shape into; I just prefer
brown paper because its thicker)
▪ Pen/Pencil/Marker
▪ Scissors
▪ Pins
▪ Pattern Weights
▪ Matching Thread
▪ Fabric of your Choice
▪ Iron / Ironing Board
STEP1: CREATE YOUR CIRCLE PATTERN - Trace whatever you are using to make
your circle on to the brown paper then cut out your circle to create your
pattern. In my case, I used a plastic bowl.

STEP 2: CUT OUT FABRIC CIRCLES - Using your circle paper pattern, cut out your
fabric circles. If you are using two different fabrics like I am, place them one on
top of the other and then place the paper pattern on top. Be sure to secure
the paper pattern with pattern weights, or pins so that the pattern does not
shift while you cut. (IF you are using just ONE fabric all you need to do is cut
ONE circle).
STEP 3: CUT CIRCLES IN HALF - To cut your circles in half, fold them over half way
and iron down to create a half crease mark, then use your fabric scissors to cut
along that line.
STEP 4: SERGE or ZIG ZAG STITCH EDGES (Optional) - This step is completely
optional. Since I'm incredibly OCD I need to serge all of my pieces before I
start sewing, so I went ahead and serged mine. You can also get the same
effect using the zig zag stitch on your machine. Doing this keeps the edges
from fraying.

STEP 5: PIN HALF CIRCLES TOGETHER - With RIGHT sides together (pretty side and
pretty side), take both pieces of your half circles and pin them together
matching up ends.
STEP 6: SEW - With your half circles pinned, take them to the sewing machine
and sew starting in the middle on the side with the straight line (You'll see why
this is important when you fold our christmas tree shape down). Stop stitching
and backstitch 1 to 2 inches BEFORE you meet your beginning stitches. In other
words, leave a 1-2 inch opening at the end, you will need this opening to turn
your napkin inside out.
STEP 7: CLIP and PRESS - Once you're done sewing, cut away all loose threads
and clip both of your pointed edges. THEN, TURN NAPKIN INSIDE OUT. Use your
iron to press, creating a nice crisp half circle shape.
SIDENOTE UPDATE: It is important to clip your curves if your half circle does not
shape out properly. (not pictured here)
STEP 8: SEW OPENING CLOSED - With your half circle nicely pressed, sew your
opening closed using a straight stitch. (Remember to backstich at the
beginning and at the end)

STEP 9: FOLD INTO TREE SHAPE - With your half circle nicely pressed, fold over 3
times to create your Christmas tree shape. Once you've found the shape you
like, PRESS your shape with the iron in order to keep the folds. You'll notice that
your ending stitches are hidden in the folds thus giving your napkins a beautiful
STEP 10: MAKE SOME MORE AND GIFT THEM AWAY!! I love that they can you
can totally customize them with the christmas color theme your giftee is using,
maybe even add some trim or ric rac; the possibilities are endless! I hope you
guys enjoyed this tutorial! Happy sewing!

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