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I have just found the solution to this

problem on the NetBeans forums

All you need to do is:

1. Go to C:\MinGW\bin and make

a copy of mingw32-make.exe .
Then rename it to make.exe
2. Now go
to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin and
rename make.exe to makeOLD.
exe (just in case)

3. Then move your

new make.exe into C:\MinGW\ms
ys\1.0\bin .

You may have to restart NetBeans,

but you should find you can now
compile and build!

I would love to know how this

suddenly became a problem. If
anyone finds out, please let us know.
I have seen a suggestion that
updating from Java JDK1.7.0_17 to
JDK1.7.0_21 breaks the C++
compilation, but how that could
happen is beyond me.

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