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Q1.Meaning [3x2=6]

1. Greedy-
2. Reflection-
3. Quickly-
4. Sad-
5. Grateful-
6. Pride-
7. Sack-
8. Wondering-
9. Treasure-

Q2. Answer in one word [3x2=6]

1. A strip of hair above the upper lip?

2. To catch ones breathe with an open mouth?
3. A quantity that fills the hand?
4. To make someone understand?
5. To take part in a contest?
6. To make a short, sharp sound with a horn?
7. The flesh of an animal eaten as food?
8. A natural body of flowing water?

Q3. Tick the correct answer [5x1=5]

1. It was the month of (July/January).

2. Rain makes everything grow (strong/fast).
3. Renu got (wet/weak) in the rain.
4. Renu does not make (trees/children) grow.
5. It is very hot in the forest because
a. There is no water b. the sun is shining brightly
6. All the animals are thirsty because
a. There is no food b. there is no water
7. The animals thank the parrot because
a. It finds water b. it finds food
8. Shobhini was getting bored
a. At home b. in school

9. Nani and Shobhini went to
a. The park b. the fair
10.Shobhini tied the paper basket to
a. The little horn b. the gas balloon
11.Mother will buy/ by a new dress.
12.The painting is done buy/by me.
13.She has a long knows/nose.
14.He knows/ nose my father.
15.The sun/son is bright today.
16.He is my uncle’s son/sun

Q4. Make question for the following sentences [3x2=6]

1. Yes, I can ride the giant wheel.

2. No, I cannot cook food.

3. Yes, I can play cricket.

4. No, I cannot drive a car.

5. Yes, I can tell my roll number.

6. Yes, a parrot can fly.

7. Yes, I can read.

8. No, a lion cannot read.

9. No, a crow cannot sing.

Q5. Write the similes [5x1=5]

1. as busy as a 6. as wise as an
2. as cool as a 7. as light as a
3. as dark as 8. as tall as a
4. as blind as a 9. as brave as a
5. as cold as
Q6. Fill in the blanks with has/ have or had [6x1=6]

1. Renu a raincoat.
2. Renu’s mother and her brother umbrella’s.
3. Renu a test today in school.
4. They healthy food everyday.
5. They a dog.
6. Mary a pencil.
7. My brother a toy.
8. The mango a big seed.
9. I a bicycle.
10.Meeta and Amit new books.
11.The giraffe a long neck.
12.You a book.
13.Mary a little lamb.
14.Go and a bath.
15.A square four sides.
16.Yesterday we a cloudy day.
17.Have you your milk?
18.Froggy one brother and two sisters.
19.Swati a sister called preeti.
Swati four books.
Preeti two books.
They a pet called Jackie.
20.The camel a big hump on its back.
Some camels two humps.
The camel goes without food for weeks because it a hump, where food
is stored.
They can about ten buckets of water in 10 minutes.
21.If an animal feathers and hatches out of a hard shelled egg, it’s a bird!
All birds feathers and most can fly.
Ostriches long legs and can run faster than the Olympics runners.
Ostrich, the world’s largest bird beautiful feathers.

Q7. Use ‘was’ or ‘were’ in the following sentences. [6x1=6]

1. There a lizard in the garden

2. There also a dragonfly.
3. Rita and Meena looking at the kites.
4. The baby standing.
5. It raining yesterday.
6. The candle burning.
7. There many flowers in the garden.
8. The girl sleeping.
9. Arun’s father playing with him.
10.Ravi and I watching the match.
11.The cat running after the mouse.
12.Yesterday Sunday.
13.Those children naughty.
14.The monkeys on the tree.
15.It very hot day.
16.There no chairs in the classroom.

Q8. Put adjectives in the blank spaces from the box [6x1=6]

Hot tall heavy big beautiful difficult black good

old sharp handsome round blue pretty lazy
green sour new

1. Some questions are very

2. Salim is boy.
3. The movie was too
4. The elephant is a animal.
5. Please will you help in lifting this box?
6. Don’t touch knife!
7. Grapes are
8. The grass is
9. Hari is a boy.
10.Mr. Sharma is an man.
11.The moon is
12.The coffee is
13.The trees are
14.Rinku is a girl.
15.Baba baba sheep.
16.I like my coat.
17.Jasmine is a flower.
18.It was a colour car.

Q9. Complete the words with the correct letters from the box [4x1=4]
Pl gl bl cl fl gl sl pl cl

1. ip 6. ack
2. ay 7. ass
3. ower 8. ide
4. ant 9. ate
5. ippers

Q10. Rewrite the sentences using capital letters, full stops and question mark [3x2=6]

1. ram does not want to work

2. hashim was walking to a village

3. where is your mother

4. can i carry your bag

5. do you want to eat cake

6. where do you live

7. can you tell me the time

8. my mother’s name is chitra

9. what do you have for breakfast

10.i love Sundays

11.where is your bag will you go for the picnic

13.who is the president of india

14.have you brought your books today

15.what is your plan on Monday

16.where are you going

17.I am playing with my sister

18.Could you please get me some milk

19.May I go to the park

20.Please get some butter

Q11. Complete these words using the clues. [4x2=8]

1. A building where goods are sold.

2. A path across a river.
3. A flowing body of water.
4. Hair on the upper lip of men.
5. A precious stone.
6. A large bag.
7. The sound made by a dog.
8. A path over a river for people to go from one side to another.
9. A person who sells things in a shop.
10.Someone who wants more than what one needs is
11.A place which has many trees and where many animals live
12.One who always speak truth
13.Valuable things
14.A large bag used to carry heavy things
15.Get money in return for work

Q12. Matching [6x1=6]

1. Bright ( ) a. caws
2. Hungry ( ) b. street
3. Busy ( ) c. roars
4. Red ( ) d. quacks

5. Green ( ) e. croaks
6. duck ( ) f. apple
7. horse ( ) g. dog
8. crow ( ) h. neighs
9. frog ( ) i. sun
10. lion ( ) j. leaves
11. cat ( ) k. meows

Q13. Write T for true and F for false [5x1=5]

1. Renu’s father was talking to Mrs. Ali. ( )

2. Renu wanted to grow fast. ( )
3. Renu’s brother was younger to her. ( )
4. The dog saw a piece of meat on the road. ( )
5. The dog stole the meat. ( )
6. The dog had to cross a lake. ( )
7. He saw a cat in the water. ( )
8. Shobhini asked her grandpa to go to the fair with her. ( )
9. The giant wheel did not scare Shobhini. ( )
10.Shobhini tooted a little horn. ( )
11.Shobhini put seeds in the balloon. ( )
12.She let the balloon fly away. ( )
13.The child will talk with a friend. ( )
14.He will share his ice-cream with a friend. ( )
15.He will learn from his friend. ( )
16.He will always agree with his friend. ( )
17.Hashim and Kasim were brothers. ( )
18.Hashim was younger. ( )
19.They were passing through a forest. ( )
20.Hashim wanted to work. ( )
21.Hashim wanted jewels. ( )
22.Kasim wanted to earn. ( )
23.The old man had a moustache. ( )

Q14. Answer the following questions [5x3=15]

1. Why did Renu go and stand in the rain?

2. What did her mother tell her?

3. Why was Renu sad?

4. What did the dog see in the shop?

5. What did the dog see in the water?

6. Which word describes the dog?

7. What have become dry?

8. How does the parrot try to solve the problem?

9. Which animal throws water on everyone?

10.What did Shobhini and Nani see from a distance?

11.Who ran away listening to the toot?

12.Where did the balloon go when Shobhini let go of the string?

13.What does the child share with his friend?

14.Which vehicle do the two friends ride?

15.What did Hashim want?

16.Why did the old man give the sack to kasim?

17.What are adjectives? Give example.

Q15. Write 5 lines on “A Visit to the Park” [10]

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