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Why does it take too long to get software program finish?

There are a lot of reasons that can result in delaying finishing of a program, but
according to the Object Oriented Analysis and Design there are three major reasons which
are explained below.

Not well researched. Each program before it is begun needs to be well researched in every
dimension and according to every situation. The founders need to develop the scope of a
minimum viable product that is in accordance to the core reason they are diving into this
field. Defining the scope makes sure that this thought is what really matters to the target
audience they have thought of. Interacting with the audience and all members from the
team should be taken into account and asked about their opinions. The founders must be
sure about the audience they are targeting, what they are expected to earn in return, and
most importantly what really matters to the audience.

Not well designed. A project with a poor design implementation cannot achieve their time
boundary quickly. A well thought process that implements all the principles keeping in mind
of the scalability of their product and as well as maintenance in addition to lowering the
dependence of the program’s functions. As 100% independency can’t be achieved, design
must be focused to provide the dependency in its best form that does not create issues
further. The design process is crucial as it is a prerequisite to the implementation but also a
link to analysis and implementation.

Poor Development. Last, but surely not the least reason to longer time for a product to be
finished comes in at the hands of the implementation team. Using bad coding practices, or
coming up with buggy codes can form a mess, and lead to late development issues. A
manager giving less time for complex activities can also bring on a negative effect. As
mentioned above there are many other reasons that can cause such delays like issues related
to Software testing, detailed customizations, bureaucracy, laws, and clients being unable to
convey the right message to them resulting in rejections from their side.

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