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Richard Dawkinsinte Lokam

Ip´nbpw ssZhhpw
A√tbm ssZhw! ]d-bp-I, \ns‚ aXtaXv?
F\n°v aXtam?! Fs‚ hmk-ÿew Hcn-°epw \o Adn-bp-I-bn√
`b-sa-¥n\v ? \obpw D]m-kn-°p-∂pthm?
D]m-k-\-sb\n-°-\yw, F\n°v ssZh-an√.
\mkvXn-I-\mWv Rm≥

Presentation by

Asst. Professor in English,
University college, Thiruvananthapuram

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 2

Ravichandran C
The Man of the Moment

The Richard Dawkins

Foundation (RDF) is a
charity organization to
promote Scientific
outlook and spirit of
Richard Dawkins(1941- ), Evolutionary enquiry world over
biologist and former Oxford professor, is
perhaps, the most famous atheist in the
world now
Explosive Impact: He changed the course atheism in western world by his sensational book ‘the
God delusion’ (2006). 15 lakhs copies sold in the very first year. So far, a total of 36 books has
been written against to counter it!
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 3
Ravichandran C
In memory of Douglas Adams

Lala Ward: Pamela Dawkins Dawkins@9

Dawkins’ wife from 1992 Dawkins’ daughter


DOUGLAS ADAMS, was a famous British science fiction writer who died at
the age of 47 in 2001. Dawkins dedicated ‘The God delusion’(2006) to him.
Douglas, probably, was more famous than Dawkins himself. He rejected
religion after reading serious science books including Dawkins’ Selfish Gene,
The Blind watchmaker, The Ancestors’ tale etc
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 4
Ravichandran C
Prolific writer, Media icon
10 books, 8 documentaries… Still going strong

His first book ‘The Selfish Gene (1976) had 33 editions. Selected by the Prospect
Magazine in 2004 as one of the most influential thinkers of the world along with
Umberto Ecco and Noam Chomsky. His website is one of
the site with most hits in USA and UK over the last 3 years
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 5
Ravichandran C
Dawkins’ classy oratorical skills and mercurial stage presence has made him
one of the most sought after speakers in the world at present

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Ravichandran C
The Missile book
• ‘The God
has been
into 32
so far.
• Officially
banned in
banned in
other Muslim
More books against ‘The God delusion’ are coming

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 7

Ravichandran C
Dawkins in Malayalam
• A classical
support Neo-

• Hostile to all
kinds of
science and

• Uncompromi
sing attitude
alternate An attempt to conduct a detailed study of the
medicines God delusion’ and other works of Richard Dawkins
in Malayalam. DC Books, Kottayam in Sept-09

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Ravichandran C
• ‘The God delusion’ was
shaped out of a documentary
viz-’The Root of All Evil’
telecast in the British
• The Ad (See pix) for the
documentary was sensational

• Dawkins was constantly

discouraged by his
publishers from writing
against religion
• 9/11 was the last straw on the
camel’s back. The publication
of ‘The God delusion’ rewrote
the very script of his life

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Ravichandran C
Faith is insanity by consensus
• Religion is always
treated with kid’s glove

• Most of the things in

religion are abhorrent
and laughable, if they
are not a part of religion

• Religion demands
respect rather
commanding it and “When one person suffers from a
acquire for more than delusion, it is called insanity.
due When many people suffer from a
delusion it is called Religion” -
Robert M Pirzig, authour of Zen and the art of
Motor cycle Maintenance

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Ravichandran C
• Religion insists that it should
have unchained authority to
whip society, incite violence,
justify crime; even treason

• Propagate the Hurt hypothesis

and Abnegation of Reason.

• Many are irreligious yet sail

together. Dennet calls it’ Dead

Most fear religion, some Daniel Dennet

accommodate and only a few The authour of ‘Breaking the spell’
respect it

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Ravichandran C
Want to hurt, don’t want to be hurt!
• Criticize your
opponents, your
teachers, your
nation, your
constitution, your
parents, your
rulers…each and
everybody you
meet, each and
every thing you
see…even god in
…..but not our
CULT LEADERS! Every believer is hurt when his religion is belittled. But this
doesn’t prevent him from insulting other’s faith! US soldiers
in Iraq had no qualms in circulating pictures like this.

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Ravichandran C
“\o t]mf−n-s\-¡p-dn¨v am{Xw ]d-b-cpXv!”

Stills from the Malayalam movie ’Sandesham’ by Mr.Sathyan Anthikkadu

You can not criticize religious faith; you

should not, because you must not.
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Ravichandran C
An insulated wound
• Faith is like a deep-
rooted festering wound
• Scratching by the sides
or fondling create
comforting sensation
• The believer won’t allow
the wound to be
exposed to heat or cold,
dust or light. Won’t
allow even a mosquito
fly nearby

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 14

Ravichandran C
Formidable Combination

Sam haris Christopher Hitchens

Author of ‘ End of faith’, ‘Letter to Christian nation’ Author of ‘God is not Great’

Daniel dennet, Christopher

Hitchens, Sam Haris and David
Mills immensely helped to form David Mills>
conducive conditions for Dawkins The author of
‘Atheist universe’
to strike hard at religion in USA
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 15
Ravichandran C
George W Bush (Jr) made White house almost like a prayer hall. He even
claimed that God asked him to attack Iraq

“No, I don’t know atheists should be George Bush (Jr) was called
treated as citizens, nor should they be ‘The first Evangelical President of USA’
considered patriots. This is one nation He prayed a lot and made millions
under God’’-George Bush (Sr)
to pray for their life!

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Ravichandran C
• Religious zealots want to own
Albert Einstein. Claim that he
indirectly approved of a God

• He always rejected all

religious gods.

• Used ‘Religion’ and ‘God’ as

metaphors in his writings

• Stated that the profundity and

mystery of the universe will
make the thinking men
humble. This humility is his • The religious authority of his time
“religious feeling” was in constant collision with
Einstein. Furious and intolerable to
his doctrines. Now they want to bet
on him!
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Ravichandran C
Come out and Speak out

16.1% (ie 5-6 Crore) people of USA are virtually invisible!

Even if 1% atheists come out in public, they will flood streets
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Ravichandran C
The cartoons of
appeared in
Danish news
paper Jyllands-
havoc all over
the world in
2006. It gave
further teeth to
the fear that
Islam and the
West are
heading for a
bigger show
down in future
‘The Angst of Muhammad’ (The face of Muhammad)
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Ravichandran C
“Jihad on humanity”

Two manipulated pictures( not in the original 12) added

by the Akkari and Laban to incite violence in the Muslim
world. There were actually photos. 99.99% rioters didn’t
see the cartoons!

The 12 original cartoons were revised or

manipulated by two Danish Imams (Akkari&Laban
who were dissatisfied with the response of Danish
government to proceed against the paper. Original photo(3rd)
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Ravichandran C
The Akkari-Laban
• The first delegation(5) with the dossier, headed by
Abu Bashar of the Community of Islam, landed in
Egypt on 3.12.2005 .
• The second delegation(4) headed by Sheik Raeed
Huleyhel, traveled to Lebanon 17.12.2005
• At a summit of the OIC, the dossier was handed over 43 page document by
to the Egyptian foreign minister on 6.12.2005. Danish Muslim clerics
• The dossier consists of several complaints from
Muslim organizations, clippings from Jyllands-Posten
and Weekend Avisen and some additional images
• Sri Lankan researcher Rohan Gunaratna, author of
the book on Al-Qaeda, has characterized Ahmed Abu
Laban(66), an Egyptian immigrant to Denmark, as an
Islamic extremist
• Akkari (32) immigrated to Denmark sentenced for
imprisonment and accused of threatening Danish
Liberal leader
Spreading Fire:
Ahmad Abu Laban

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Ravichandran C
Mohammed Pictured Everywhere!

No dearth of Mohammed’s picture either in the Arab world or in Europe.

He appeared in coins, books, cartoons, paintings and caricatures.
Such things were sold and bought in Muslim countries till recently, especially in Iran
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Ravichandran C

Can’t be criticized means can’t be defended

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Ravichandran C
The cartoons don’t hurt!

• The cartoons published on a daily basis in Palestinian Authority newspapers

and Arab media is reminiscent of the way Jews were portrayed in Nazi
Germany; i.e Depicting the Jews as sub-human creatures.
• Since Islam was instituted on the same Jew religious stories, they can’t
criticise the core belief of Jews and X’ns
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Ravichandran C
“Israel has no right to exist”
• Iranian president
Ahemmadi Nijad
continues to call
Israel a ‘rotten
wood’ about to
collapse and
everything about
them is ‘a lie’.
• He even deny the
Holocaust in which
60 lakh Jews were
murdered by Hitler

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Ravichandran C
Fear for life is not respect

We are afraid of ferocious animals, poisonous snakes and mad dogs.

All prefer to keep away from them. Is this the respect and approval
Religion is asking for? Unfortunately, it seems so.
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Ravichandran C
Islamic Empire X US Empire
• Islam is 1400 year old Semitic
religion with an eventful
history. Economically and
culturally, it has a history of
• As of now, the Islamic empire
is not a ‘military match’ to the
US& west.
• The infighting within Islam is
bitter, bloody and ceaseless.
• No wonder that those can’t
tolerate others can’t
accommodate themselves

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Ravichandran C
Faith is Unwillingness to think
Parameters of Faith:
• Unwillingness to
• Avoidance of test or
• Wishful thinking and
• Exclusion principle

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Ravichandran C
Religion demands immunity
• Religion expect everyone
to honour it.
• If not, It blackmails
society by (overtly and
covertly) threats of
destruction and violence
• Unmarried priest are
invited to mediate in
nuptial problems!

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Ravichandran C
The Scale of Religiosity
• Theism: belief in
personal god and rituals
(Eg-Allaha, Jesus
• Deism: Believe that
there is a super power.
But that power doesn’t
control or interfere in the
world. He can’t be
pleased so religion is
• Pantheism: Worshipping
nature and its laws as
god, reject religion and
personal gods. Dawkins
calls it sexed-up atheism
• Atheism: Rejection of
religion and its deities Dawkins includes himself at the 6 th level
99% confirmed atheist, moving towards 100%

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Ravichandran C
for God The Pascal’s wager
• God or No god, be a
• Because you can never
• Suppose you are a
believer, If he is there,
belief will be rewarded.
Suppose you are an
atheist, if he is not there,
you stand to get nothing.
• So it is always safe to be
a believer. Doesn’t matter
whether you are sure or
not Blaise Pascal
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Ravichandran C
The Boeing 747 Argument

Fred Hoyle

• How ridiculous to think that thousands of minute parts of a huge

Boeing 747 is accidentally self-assembled accurately with the
help of a hurricane?- Hoyle said to have asked
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Ravichandran C
Ultimate design, Constant control

• The creator constantly

controls the very
functioning of
electrons in an atom
• God does punish and
test man to make him
learn lessons
• All the Natural laws
are God given
Richard Swinburne

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Ravichandran C
The Great Prayer Experiment
• The claim that prayer
can boost recovery is
not scientifically
• The placebo effect
caused in the patient
can be created without
religious faith Eg-
Sir Francis Galton
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Ravichandran C
‘The I Know it’ argument
• Scriptures are arbitrarily
cited as the ‘evidence’ of
• Many believe that they
have ‘experienced’ god
• 99% take the so called
‘others’ ‘experience’ as
the foundation of their
• It is a combination of
both of wishful thinking
and mental delusion
Manx shearwater
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Ravichandran C
a priori, a posteriori arguments
• A priori evidence come from
within, perceptions, feelings
and own experiences
• A posteriori evidence is from
data without
• Thomas Aquinas famous five
arguments are a posteriori.
They are:
• 1. The Unmoved mover
• 2. The uncaused cause
• 3. Argument from degree
• 4. The Cosmological argument
• 5. Teleological argument Thomas Aquinas

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Ravichandran C
The Omniscient can’t be
• Most of the attributes of
God are mutually
• Omniscient can’t be
omnipotent, Omnipotent
can’t be omnipresent
• Creation is materially
and logically improbable
• We see only ‘changes’ in
the universe

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Ravichandran C
The Philosophical Regress
• If we go on backward
to explain the
existence of a thing,
the thing we targeted
to explain will
become irrelevant.
• The reason for gold
can be found by
breaking it into
minute parts. If one
goes beyond its
atom, there is no
‘gold’ anymore!

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Ravichandran C
Scientists for sale
• Templeton foundation
canvases scientists by
offering them lucrative
• Awards and funds are
there for taking
• Religion easily succeeds
in buying those money-
minded fame-focused
Freeman Dyson

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Ravichandran C
Spinelessness of Agnosticism
• Agnosticism on God
question is tactical
• Permanent agnosticism in
the case of god’ existence
is too generous and
• If PAP is followed, we
need to be agnostic about
almost everything
T.H. Huxley

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Ravichandran C
“The Absence of Evidence is the
Evidence of Absence”

• If all the evidence is

not available, one
should trust the
available evidence.
• A Muslim is a
confirmed candidate
to end up in Christian
hell, Judaist hell,
Hindu hell, Parsee
hell… etc…thousands
of hells for believing! Argumentum ad Consequentium:
X is true (or false) because how much
I like (dislike) its consequences

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Ravichandran C
‘The Celestial tea-cup’
Russell argued that if he
claimed that there is a tiny
‘tea cup’ revolving around
sun through the orbit
between Earth and Mars,
none can prove him wrong

Claiming the improvable and

insist on being agnostic
about it is unacceptable

One can’t be agnostic about

almost all the mental
projections Bertrand Russell

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Ravichandran C
Who is not an atheist?
• “Believe in God?’’
• ‘OK. Tell me, do you
believe in Apollo,
Thor, Woton, Jupiter,
• “No; I don’t believe in
any of them”
• ’I too. But, I don’t
believe in one more
god’ Thor
• “What is it?” “When you understand why you
• ‘Your god!’ dismiss all the other possible gods,
you will understand why I dismiss
yours.” – Stephen Roberts
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Ravichandran C
Can’t stop beggary by giving alms
• Some scientists go out of the
way to placate religion and
say science has nothing to
do with religion (NOMA: Non
Magisteria Overlapping)
• “Science gets the age of
rocks; religion the rock of
ages’’ like quotes flourish.
Such mollifications never
yielded any positive results
• Appeasing religion is like
consuming liquor; more
required to produce the
same ‘kick’ next time
Dr. Eugenie Scott
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Ravichandran C
Search for Extra terrestrial
Intelligence (SETI)
• There could be
many universes and
many Earths
• Agnosticism on the
possibility of extra-
terrestrial life is
• Our Universe being
like this is the result
of one of the many
Lee Smolin
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 45
Ravichandran C
Anthropic Principle
Our Earth is placed at a
‘goldilocks zone’; so is
our universe which was
formed as per
‘goldilocks values’.
• The Chance for Extra-
terrestrial life is quite
• The Growth of cosmos
is evolutionary
Brandon Carter

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Ravichandran C
Irreducible complexity
• If a mechanism can’t
function in the absence of
any of its constituent parts,
that is irreducibly complex
• Many of our organs can’t
function till they are fully
developed. That support
creation instead of

Michael Behe
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 47
Ravichandran C
Intelligent design and Chance
• Intelligent design is
basically equal to
chance hypothesis
• They say God
created everything
• How? Why? When?
• How was/did god
come into
existence?- Chance
hypothesis is a more
Either Chance or Design is a false equation.
Evolution by Natural selection is the right alternative

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Ravichandran C
The ‘God’ Solution
• Putting god in the
‘gaps’ is the favourite
pastime of believers
• Any thing belong to
don’t know-can’t know
category provide firm
dwelling place for ‘God’
• ‘God of gap’ is useless
and reflect the failure of
imagination. It is rather
a question than an
answer JOHN KEATS lamented that Newton
destroyed the mystery and beauty of
rainbow by just ‘explaining’ it
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 49
Ravichandran C
Useless Answer
• “C¡m-Wp¶ kÀh-am\
kz¯n-sâbpw tcJ
Fsâ ]¡-ep-−v. F´m
\n§Ä¡vv ImWtWm?”

• ‘Mpw….Im-Wmw.’

• “tZ, Ct§m«v

taml³emepw i¦-cm-Snbpw hnbäv\mwtImf-\n-bnÂ

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 50
Ravichandran C
The Unknown and Unknowable
• What is religion’s
precious knowledge
that others don’t
• It knows that science
doesn’t have all the
answers. Knows that
man will take it long to
decipher the mysteries
of the world.
• So accept the
readymade answer i.e.;
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Ravichandran C

• Belief in GOD and GHOST have same genesis. The God-belief is

entrenched by organized religions. The Ghost theory is not
heavily sponsored. That gives scope for the sense of reason to
operate and many reject Ghost as mere superstition!
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 52
Ravichandran C
• Kid’s brain has an
inclination to have
vicarious feelings for
imaginary, fairytale

• Such figures become

their mentors and
heroes. They even
claim to talk to them

• Religious gods are no

different. They get the
prominence later
because of religious
indoctrination and

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Ravichandran C
Childhood indoctrination
• Indoctrination is the
most lethal religious
weapon with 90%
success rate.
Children can hardly
recover later
• Faith becomes the
‘second skin’ to the
child. He feels like
skinning when his
belief is criticized
• No childhood
indoctrination no
Investing faith by crippling Reason
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 54
Ravichandran C
aXw s]m«n-sbm-en-¡p¶ Nm\-ep-IÄ!!

F√m-h¿°pw kzmKXw!
C∂v Nnßw.1, Im¿ØnI \£-{Xw,
cmlpImew cm.9.30˛10, KpfnIImew 11.25

BcmWv Cf-\ocv tX§-bv¡p-Ån-em-¡n-bXv?

ssk¡nÄ {_m³Uv AKÀ_-¯n-IÄ! ssZh-ap−v!

Everybody says, Parents, Elders, Media, .. The Child thinks that doubting is a sin. Unable to see
and hear things others claim to do easily, he feels embarrassed and also join the bandwagon

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 55

Ravichandran C
IVIA £p`n-X-bu-Æ\w

tLmc-`-àn-bn-eqsS am\-knIkwXp-e\w! kn\n-am-þ-Im-bnIXmc-§Ä X§-fpsS aX-Xn-an-chpw

AÔ-hn-izm-khpw km`n-am\w {]N-cn-¸n-¡p-¶Xv Ip«n-Isf Gsd kzm[o-\n-¡p¶p.

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 56

Ravichandran C
Icn-jvam-änIv kwKoXw

C¶m-scbm IWn I−Xv? ]g-h-§m-Sn-bn tX§-b-Snt¨ Rm³ It¨-cn¡v t]mIm-dp-Åp. At¸m Hcp
{]tXyI kpJ-am..AsÃ-¦n \s½-sf{X hnNm-cn-¨mepw As§-s¯-¯nÃ. ASp¯ XhW KW-]-
Xn-sb¡qSn Ku\n-t¨-¡Ww tIt«m, F\n-¡n-t¸m C{Xtb ]d-bm-\pÅp

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 57

Ravichandran C
IVIA Xncp-h-N-\-{]-tLmjw

kXyw ]d, C¶v ]mSp-¶-Xn\v ap¼v {]mÀ°n-¨n-Ã, Atà Ip«m? {]mÀ°n-¡-Ww, ka-b-sa-Sp¯v Xs¶
{]mÀ°n-¡-Ww. kwK-Xn-I-sfms¡ hc-W-sa¦o apI-fn-ep-Å- HcmfpIqSn Xocp-am-\n-¡-Ww. C¶s¯
s]Àt^m-a³kv tamiam-hm³ Rm³ t\m¡n-bn«v CX-ÃmsX thsd-mcp Imc-WhpanÃ

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 58

Ravichandran C
IVIA A\p-{K-l-amcn

sNe¸w F{X hnNm-cn-¨mepw sS³j³sIm−v ]mSm³ ]än-sb¶v hcn-Ã. aqImw-_n-I-tbmSv Ic-fp-cpIn

{]mÀ°n-¡-Ww, ss\th-Zyhpw tZhn¡v {]nb-s¸-«-Xm-Wv. sXm−-bnse A]-{ipXn amdn-¡n«pw. Bäp-
Im-e-½bpw \Ã ^ew Xcpw.

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 59

Ravichandran C
Let them be humans first
• Calling children by their
religion is unfair
• Expressions like
Muslim child, Hindu
child are common. But
no such expression as
Nazi child, Marxist
child, Keynesian child,
Post-modern child!
• Why religion alone has
a special privilege?

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Ravichandran C
Not a Sky-hook, but a Crane
• Intelligent design itself is a
chance theory
• It doesn’t explain how did
the designer put life into
existence, why there was
no life before etc
• Life evolved in our planet
as crane works or as
climbing the mountain by
the slope

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Ravichandran C
Natural Selection
• Natural selection doesn’t
encourage profligacy and
• If Peacock continues to have
extensive feathers, it can be Peacock
a side effect stands for
something else
• Religion is such a peacock

Bower bird
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Ravichandran C
Half eye and half wing
• There are different kinds of
eyes in the world
• All creatures don’t need
eyes like us. Half eyes and
primitive eyes are also
useful to organisms
• 50% wing is more helpful to
reduce the impact of a fall
than a 49% wing

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Ravichandran C

• The blind mole rats dig deep an build subterranean tunnels 3 Km

deep. They live in utter darkness. Their eyes are completely
covered by a layer of skin that makes them totally blind

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Ravichandran C

• Some of
them have
eyes at the
larva stage
and later

• Some have
a eyespot
but totally
covered by
skin layers
and thus by

Astynax mexicanus: Has both blind and normal varieties

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Ravichandran C
• The Texas Blind Salamander (Eurycea rathbuni), is a rare cave-
dwelling troglobite amphibian native to San Marcos, Hays County,
Texas, specifically the San Marcos Pool of the Edwards Aquifer. It has
blood-red external gills for absorbing oxygen from the water.

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 66

Ravichandran C
• Nautilus, a sea being, has a very primitive eye
almost similar to a pin-hole camera
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 67
Ravichandran C
The wingless also fly

Flying snake (Chryopelea) glides rather than flies. It does

this by using its ridge scales

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 68

Ravichandran C
Hai! Flying Cutie!

Flying Squirrels (Pteromyini) are a tribe of 44 species. They’re incapable

of sustained flight but glide between trees, with flight recording 90
meters. Got a parachute like skin membrane stretches from its wrist to
ankle. The fluffy tail stabilize the flight.
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 69
Ravichandran C
All the fliers are not birds

The wings of the bats are a skin envelope grown around its limbs and digits

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 70

Ravichandran C
• There are
birds that
their Kiwi
adaptation Penguin>>
due to
by natural



5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 71

Ravichandran C
• In full bloom:
The wings in
ostrich is not a
vestigial organ
It doesn’t fly due
to overweight,
short wings and
some other
But can run at
70km/hr and
kick a lion into

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 72

Ravichandran C
Wings are Forelimbs (i.e. hands)

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 73

Ravichandran C
Man with tails
Snake with feet

• ATAVISM: Real tails in human beings: Reported cases are more

than 100. All with vertrabrea, blood circulation and movability (in
Pix). False tails without vertrabrea are too many
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 74
Ravichandran C
• ‘werewolf
syndrome’ or
hypertrichosis is
an atavism in
which a trait that
reappears which
had once
generations ago.
• This happens
mostly likely thru a
mutation which
confirms common
Mr. Fajardo Aceves Jesus Manuel (Mexico)

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 75

Ravichandran C
From Simple to Complex
Some scaffold like
mechanism would
have worked at the
formation of
complex organs
For a lazy onlooker, it
is difficult to
assume how the
pyramids were
built 5000 years
ago. But it just
happened by dint
of sheer hard work
and imagination

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 76

Ravichandran C
Why moths commit suicide?
• Moths are attracted to
fire not because they
want to commit suicide
but due to the thump
rule their brain follows
from times immemorial
• If there is no man made
light the moth won’t lose
• Religious faith is the by-
product of something
else more useful to us.
Moths are attracted fire due to their flight angle
set on the basis of light sources like Moon &Stars

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 77

Ravichandran C
Faith and Love
• Faith is the side effect
of our evolved brain’s
tendency to blindly
obey orders from
elders without

• It is basically the
function of the ‘fight
and flee’ mechanism

• The believer and the

lover is equally blind
and deaf to the object
of adoration
Love is not only blind but also senseless

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 78

Ravichandran C
Morality in animal world
• In all animal
societies, there are
close parallels to the
social institutions
values of mankind

• Kin-altruism,
Collective defense,
sharing of food,
parental care are so
common in animal
kingdom too Vampire Bat

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 79

Ravichandran C
‘Pasted’ Morality
• Religion falsely claim
monopoly over human
• What is the purpose of
life? What is the meaning
of life?- Religions claim to
have answers. But don’t
even know what is life,
how to conduct it
• Morality of believer is not
genuine. Falsely created
by benefit –punishment
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 80
Ravichandran C
Quixotic Claims
• Religion claims to be the
merchants of values n’
morality. It is an
unsupported claim.
• 90% of the guilty and
almost all criminals and
rapists are believers
• A section of priesthood is
morally poor
• Religion is a social
parasite. Loot people by
frightening n’ fooling. And
it is also the biggest killer
in the world.
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 81
Ravichandran C
Die well-dressed!

• The Mecca city governor visited the fire-damaged school

Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing

building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according
to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom's powerful "mutaween" police, the
Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls
who died in the fire on Monday. (BBC News dt Friday, 15 March, 2002, 12:19

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 82

Ravichandran C
Can we be Good without God?
• Every body has inner
moral compass and an
intrinsic ability to be good
and kind to fellow being
• Human morality is
inherent. Socialization
strengthens it
• With or without religion
you can be good. But
Religion makes good
people to commit
heinous crimes

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 83

Ravichandran C
Is Bible moral?
• Dawkins says that
Scriptures are incapable of
spreading moral messages
• It can have a corrupted
influence on readers
• Immoral stories and bloody
n’ cruel events

• Jesus is a failed Jew in

every sense
• ‘Love thy neighbour’ simply
means ‘Love your
neighbouring Jew’

Bible: Corrupts more and correct less

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 84

Ravichandran C
Weren’t Hitler and Stalin atheists?
• Stalin trained to be a priest in Tilfis
seminary and later become an atheist.

• Hitler was always a believer.

Sometimes Christian, sometimes
cosmic. Considered ‘faithless
communists’ as enemy no.1
• Intoxicated by power and authority,
rulers commit atrocities.
• 95% heavy killers were believers. (Idi
amien, Richard Nixon, Bush, Suhartho,
Bin Laden…..the list is endless
• No jihadi among atheists as they have
no ‘motivation’ to kill on the basis of
religious faith

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 85
Ravichandran C
The Consolation Hypothesis
• Once religion depended
on Miracles. Now it claims
to have console people

• Self-realization& natural
recovery falsely claimed
by Religion

• Being wealth mountains.

Religion concentrates on
developmental and charity Religion is not necessarily
work true even if it consoles. Liquor,
drugs, ignorance do the same. Drugs
harms the body, faith weakens the mind

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 86

Ravichandran C
Aversive to work; Allergic to

For those who want to wish away facts and dream away reality prefer
many methods for consolation; all succeed in providing illusory relief
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 87
Ravichandran C
The false confidence
• The confidence
religion generates is
that of one who
owns fake currency.
• You win simply
because you don’t
test and verify.
Otherwise you will
be in trouble

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 88

Ravichandran C
F´p-Imen aΩq™v ]_vfnIv enan-‰Uv
aXw Xß-fpsS Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-߃ sXfn-bn-°n√; Hcn-
°epw sXfn-bn-®n-´n√; sXfn-bn-°m\pw t]mIp-∂n√.

hn-izmkn-bpsS Pohn-X-Øn¬ kw`-hn-°p∂ t\´-ßsf√mw

aX-ssZ-hamlm-fly-am-sW∂v hmZn-°p-I. tamiw A\p-`-h-
ßfpw Xncn-®-Sn-Ifpw kz¥w \yq\-X-Iƒ aqeamW∂v hni-
Zo-I-cn°p-I. Aß-s\-sb-¶n¬ Bsc/F¥ns\ ssZh-am-°n-
bmepw B ssZhw hnizm-knsb kZm ImØp-c-£n-
°pw˛A\p-{Kln®p-sIm-- n-cn-°pw.

ac-W-tijw km[y-am-Ip-sa∂ a´n¬ hmKvZm-\-߃ hmcn-hn-

X-dmw. -hm-KvZm-\-ew-L\w dnt∏m¿´v sNøm≥ acn-®-h¿ Xncn-
®p-h-cn-√, Pohn-®n-cn-°p-∂-h¿°v Btcm-]-W-߃ D∂-bn-

ac-Wm-\-¥cw DZmØamb PohnXw an° aX-ßfpw

hmKvZm\w sNøp-∂p-s- -¶nepw ac-W-sa∂v tIƒ°p-
tºmtg `b∂v hnd-ß-en-®v Hs° ad-°p-∂-h-cmWv aX-hn-
izm-kn-I-fn¬ 99.999% t]cpw. ia\-an√mØ taml-Nn-
¥Ifpw cq-£-amb Pohn-Xm-k‡nbpamWvv aX`‡nbpsS ssh¡w apl½Zv _joÀ

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 89

Ravichandran C
Moral Zeitgeist
• Every age has its own cultural
index and moral pedigree.
• The social and Moral climate
change as man progresses.
Religion is the major
impediment in the path of moral
• Thoughtless comparisons are
• Comparing with the modern
standards of social morality,
Abraham Lincoln was a racist,
Jefferson was a human right
violator, Gandhi was a child
Abraham Lincoln

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 90

Ravichandran C
Universal Moral Grammar
• Man is moral. It is a
common universal
impulse dictated by
our genes
• Morality is a tool for
• Religion plays no role
in shaping-out human
morality. It simply
claims credit for an Marc Hauser in his “Moral mind’ refers to
experiments that ascertained that man
innate human ability possess a moral sense which is universal
and totally unrelated to religion

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 91

Ravichandran C
With or without faith, Man is ‘human’
The Hauser Experiments:

• Saving five men by

‘using’ an innocent
termed immoral by all
• Killing a healthy man
for organs to save five
sick is immoral
• The Urban-tribal follow
the same moral
grammar, says Hauser

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 92

Ravichandran C
99% Atheists are Ex-religious
• Is atheism a religion? Yes, only if
not collecting stamps is also a
• There is long way to go. Religion is
extremely intolerant to renegades.
The first opposition is from home

• Religion allege that some atheists

become religious in the end. Most
cases are untrue, exaggerated and
a part of religious propaganda.
• Should not be forgotten that a
major portion of so called Julia Sweeney
‘religious’ people are not Stand-up comedian and the authour
‘believers’. They are just afraid. of ‘Letting Go of God’

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 93

Ravichandran C
Atrocious treaty
• Baptizing children is
sometimes used to
secure conversion
• Religious parents
think that their
children should have
no choice in the case
of faith
• The child finds
religion as his ‘second
skin’ as he grows up
This new-born is supposed to live,
fight, and die for religion!

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 94

Ravichandran C
Are children your slaves?
• Religion is child torture
• Parents’ religion is
mercilessly imposed on
• Claim as a
compensation for
bringing up children
• Pedophilia by priests is
a growing problem all
over the world
Nicholas Humphrey
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 95
Ravichandran C
Religion is Childhood looted
• Religious indoctrination
cripples the ability of kids
to think and enquire.
• They are made blind n’
deaf right from the outset
• Unquestioned faith is
hailed as a ‘virtue’
• Innocent kids are
frightened with religious
punishments like hell fires
and god’s fury Arrested in the dark cell of religion
kids have no time to observe and
understand the beauty of nature

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 96

Ravichandran C
The Amish of the World
• Amish are extreme
Judaist group in
USA aversive to all
the amenities and
facilities of modern
life including
Electricity and
Motor cars.
• Intense reading of
Bible is their
favourite pastime.
• Never want to Defending Amish like people in the name of
mingle, always ‘cultural diversity’ is a sin against Humanity.
remain single Those who defend female circumcision
don’t want it happen to own children!
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 97
Ravichandran C
Crime against Science
• Promising young scientists
are allured by the benefits
offered by religion
• The young Earth theory, The
Flat earth theory, Flood
geology are not jokes.
Fervently followed by misled
• Religion has spoiled many
promising young scientist
like Curt wise who admitted
that he advocated ‘flood
biology’ only because Bible
says so Curt wise

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 98

Ravichandran C
• Most of the religions
are extended form of
hero-worshiping cults
• The recipe of religion
is amazingly similar
• Christianity is a
Jesus cult and Islam
a Mohammedan cult

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 99

Ravichandran C
Homo-sexuality is not a crime
• Being hetero-sexual does
not give one any right to
punish others
• Like or loath them, but
can’t deny their rights as
• Sexual preference is not a
conscious decision. It is
psycho-somatic impulse.
• Homo-sexuality is not a
social anomaly; nor
unnatural. It is a biological
Alan Turing

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 100

Ravichandran C
Aborting human progress
Religious zealots are
striving to increase
‘numbers’ and oppose
abortion and infertility
They do not mind killing
doctors who conduct
Even in America most of
the believers do not
approve of this extreme
BEETHOVAN: A false story about his
stand on Abortion birth is widely spread to show how a
genius can be lost through abortion
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 101
Ravichandran C
Terrorists can’t be orphaned
Religion wants to be
exonerated from the
crimes committed in
its name.
• Claim the credit for all
good things; yet can’t
handle criticism
• Religion is the major
motive behind
terrorism today GOING BY THE BOOK:
One terrorist at Mumbai CST-26/11

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 102

Ravichandran C
Religion and Tolerance
The degree of annoyance that a
person feels when his or her
views are opposed is inversely
proportional to the amount of
evidence in support of these

If a Faithee is not intolerant and

hyper emotional, that means he
is not religious. He can’t remain
open to others ideas.

Faith requires aversion to the


5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 103

Ravichandran C
Atheist speaks what others think
• Spiritualist is
aversive to work and
allergic reality
• It is superlative claim
demanding abnormal
faculties well beyond
human beings
• By citing improvable
proof, he constantly “Spirituality is restaurant where you get
cheats himself to fool a menu card of 30000 items and no food”-
Robert M Pirsig
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 104
Ravichandran C
The Poetry of Reality
• Our ‘middle world’
perceptions are
• New findings in science
talk about a world which
is inexplicably complex
and staggering.

• Even for a single miracle

to happen, the entire
universe should be
• “Science is the poetry of
Reality”-says Dawkins

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 105

Ravichandran C
Putting the clock back
• Religion is the
principal enemy of
human progress
and development
• Every superstition
results in
exploitation of the
believer. The
Women are worst
The Afghan women in Taliban ruled area
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 106
Ravichandran C
Terror without; Torture within
• Religious atrocities
is not vanished
even in 21st C
• Stoning, flogging,
amputation of limbs
and blinding…etc
are some of the
most celebrated
punishment in the
Islamic world
• (‘Stoning of Soraya M’(2008)
directed by an Iranian refugee
in USA replays the horror An Iranian woman getting buried to be stoned

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 107

Ravichandran C
Grapes of Religious fury

Religion may be getting refined, but not at the required levels

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 108

Ravichandran C

• In 28 Muslim countries female circumcision solemnly practiced

• 3 Crore girls undergo this trauma every year
• African Muslim countries, Malaysia, Iran, UAE, Saudi, Indonesia are
very particular about it. Indian girls are lucky

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 109

Ravichandran C
Social service!

• Working
hard to
kill the
• -A usual
scene from
stoning in
The people
stone a

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 110

Ravichandran C
They’re happy indeed!
• Taking the
life of
under the
pretext of
‘ruling in
the name
of the
• (A band of
Iranian Clerics
conducting press
meet to declare

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 111

Ravichandran C
The other worldliness
• The once
are getting

• People grow
diffident and

• Mental unrest
virtually blinds
sense of

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 112

Ravichandran C
Kids are
heights, to
make them
There is no
respite for
cruel rituals
in modern

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 113

Ravichandran C
Post-modernism & Pseudo
• Disregard for reason is
the catch word of post
• Science is defective. It
has no monopoly over
truth. It contains only
’narratives’ and no laws
• Science of any era is a
product of society
• Pseudo science is
equally valid if they
help people
Deepak Chopra with a ‘patient’
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 114
Ravichandran C
Every new thing is our old books
People with
science to
glorify their
holy books
and primitive
For them
explains what
is written in
their tale
Controversial Televangelist Dr. N Gopalakrishnan with Saibaba

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 115

Ravichandran C
The Miracle Business

All major Religions play on the gullibility of believers and make them
believe in most silly things. Pix from some Islamic miracle sites
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 116
Ravichandran C
See what you want to see

Shivling in Amaranth!

Ohm and Ganesh flower!

Ohm parvat in Himalaya!
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 117
Ravichandran C

• Photo-miracles
are still the
favourite past
time of major
• Though look
ridiculous, it
still attracts
devotees Crucifixion in sky created by cloud formation!

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 118

Ravichandran C

Devotees have a right to be cheated

Not all the holy men are frauds. There

are two groups among them, i.e.;
‘The Caught’ and ‘the Uncaught’

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 119

Ravichandran C
Ride together till caught

VIP devotees are the first to run away when the ‘gods’ are exposed
5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 120
Ravichandran C
Alw {Zhymkvan; XXz-akn
Thank You

5/14/2010 'Nasthikanaya daivam' by 121

Ravichandran C

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