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On October 11,2013 that time I am at my high school age.

Typhoon Santi (nari internationally), was a strong and deadly

tropical province Pampanga. By it’s wind power and rainfall duration, floods come after eventually. I wonder why the
time and day it hits the land flood did not come but later on the next days. Floods always catch my attention on knowing
why there some places which is more flooder and yet also on my cousin’s municipality at Masantol, Pampanga, floods
come even though there is no reports of storm oe rains. There are lot of things still don’t understand back then.

Out of curiosity, I ask my brother and he said that there are factors affecting the events of flooding. First why floods
come after the storm come, it’s because of the time it takes to be absorbed ad collected in surrounding places. It will run
to the places which elevation is lower.

But in my cousin’s case, it is of high and low tides cause by moon’s gravitational pull. Schedule of tide changes whenever
moon rotates on Earth.

Both of asking and searching on internet help me to satisfy my seek on knowledge.

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