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Action Verbs- As the names suggest, action verbs primarily express action.

For instance, sit,

eat, cycle, etc. They describe things and actions that occur rather than the state of something.
An action verb is primarily applied in a progressive aspect commonly used for all actions that
are in progress. Most of the action verbs are categorized as transitive or intransitive. What this
means is that, some verbs are used along with direct objects while others don’t. The object here
can be a thing or a person receiving an action of a certain subject.
Definition Sample Verbs
Transitive Verbs Verbs that are used together with a direct 1. Owe 2. Feed 3. Make 4. Drive
object. The object can be a thing or a person. 5. Lift

Intransitive Verbs Verbs that don’t have a direct object for their 1. Die 2. Arrive 3. Respond
meaning to be communicated. In most cases, 4. Wait 5. Sit 6. Look
they are followed by an adverb, adjective,
verb complement or a preposition.

Auxiliary Verbs & Lexical Verb- Among the many kinds of verbs in English, auxiliary verbs and
lexical verbs are very useful.
Definition Sample Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs Verbs that come before main verbs in a 1. Be 2. Shall 3. May 4. Could
verb phrase

Lexical Verb All other verbs other than auxiliary verbs. 1. Come 2. Rest 3. Organize 4. Handle
It is a main verb.

Dynamic Verbs & Stative Verbs-Dynamic verbs and stative verbs are among the most common
kinds of verbs in English which one should know about.
Definition Sample Verbs
Dynamic Verbs A verb basically used to show a process, 1. Drive 2. Grow 3. Throw 4. Hit
an action or a sensation rather than a state. 5. Repair

Stative Verb A verb basically used to define a situation 1. Have 2. Seem 3. Know
or state.

Finite Verbs & Nonfinite Verbs- There are different kinds of verbs in English, finite verbs and
nonfinite verbs are two of them.
Finite Verbs A verb that agrees with a given subject in a sentence. It is usually marked
for tense.
Nonfinite Verb A verb that has no distinction in different tense. It cannot be used
unaccompanied as the main verb in a given question or sentence.

Regular Verbs & Irregular Verbs
Definition Sample Verbs
Regular Verbs A verb whose past participle and past tense is 1. Accept 2. Arrive 3. Fence
attained by adding –d or –ed or –t for some. It is 4. Deliver
sometimes called a weak verb.

Irregular Verb Also called a strong verb. It does not usually 1. Get 2. Go 3. Say 4. See 5. Come
follow the rules for common verb forms. They 6. Take 7. Sleep
usually do not have the predictable –ed ending.

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