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Effective communication is about connecting with your audience.

Effective communication is simple and

clear, focuses around a single idea, and ultimately achieves the results you desire.

The most steadfast principle of any communication. It builds rapport with your audience. Not telling the
truth can cause physical hard and your communication is doomed. Misinformation causes your audience
to question the validity of the message. “being honest is the right thing to do.

Clarity enables your audience to get your message as you intended. Instructions especially benefit from
clarity. Clear communication means your audience dosent have to guess your meaning.

Get your facts straight. Inaccuracies can annoy and perplex an audience. Remain objective.

An audience must be able to paint the entire picture of your message. A complete, self-contained
explanation and discussion enables your audience to proceed safely. History benefits from

Help your readers to easily access what you say in your writing. Create a table of contents of summary
link sat the beginning. Write simply.

Your document must be concise and direct to the point. Tell people up front what they are about to
read and how they can benefit. Write simply. Take time to edit so that your reader dosent have to.

A correct document complies with basic rules of writing. Incorrect writing slows down the readers and it
confuses them. Giver too many errors, readers begin to question the validity and accuracy of your

Your reader must be abe to understand and act as quickly as possible on the information given. Your
style, organization, and visual deisgn all help toward this goal.

Well Designed:
How a document looks speaks loudly about its acceptance. Well deigned documents engender positive
impressions and get noticed. Keep within acceptable standards to impress your document design.
Build Goodwill:
Speak to your audience when you write. Make t personal connection with your audience using your
words, and you build goodwill.

The ten tenets. Taken together and diligently applied, these ten tenets ultimately demonstrate respect
for your audience. By employing these ten tenets in all your writing, you can create positive
relationships, ones that can endure.

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