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He is comparing his love to a summer's day.

his love is more desirable and has a more even temper than
Before summer, strong winds knock buds off of the flowering
Summer goes by too quickly.

Sometimes summer days are just too hot

Some summer days are cloudy
Everything beautiful in nature eventually fades away
The changes happen either by accident or through nature's
natural cycles.

But you, my love, have the best characteristics of summer, and

these will never go away.
Your beauty will never decline
You will never look as if you are on the brink of death

Because I've written these lines about you, even over time
as long as humans exist and can see
allowing the beloved to keep living as well.
should or will compare "thee" to a summer day.
He says that his beloved is more lovely and more even-tempered.
He then runs off a list of reasons why summer isn’t all that great:
winds shake the buds that emerged in Spring, summer ends too
and the sun can get too hot or be obscured by clouds.
He goes on, saying that everything beautiful
eventually fades by chance or by nature’s inevitable changes
Coming back to the beloved,
though, he argues that his or her summer
will his or her beauty fade away
Moreover, death will never be able to take the beloved
since the beloved exists in eternal lines
as long as humans exist and can see
the poem he’s writing will live on,
allowing the beloved to keep living as well.
Feel unwanted

I'm hurt all the time.

I don't want to cry for the way I feel inside.
I just want someone to hold me.
I'm alone in the dark; please try to find me.
If no one cares, I don't see a point to go on.
Anyone find me! Anyone care!
I'm sorry, I just don't want to be alone anymore.
I feel unheard and unseen and weak.
No one cares, and yet I'm always the sorry one.
I'm scared.
Please hold me until it all ends.
Just hold me; that's all I want.
I don't want to be alone in the dark.
Just hold me as I start to cry.
Just hold me so I won't be alone inside.
Just hold me so I don't do something wrong.
Just hold me so tight, that for a moment I could feel the light....

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