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VOLUNTEERS FOR CHAD Formatted: Width: 11", Height: 17"

it is about focusing primarily on the development of the human mind to the fullest capacity and diversification of the sources of
knowledge through educational courses and training on diverse programs to allow the volunteers to take part in successful
experiences, and then provide a stimulating environment to up their potential and make them part of the solution to this
comprehensive development with great benefits to perform national service through civil duties, the more their number the greater
their effectiveness and abilities to succeed, well educated better trained well organized the volunteers can and should be the solution
to the root of our problems, therefore they cannot become a financial burden to society and seek to minimize financial dependencies
within the first year and begin generating revenues to become financially independent thereafter.
The objective of this initiative is to ensure the volunteers only purpose is to have them contribute as much as possible in there own
communities Neighborhood and cities by building roads, clinics, hospitals, schools, help spread health awareness, help protect and
educate the public and most importantly contribute to the peaceful coexistence and habitation of citizens.
The volunteers can teach and perform minor health activities such as assisting nurses and hospital staffs at the hospitals and clinics
and help spread health awareness and vaccination
The volunteers can also contribute to the law and order by assisting the armed forces in times of need and support the police to carry
out their duties and co-operate with them and shield the people by reporting any illegal activities from civilians or law enforcement
officers to the authorities,
The volunteers can teach as substitute teachers and help organize sportive and educational activities for students, the volunteers
can print books and distribute school supplies and equipment to schools all over the country, build new schools and remodel old
schools, universities, colleges and libraries
Employment and economy
• The volunteers themselves will be able to transform our economy with a bit of assistance from the government or financial
institutions the volunteers can boost employment by just practicing what they experienced during their time of service, the new found
spirits and attitudes of the people and the change that will begin to take place in our cities should and will attract foreign investment
and boost tourism

With in about five years change of our people and societies will accurately begin to form and the transformation and the evolution of
our ways of life, better living conditions, more jobs and opportunities, more security and instability

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