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Math II Syllabus 2019-2020 

Rancho San Juan High School 

Ms. Peralta Room 217 
831-273-7700 ext 3484 

Welcome to Math II, I am looking forward to an exciting, rewarding, and productive school year, during
which you will achieve success in mastering the standards of the course. Mathematics is not an easy course.
You will see material from Math I, ​with an expectation you have fluency in linear and exponential functions
and transformations.​ You may understand some aspects of the course, and you may be lost in translation at
some points in the course. Some of your peers will move quicker than you, and some may not, but you are
responsible to take on the challenge and succeed ​for yourself​. It is my job to provide a formative and fair course
and to support YOU in succeeding in mathematics. Perseverance & commitment is necessary for this class, and
asking questions is essential​. Please come to class prepared every day and ready to learn.

Topics covered in Math 2:

Quadratic Functions Geometric Figures
Structure of Expressions (linear, exponential, and Similarity & Right Triangle trigonometry
quadratic) Circles from a Geometric perspective
Quadratic Equations Circles and other conics
Functions & Features Probability


● Students are expected to follow the behavior manual signed in the beginning of the school year.
● Arrive to class on time,​ sitting in assigned desk by the ​final​ bell
● Be prepared with materials, coursework, and cooperative attitude
● Student is responsible, respectful, and cooperative within the class and in groups
● Students remain in their seats until teacher releases class
● Everyone must be respectful to one another, the classroom, and guests
● Electronics will be taken away during class time and returned at the end of the period/day if a
student cannot be responsible enough to put it away during class or misuse
● The official school and district policy is that electronic devices such as cell phones and music players
are allowed at school​ ​but that they are to be ​turned off and out of sight during instructional periods
unless stated otherwise.
Flow chart of consequences for violating these rules:
1. warning and annotation in discipline file 6. teacher/parent conference
2. lower citizenship grade for quarter 7. suspension from class
3. teacher/student conference 8. referral to after school detention
4. notification of parents 9. office referral
5. lunch detention

1. Every day you will take notes in class.
2. Every day you take notes you must have a clear title and date of the lesson, include examples, questions
on the side and class work (class assignments & warm-ups) in your notebooks.
3. Writing is essential in this course, and students should be prepared to write and EXPLAIN their
work. (Yes, even in MATH!)
4. A composition book or graph composition notebook is ideal, and should not be shared with any
other class.
5. Students are given a physical math workbook-but it will not have enough space to take notes in

Expect homework at least 3-6 times a week, including weekends! Homework is an important part of
learning. Students are expected to write homework assignments in their notebook/paper and also reference their
homework list. Parents be sure to check and ask your student if they have completed their assignments. It is the
student’s responsibility to find out about and make up class work and homework during an absence. Students
should make arrangements with another student in this class to be able to call him/her to find out about missed
class work and assignments that you missed when absent. Students should be sure to have at least two students
to contact in case one of them is absent also. Homework is meant to be practice for problems on the chapter test,
final exams, and quizzes. Homework is assigned when we have progressed far enough where students can apply
what they have learned in class.
It is ​the student's responsibility​ to find out what has been missed and ask for any papers that may have
been handed out ​the day you have returned​.

Tutoring will be available upon request & availability afterschool on Tuesday from 3:00pm to 4:00 pm
(tentative),​ unless I have a scheduled meeting. There may be some other days I will be available, please just ask
during the day if you (student) will need to stay after school. There is also advisory built in the day for students
who may need more help.


In the event that I am unable to be in the classroom, I expect students will treat the person in charge with
the same respect and courtesy given to me. I am absent more often than other teachers due to other roles I do on

Your grade will be based upon mastery level of Grading scale by percentage of what students earn:
standards: 90 < Score < 100 = A
80 < Score < 89.9 = B
Assessments (including quizzes)- 70% 70 < Score < 79.9 = C
Group tasks-15% 60 < Score < 69.9 = D
Classwork (individual)- 15% 0 _ Score < 59.9 = F

Ideally, students should reach a mastery of 80% of

standards presented in the beginning of each unit.

● Students will receive “I can” statements for every standard measured.
● In class, group work, classwork, homework, and quizzes will measure the progress and growth of
learning the standard.
● Mastery is made when a student earns a 3 or 4 on a 4-point rubric scale of the assessment of a standard.
● Students may make up a standard they have not met mastery by selected classwork, homework, and
quizzes to determine what they have learned.*
● A student will receive only ​ONE MAKE UP​ test for the end of a unit. It is highly advisable that if a
student chooses to take the one make up unit assessment, they must have done work to show mastery*
on the standard ​before ​taking the end of unit assessment again.
● Make-up assessments, work, late work, etc...will be accepted ​within the grading period.​ EXAMPLE: If
an assignment is in grading period of Quarter 1, it must be made up and turned in during Quarter 1.
● Students will be expected to self-monitor their progress on a standard in order to meet mastery level.
● This course is not “earning points” for a grade. Students must provide evidence and show they have
learned, understood, and growth through mathematical practices.
● The grade must be reflected on the learning of a standard and continuous growth in learning and
applying math standard.
Students must bring the following materials to class Math II Books- if students lose any pages or are in
everyday​: need of copies they may print online at the following
❖ Notebook/Paper site or search “​Math Visions Project​” OR You may
❖ Pencils/Pen use your Chromebook!
❖ Textbook/Chromebook
❖ Scientific Calculator

Citizenship grades are issued each quarter. An Outstanding (O) citizenship grade is earned if ​all​ of the
following criteria are met:
1. All assignments turned in
2. No unexcused absences or tardies
3. Evidence of preparation during class activities
4. Evidence of active participation and on-task behavior
5. Excellent textbook care
6. Textbook, notebook, pen, and pencil always brought to class

A Satisfactory (S) grade will be earned if the criteria for “Outstanding citizenship” are not met and if none of
the violations listed under “Unsatisfactory citizenship” occur.

An Unsatisfactory (U) citizenship grade is earned if any ​one​ of the following occurs:
1. Academic dishonesty (cheating) will result in a zero and an unsatisfactory citizenship grade.
2. Tardiness will result in detention and, after five tardies or absences per quarter, in an unsatisfactory
citizenship grade.
3. Destruction/abuse of property will result in a fine and an unsatisfactory citizenship grade.
4. Excessive neglect of responsibilities will result in an unsatisfactory citizenship grade.
5. 5 or more tardies will lead to a U automatically

Students are assigned a Chromebook. In this course we will be implementing the use of Google Classroom, as
well as other apps that parents & students may access. For instance, StudentVue, Weebly Website, Desmos,
MVP, etc. The Chromebook is a tool used in the classroom and will be monitored in the classroom. Students
must treat it like their own textbook, have it fully charged before coming to school, and use it for school
purposes during class. Consequences will occur if students misuse their Chromebook.


Academic honesty is extremely important. The teachers and administration will follow the policy outlined
below when dealing with those students who are involved in cheating or plagiarism on tests or class
assignments. The offenses accumulate over the entire four years while a student is attending High School. The
following procedures will be followed: (Board Policy 5131.9)
First Offense
1. Teacher will notify parents and counselor.
2. Teacher may fail the student on the assignment.
3. Student may receive an Unsatisfactory Citizenship Grade for the quarter.
4. Possible referral to an Administrator for documentation and counseling.
Second Offense
In addition to the consequences outlined in First Offense, the following may occur:
1. Referral to an Administrator for parent contact and/or possible suspension.
2. Quarter Grade may be lowered.
Third Offense
In addition to the consequences outlined in First Offense and Second Offense, the following may occur:
1. Referral to an Administrator for possible suspension.
2. The student may be ineligible for California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society.

ParentVUE & StudentVUE (Viewing grades and attendance)

ParentVUE allows you to see your student’s grades, assignments, attendance and discipline, in real-time using
the internet. To access the HAC, you will need to:
1. Go to the SUHSD website at: ​
2. Click on “District Schools” link on the left hand side
3. When the new page opens, click on “North Salinas High School” in the middle of the page
4. When the school page opens, click on Website: Click here:
5. Click the​ ParentVUE link ​(bottom center)

Once you are in ParentVUE, you will need to enter your username and password. Usernames and passwords are
unique to each parent. ​Contact the school registrar if you need to reset your password.

The best way to contact me is through email: ​
Disclaimer: The syllabus may be revised at anytime during the school year, so please visit my website for an
updated version. A new syllabus will be sent to the student as well highlighting any changes to the syllabus.
How We Roll at The Ranch
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Class Period: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

The signature on this page assures me that you have ​READ​ this handout and understand its content.

My student and I have read and discussed the above information and expectations for Math II with Ms.

_______________________________________________ ____________________________
Guardian/Parent’s Signature Date

My parent(s)/guradian(s) and I have read and discussed the above information and expectations for
Math II with Ms. Peralta

_______________________________________________ ____________________________
Student’s Signature Date

Guardian/Parent’s email (if applicable)

Guardian/Parent’s Cell/Home Phone Number

Parent/Guardian(s) Questions, Concerns, Comments, and/or Notes for Teacher:

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