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Rotina diária



have dinner study

do the housework

go to work
go to school
De manhã…
get up have a bath get dressed

He gets up at 7.30. He has a bath. He gets dressed.

have breakfast brush teeth

…em casa

He has breakfast. He brushes his teeth.

go to school have lunch

Na escola…
have classes

They go to school by bus. They have lunch in the canteen.

talk with friends

They have classes. play football

They talk with their friends. They play football.

À tarde…
listen to music
do homework

He does his homework. He reads a book.

He listens to music.
play tennis
ride a bike

He rides his bike. He plays tennis.

À noite…
have dinner

go to bed

He has dinner with his family.

watch TV

He goes to bed at ten o’clock.

He watches TV.
Para nos referirmos ao que as pessoas fazem no seu dia-a-dia (rotina
diária) usamos os verbos no Present Simple.
Todas as formas do Present Simple são iguais, com excepção da 3ª
pessoa do singular a que, habitualmente, acrescentamos s ou es.
get up play have go watch
(levantar) (brincar/jogar) (tomar) (ir) (ver/ observar)

get up play have go watch
She gets up plays has goes watches
You get up play have go watch

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