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• Drugs, by definition, are
any chemicals that can
affect living processes.
• Interactions between
Drug and Nutrient Interaction in drugs and food can range
from minor to life-
Degenerative Diseases threatening.
• Toxicity can be related to
alterations in drug levels
Mira M within the body, leading to
14 August 2019 either increased or
decreased efficacy. The terms drug-nutrient interaction and
food-drug interaction often are used

• include specific
changes to the
activity of a drug
Outline caused by a nutrient
or nutrients, or
• Definition changes to the
• Degenerative diseases kinetics of a nutrient
• Appetite Suppressants Drug-nutrient
• Lipid-lowering agents caused by a drug
• Glucose-lowering
Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales Van Reken, 2017


Definition An interaction is said to take place when the

effects of one drug are changed by the
• a broader term that presence of another drug, food, drink or by
also includes the some environmental chemical agent
effects of a medication
on nutritional status
– Gastro-intestinal effects
Food-drug interactions that reduce the
(eg. dry mouth, efficacy of a drug can result in:
– Appetite changes • longer or repeated stays in health care
– Metabolic effects facilities,
Food-drug interaction (blood glucose or lipid
abnormalities), or • Therapeutic failure
– Renal or urinary effects • disease progression
(retention, frequency, or • and increased morbidity and mortality
acute renal failure).
Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales VanReken, 2017

André J. Scheen, 2006; Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales VanReken, 2017

Bioavailability describes the

fraction of an administered
drug that reaches the
systemic circulation Food-drug

• The majority of
clinically relevant
food–drug interactions
are caused by food-
induced changes in the pharmacodynamic pharmacokinetic
bioavailability of the interactions interactions
• the bioavailability and
clinical effect of most
drugs are correlated
• the bioavailability is an affect the absorption,
affect the activity at distribution,
important the site of action in metabolism, and
pharmacokinetic effect the body excretion “ADME” of
parameter the drug

Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales VanReken, 2017 Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales VanReken, 2017


Degenerative Diseases
• a type of a medical condition
that causes a tissue or organ to
deteriorate over time.
• There are quite a number of
degenerative diseases and
many of them are associated
with aging,
• or gets worse during the
aging process.

Metabolic disorders: diabetes

mellitus, overweight/obesity, and the
so- called metabolic syndrome
Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales VanReken, 2017 (including atherogenic


the use of four or more can potentiate the

medications during a risks for food-drug
single time period interactions

Lisa L. Deal & DeeAnna Wales VanReken, 2017

André J. Scheen, 2006


Obesity is defined as an excess of fat

tissue compared with normal values for
age and gender
• obesity

altered pathophysiology of the

obese body

Likely to affect drug

distribution within the tissues
and drug elimination,
whereas absorption does not
seem to be modified

Georges Cheymol, 2000

Factors Likely to Affect Pharmacokinetics in Obese people: the actual bodyweight

the Obese exceeded the IBW >20%
• Obese people
Body have larger the percent- age of
absolute lean fat per kg of total
body masses as bodyweight (TBW)
well as fat masses
than non-obese percentage of lean
individuals of the tissue calculated
same age, gender per kg of total
bodyweight (TBW)
and height.

The dosage of these drugs Accumulation of a drug and its metabolites in

Binding to should be based on the adipose tissue may result in prolonged
proteins Regional ideal bodyweight (IBW) clearance and increased toxicity.
blood flow
and/or tissue
components e.g. in theory, accumulation of fat-soluble drugs
such as the long-acting benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam [Valium]) Georges Cheymol, 2000
Georges Cheymol, 2000
is more likely to occur


Cardiac performance and adipose tissue blood Changes in the concentrations of plasma
flow may be altered in obesity binding proteins
• normal body- weight the blood flow in • can affect the movement
fat is poor and accounts for only 5% of of drugs into tissue
the cardiac output, compared with 73% compartments and
in the viscera and 22% in lean tissue consequently their
• blood flow per gram of fat is therapeutic effect
significantly less in morbidly obese
individuals than in moderately obese or
• drugs primarily bound to
lean individuals
albumin (e.g. phenytoin)
showed no significant
changes in protein
binding in obese patients
the reduction of cardiac ventricular
performance in severely obese patients
showed that impairment is correlated There is some uncertainty about the
with the degree of obesity binding to α1 acid glycoprotein acid
(AAG) in obesity
Georges Cheymol, 2000 Georges Cheymol, 2000

Drugs Used in the Management of

Obesity: Appetite Suppressants Methylxanthines
• The pharmacokinetics of drugs: • ordinarily included in daily diet:
– designed to suppress appetite è cause loss of caffeine, theophylline and
bodyweight theobromine are the main
• e.g. Sibutramine: acting body-weight methylxanthines available from
management agent; natural sources
– acts mainly via its desmethyl metabolites M1 and M2. • used to accelerate energy
– The plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics expenditure and enhance fat loss in
[peak plasma drug concentration (Cmax), AUC, and obesity
t1⁄2β] of the 2 metabolites in obese and non-obese
individuals were reported to be similar (t1⁄2β was • possible influence of bodyweight
about 17 hours in both groups) after oral reduction on the pharmacokinetics
administration of the drug for 2 weeks, but no detailed of caffeine and theophylline
data have been provided.


Methylxanthines Pharmacokinetic
• after ingestion or administration, methylxanthines are not
• Caffeine and theophylline (typically at expected to accumulate in organs or tissues and, are
much lower amounts) may be ingested in posteriorly metabolized in the liver
coffee, tea, cola beverages and chocolate • systemic effects of theophylline and theobromine, which
remaining longer in the body, should be expected to be
(Stavric, 1988a), although tea contains maintained for a longer period of time
less caffeine than coffee (Gilbert et al., • Caffeine is rapidly and completely absorbed in humans at
the gastrointestinal level, mainly at small intestine, but also
1976). at the stomach (20%)
• Following a 5 mg/kg oral administration, plasma peak
• Tea and chocolate should account for concentration was shown to be attained at 29.8 ± 8.1,
with a peak plasma concentration of 10.0 ± 1.0 μg/mL
most the obromine intake through diet • Caffeine bioavailability is dependent of the administration
(Stavric, 1988c). route

The hydroxymethylglutaryl

Lipid lowering agents coenzyme A (HMG CoA)

reductase inhibitors Statins
have plasma lipid • The primary effect: is a specific inhibition of
disturbances cholesterol synthesis in the hepatocytes
èreduction in total and LDL cholesterol
• Adverse effects: associated with drug
interactions because of their use in patients
who are likely to be exposed to
leading to atherogenic
dyslipidemia polypharmacy.
• The cytochome P450 enzyme system plays an
important part in the metabolism of most
statins (except pravastatin)→relevant
abdominal adiposity interactions with other pharmacological
cardiovascular • Food interaction may also be suspected,
the metabolic syndrome
morbidity and mortality especially an inhibition of metabolism by
and patients with type 2 grapefruit juice, a potent CYP inhibitor
Kelly Anne M, 2007


The hydroxymethylglutaryl The hydroxymethylglutaryl

coenzyme A (HMG CoA)
reductase inhibitors Statins coenzyme A (HMG CoA)
reductase inhibitors Statins

• Have very different chemical and • the bioavailability of pravastatin is

pharmacokinetic properties reduced by 31% when taken with food
• The bioavailability of lovastatin • For atorvastatin and fluvastatin,
increases by 50% when taken bioavailability and lipid-lowering
efficacy are unaffected by food intake
with a regular meal
• Excessive ingestion of grapefruit juice
• However, the ingestion of fibers increases the bioavailability of lovastatin,
or fruit as part of a lipid-lowering atorvastatin and simvastatin by 1400, 200
diet may strikingly reduce the and 1500%, respectively èdrug
absorption of lovastatin and may accumulation and the possible
increase the risk of treatment development of adverse effects èshould
failure be avoided in one time
Kelly Anne M, 2007 Kelly Anne M, 2007

Diabetes mellitus (DM) elevated

fasting plasma
glucose (FPG)
(>126 mg/dL)
• Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a
global pandemic
• a complex chronic illness associated
with a state of high blood glucose
level “hyperglycaemia”
• occurring from deficiencies in 2 h PG during
a 75-g oral
insulin secretion, action, or both. hemoglobin
The clinical
diagnosis glucose
A1C level
• Effect: the chronic metabolic >6.5%
of diabetes tolerance test
imbalance criteria (OGTT) (>200
– major contributor of non-
communicable diseases
– high risk for long-term macro- and
microvascular complications:
cardiovascular diseases (CVDs),
chronic kidney diseases (CKD) random PG
(>200 mg/dL)
with classic
signs and
symptoms of
Arun Chaudhury,, 2017
Arun Chaudhury,, 2017


Glucose-lowering agents Main hypoglycaemic drugs

• are drugs able to reduce
• Promote insulin release • mostly reduce glucose
blood glucose levels
from the pancreas, absorption at the gut
through different therefore enhancing the level.
mechanisms. hypoglycaemic effect • Metformin, as well as
• a good glycaemic control induced by the glitazones, increase
hormone. glucose utilization and
is for preventing and
insulin sensitivity in
delaying progression of peripheral tissues.
microvascular and DPP-IV inhibitors,
macrovascular sulfonylureas, Metformin and α-
complications in patients meglitinides and
incretin mimetics
with diabetes

Paul Arnouts,, 2013

Main hypoglycaemic drugs

• reduce glucose • block glucose

intake by reabsorption from
increasing satiety renal tubular cells,
and regulating therefore inducing
gastric emptying glucose loss
through the urine.

Amylin SGLT-2
analogues inhibitors

Paul Arnouts,, 2013

Paul Arnouts,, 2013



Metformin Metformin
• Metformin, the most widely used biguanide is
recommended as a first-line glucose-lowering Decreases hepatic
agent in almost all current diabetes guidelines. glucose production
increases insulin
• Metformin is cheap, has a well- characterized sensitivity; increases
Mechanism of action
efficacy and safety profile, does not increase the insulin- mediated
risk of hypoglycaemia, has some modest lipid- utilization of glucose in
lowering effects peripheral tissues and
decreases glucose
• does not result in weight gain. intestinal absorption
• the use of metformin is associated with a lower
incidence of macro-vascular complications

Paul Arnouts,, 2013

• Metformin
Disadvantages/side Biotransformation
Usual Dose
and clearance – hydrophilic drug
• Diarrhoea • 500–1000 mg • Eliminated – the absorption occurs almost exclusively in
• Abdominal pain orally one to three unchanged by the
• Vitamin B12 times daily kidney through the upper gastrointestinal tract
filtration and – After administration: the maximum peak in
• Lactic acidosis
tubular secretion
(very rare)
and excreted in
plasma concentration (2 μg/mL) is reached
the urine (80%) within 2 hour
• No metabolite
generation – The absolute bioavailability of a 500 mg
dose of metformin is ∼50–60%

Paul Arnouts,, 2013


Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics
• Metformin • Metformin
– The bioavailability is reduced by food and – The last mechanism (involving the human
tends to decrease with the increase of the dose
administered, suggesting the existence of a organic cation transporter-2) accounts for
saturation- or permeability/transit time-limited most of metformin elimination and explains
absorption mechanism. the high renal clearance of the drug (∼450
– The overall volume of distribution is 3.1 L/kg mL/min).
– highly distributed in erythrocytes, the blood – The elimination half-life ranges from 1.5 to
mean terminal elimination half-life (t1/2) is 8.7 h and ∼90% of the dose is excreted in
notably higher (17.6 h) than the plasma t1/2
(1.5–4.9 h) urine within 12–24 h


• Bind pancreatic β-cells and stimulate insulin • 1st generation: acet-ohexamide,
release independently from blood glucose chlorpropamide, tolazamide and
concentrations → As a consequence, the
• 2nd generation: gliclazide, glimepiride,
hypoglycaemic efficacy decreases over glipizide and glibenclamide (or glyburide).
time when β-cell function is impaired • the most common side effect
• Sulfonylureas are strongly protein-bound – Hypoglycaemia: long-acting sulfonylureas (such
as chlorpropamide and glyburide), especially
(particularly to albumin) and their in CKD patients because of the fall in renal
displacement by β-blockers, salicylates and gluconeogenesis and accumulation
warfarin can lead to hypoglycaemia – Nausea, skin reactions (including
photosensitivity) and abnormal liver function
tests represent other low-incidence side-effects



Chlorpropamide (1st generation) Chlorpropamide (1st generation)

Stimulates insulin Disadvantages/side

Usual Dose
secretion from the effects and clearance

pancreas; closes • Hypoglycaemia ( • 250–500 mg orally • Eliminated almost

Mechanism of K- ATP channels
frequent) once daily exclusively by the
• Flushing after kidney and
action on β-cell plasma alcohol ingestion excreted in the
• Hyponatreamia urine as
membranes • Increased
unchanged drug
and hydroxylated
or hydrolyzed
risk and mortality

Paul Arnouts,, 2013 Paul Arnouts,, 2013

Pharmacokinetics Tolbutamide (1st generation)
• The drug interacts with ATP-sensitive potassium-
channel receptors on the pancreatic cell surface, Stimulates
promoting the secretion of insulin pancreatic insulin
• rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, secretion from the
reaching the highest circulating levels in 2–4 h Mechanism of pancreas -Closes
• Metabolized in the liver (∼80%), primarily via action K-ATP channels on
CYP2C9 b- cell plasma
• the metabolites are mainly excreted in the urine membranes
• The average biological half-life is 36 h

Paul Arnouts,, 2013 Paul Arnouts,, 2013


Tolbutamide (1st generation)
• Rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal
tract and detectable levels are present in
the plasma within 20 min after oral
Disadvantages/side effects Usual Dose
Biotransformation and ingestion, with peak levels occurring at 3–4
• Hypoglycaemia • 1000–2000 mg orally one

• Liver metabolization to
• Increased cardiovascular
risk and mortality
to two times daily hydroxymethyltolbutamide
(mildly active) and
• The half-life of tolbutamide is 4.5–6.5 h
• Sulphonamide allergy carboxytolbutamide
(inactive); • The metabolism of tolbutamide is mainly
• metabolites are excreted
in urine and faeces hepatic via CYP2C9 with the generation of
hydroxymethyltolbutamide (mildly active)
and carboxytolbutamide (inactive)
• excreted in urine (75–85%, primarily as
metabolites) and faeces (15–25%)
Paul Arnouts,, 2013 Paul Arnouts,, 2013


Glipizide (2nd generation) Glipizide (2nd generation)

Disadvantages/side Biotransformation
Usual Dose
effects and clearance
Stimulates insulin
release from • Hypoglycaemia • 2.5–10 mg daily • Primarily
pancreatic β cells • Gastrointestinal eliminated by
disturbance hepatic
transformation into
• 80% excreted in
urine, 10%
Mechanism of excreted in faeces
action and 10% excreted

Paul Arnouts,, 2013 Paul Arnouts,, 2013



Pharmacokinetics Acarbose
• Peak plasma concentrations occur 1–3 h after a
single oral dose
• elimination half-life ranges from 2 to 4 h in
normal subjects, whether given intravenously or Mechanism of action Blocks the action of the
orally α- glucosidase with
reduced hydrolysis of
• metabolized primarily by hepatic transformation complex saccharides.
into several inactive metabolites by aromatic
• 10% of a dose is excreted as unchanged in urine
and faeces, while ∼90% is found as
biotransformation products in urine (80%) and
faeces (10%)

Paul Arnouts,, 2013 Paul Arnouts,, 2013


Acarbose Pharmacokinetics
• Metabolism by intestinal bacteria and enzymatic
hydrolysis produce over 13 metabolites, at least
Usual Dose
Biotransformation one of which has some biological activity.
effects and clearance
• Only a small amount of the drug (∼34% of the
• Flatulence • 75–300 mg/day • Intestinal dose) is absorbed and the bioavailability is very
• Diarrhoea production of
several low
metabolites, • The peak plasma concentrations are achieved
• some of which ∼1 h after administration.
biologically active.
Intact acarbose • Intact acarbose is almost completely excreted
excreted by the by the kidney with an elimination half-life of ∼2
h. Less than 2% of the starting dose is recovered
in the urine as an active drug (intact compound
and active metabolite)
Paul Arnouts,, 2013 Paul Arnouts,, 2013


• Kelly Anne Meckling, 2007. Nutrient drug
interactions. CRC Press.
• Lisa L. Deal, Dee Anna Wales, 2017. Clinical: Food-
Drug Interactions. Krause’s food & the nutrition care
process. 14th edition. St. Louis, Missouri
• Georges Cheymol, 2000. Effects of Obesity on
Pharmacokinetics Implications for Drug Therapy.
Clin Pharmacokinet 2000 Sep; 39 (3): 215-231.
• Paul Arnouts, 2013. Glucose-lowering drugs in
patients with chronic kidney disease: a narrative
review on pharmacokinetic properties. Nephrol
Dial Transplant (2014) 29: 1284–1300.


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