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Best Way to Get the Most Out of This Life Transforming Program:

Yipppeee!! Congratulations on making the decision to transform your life. I promise it will be an
interesting, productive, fun, bumpy, exhilarating and sometimes crazy ride.

But then life is all of those things, isn’t it?

The Real Goal

In this program, I will ask you to set goals and intentions. But the purpose of focusing on our dreams
and intentions is not really the end result. It is just the mechanism.

The real purpose of setting those goals is to become who we really are – the person who can live those
dreams and do those things with ease. You could say it builds character and it does.

And the second purpose is to feel the essence of those dreams, i.e. you may want to attain x amount of
residual income. The reason you want to attain that is to become me secure and peaceful. So what
you really want is to become more secure and peaceful.

What is the essence of your goal or dream? How do you think you will feel when you attain it? This is
the essence of what you really desire.

In a few minutes, I am going to ask you to focus on what you want to get out of this program, but first
let’s talk about how this program works.

How Life Transformation Tools and More is Structured

Each month you will receive a lesson on a particular topic. You will receive a link to this lesson in your
email box. The lesson will be recorded and you can play it online or download it to an MP3 player.
There will also be a written transcript of the recording in PDF format that you can download. A CD of
the session will also be mailed out at the end of the month so you can have it for your car, your files,
etc and can re-play it ay any time.

This program is set up to build upon itself over 12 months. We start out with the basics and get more in
depth as we go along. The lessons are sent out monthly so that you have time to implement, practice
and ask questions in between. And with each lesson, you will have the opportunity to gain more clarity,
let go of more that is in the way and life will start to become easier...

Why You Should Never Cancel

You can stop at any time by contacting my program coordinator using the contact link at the top of the
website or on the FAQ page.

There are many reasons why you should stick with your membership. Its great training, if you keep
quitting one thing and going to another, you’ll never get anywhere, even if you don’t use it all now,
you can archive it to use later. Each of your lessons is sequential and delivered by autoresponder.
That means if you decide to cancel and rejoin at some point in the future, you’ll have to start over
again with the very first lesson. There is no picking up where you left off with this program. I strongly
encourage you to stick with the program for the entire duration. Trust me when I say, you will thank
me in the end.

So if “life comes up” and you don’t have time to get to a lesson, allow that to be okay. The way this
program is structured, you can listen or read them at any time in the future.

If you don’t think a topic applies to where you are in your life right now, listen for the gold. There is
gold in each session, no matter where you are in your life. And have the intention to apply the tools to
whatever is going on in your life now.

Remember you can download the recordings or play the CDs while you are walking, exercising, or even
driving in the car.

Timed Released Bonuses Every 90 Days

Once per quarter, you will automatically receive a FREE bonus as an active Life Transformation Tools &
More Member. This will appear in your inbox every 90 days and will include further tools, resources,
interviews with guest experts and meditations to support you in living your dreams. Additionally there
are some built-in surprises along the way at unspecified intervals.

And finally, there is a SUPER graduation bonus at the end of your 12-month training that is literally
worth more than your subscription dues for the whole year, so look for that on graduation day.

Making Time for You

I recommend that you block out 60 minutes per month to listen to or read the lesson at a time that
works for you. Have this be a re-occurring appointment on your calendar. This is time for you. Make it
sacred. Making time for yourself and keeping it is a way to build self-esteem. So often, we are good
about keeping appointments with others but not with ourselves. Keep this appointment with yourself
as you would with others. Decide on a time and make a re-occurring appointment with yourself for one
hour per month for the next 12 months. Do it now. Remember if you download the recording, you can
also listen while working out, walking or driving. You can come back and do any written exercises

I would also recommend blocking out an hour during the month to attend the Q&A session, listen to the
recording or read the transcript from the Q&A. Even if you don’t have questions, you will learn so
much from others. You will be notified of next Q&A sessions by email and on the Forum.

After each session, there will be an assignment of some type that will help you put the new tool or idea
in place. Commit to the assignment at the level that feels right for you. Some assignments will just
take a few seconds or a few minutes interspersed throughout your week. This will vary with each
assignment. Remember, like anything, the more you put these new tools in place, the more results you
will see.

Your Personal Journey

You are each on your unique journey and no matter where you are, these tools can help you.

Do not make the mistake of comparing yourself to where others are. It never matches.
And it doesn’t matter.

And do not resist or make where you are in your journey wrong. If you do, you will just stay in that
place longer.

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Allow your journey to be what it is. And you will move through it with more grace and ease.

Attracting the Resources You Need to Attain Your Dream

My experience is when you get quiet and get some of the nervous chatter out of your head; you are
more open to attracting the resources, and getting clarity on the “how” that works for you.

Does this mean just sit on your hands and wait for things to show up. No. I recommend taking steps
and doing research. The Forum is one place to start. And just know if it is not showing up yet, you
have more clearing to do.

Where Did All These Tools Come From:

The tools you will learn in this program are tools that our guest experts and I have learned over the
years. Some of the tools will be presented as is; others have been tweaked based on what I found
worked best for me. Some I created myself.
I will only share with you tools that have worked for me personally or on occasion may present a tool
that someone else has had extensive success with. But in most cases, these tools are tested on me
first. So I have done the legwork for you and you get to reap the rewards.

I will share with you the source and/or original creator of a tool when known.

What to Expect

Expect feelings of peacefulness, joy, and exuberance. Also expect that after these highs, sometimes
you may have new fears or blocks arise. That is because you have cleared one layer and there was
another layer under it just waiting for you to notice it so it too can be cleared.

Sometimes this process will feel easy and like the best thing you ever did. Sometimes you will think you
have not gotten any benefit.

I know from personal experience, that when you resist what is happening, it just stays longer. That is
one of the reasons I was sick for so long. I was not used to being sick and had a hard time accepting it.
When I got more peaceful with it and quiet in myself, I was able to attract the resources I needed to
get well. I can teach you how to get more peaceful with where you are too (and much faster than I

Layers of the Onion

One of the things that is really important to remember is that we are all like giant onions …. Meaning
that there are a lot of layers to our patterns and limiting behaviors. Sometimes it may feel like you are
taking huge steps forward and sometimes it may feel like you have gone backwards because that same
old issue or pattern is appearing yet again. The best thing you can do is be patient when that happens
and understand that it is just another layer of that issue. When we peel off layers, it gives room for
the new layers to appear. This is all part of the process and we will always have new layers. These
new layers will make themselves evident at 2 times in particular:

a. when you are working on a particular block or issue in earnest, then the layers will unfold
because you are basically saying, I want to know what is in the way – and indeed, your body
will keep showing you

b. When you take on a new challenge – every old behavior and pattern that no longer works
for you to achieve that challenge, will come up to be healed. (my story of quitting my job)

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This is part of living your dreams and becoming the person who can live that dream.

Does this mean that you have to get to the core of the onion before you see any progress?

No, absolutely not. Generally, you will feel relief and a sense of calmness right away. Just
depending on the depth of the issue, you may see results quickly or it may take peeling few layers
before you see results. The important thing is that you don’t stop.

In future sessions, we will talk our patterns and what we do to keep them in place and how we can
shift that.

The Biggest Mistake to Avoid

The biggest mistake people make is that they try it once and may not get the results they want
immediately and so they decide this does not work or does not work for them.

Life transformation is a process – that is why I designed this program to be 12 months - although you
will certainly see results much sooner than that. I know we all want quick fixes.

But the key is to allow it to be a process, rather than meaning something is wrong. If you allow the
process to be what it is and keep engaging in it, you will open up and evolve like a beautiful butterfly.

If You Need More Help

Some things will be relatively easy for you to move through, other things may take more time and
dedication to the process. And then sometimes, something may come up that you have no idea how to
deal with or you want help on.

Here are some things you can do when you need help:

a. Go to the forum and ask for help on a particular topic and see what other people have done to
work on similar issues. See instructions on how to use the Forum if you have more questions.

b. Ask for someone on the forum to be your buddy and you can use the tools and techniques
learned in this group to help each other

c. There will be a Question and Answer session each month. Again it will be helpful to listen in,
not only to ask your own question, but because you will benefit from the coaching and
questions for other people. If you cannot attend the session, you can use the forms provided to
submit your question ahead of time. You will receive both a recording and a transcript of these
calls. If there are many questions, I will stay on these calls longer or set up an extra call to
make sure all pertinent questions get answered.

Next Steps:

* Set Your Intentions for This Program

Download the document or listen to the audio on how to set your intentions for this program to get the
best results

* Register for the Forum:

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This is where you can share your goals with the community, get support, find a buddy, ask for what you
desire and post what you have to offer. Locate the document on how to register for the forum and use
it most effectively.

Liability Waiver

You are responsible for your own health and well being during this program and take
responsibility for taking care of yourself and getting help from a qualified practitioner if your
situation warrants, such as cases of severe depression, psychological illness, suicidal tendencies
or medical conditions that warrant the care of a medical doctor.

You understand that Stacey Mayo is a coach and utilizes a variety of tools for clearing what is in
the way. She is not a therapist or medical practitioner and any suggestions made are strictly
her opinion. It is your responsibility to do your own due diligence and make decisions that are
best for you.

The purpose of this Life Transformation Tools and More program is to educate. Stacey Mayo,
The Center for Balanced Living, Inc and it's affiliate companies shall have neither liability nor
responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to
have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information presented in any format in this

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