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John Mathew Santos

11 - St. Dominic Savio


 Every year August is the month of celebration for buwan ng wika (National

Language Month) here in the philippines. It is celebrate to show that our

national language is not just for the use of our communication , it

represents us a country same us the the different countries . Our language

is like the spirit of our country that gives us life. It’s the bridge for us to

connect from other communities that our living in our country or any places.

Our Mother tongue Language makes as united as a country because we

are able to understand each other and communicate to each other by a

specific lalanguage. As a filipino we acknowledge the importance of our

national language by celebrating the buwan ng wika every month of


Why should everyone wear filipino outfit?

 As a filipino in our everday life we are not required to wear a filipino attire.

If we are attending a special event likke buwan ng wika we should wear

the filipino or anytime we are require to wear it. As a filipino We should be

proud of our attire because it’s a part of our culture and it represents us as

a country

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