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“How to respect the Philippine flag”

Reflection Paper

We are all aware that each country has its own national flag that
represents the country as a whole. It enables us to recognize any country
and to be recognized by the entire world. In return, it is our responsibility
to protect and respect our national flag and to be proud of our national
anthem. As a Filipino citizen, I can say that I consistently pay tribute to our
flag and national anthem. Standing still and pausing everything I'm doing
while the national anthem plays can demonstrate how much I respect the
flag and the anthem. This is also a way for me to express my admiration to
our heroes who fought for the independence of our country.
Moving on, it is critical to respect our own national flag because it
represents our nation and allows us to be recognized by others. People
must be responsible and knowledgeable enough to recognize the worth of
their own country. And, as a student and a Filipino citizen, I can encourage
others, particularly those with my age, by instilling in them the purpose,
importance, and value of our national flag and anthem, so that they, can
respect it too. As a symbol of respect, everyone must stand at attention
and face the Philippine flag, if one is displayed. Another thing is to educate
people about the importance of not using the flag as curtains, tablecloths,
or for other purposes.
Overall, I believe that citizens must respect their own flag and
national anthem in order to be respected by others. We can show our love
and loyalty to our country in the most humble way possible. When our
national anthem played, we had to stop walking, talking, or doing anything
else and sing along with it. We must value our national symbols, which
represent our country's beliefs, traditions, and values that distinguish us.

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