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Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–j next to the numbers 1–10.
1 ___ You do this after a. have dinner
a long day and just
before you fall asleep.
b. go to school
2___You do this when
your alarm clock goes
off in the morning.

3 ___ You do this in the c. have a shower

morning because it is
the most important meal
of the day.
d. go to bed
4____ You do this at
the dinner table with
your family.
e. go home
5____You do this to
make your body and
hair clean.
f. wake up
6____ You do this after
you wake up.
g. have breakfast
7____ You do this so
you can meet your
friends and learn new
h. brush your teeth
8____You do this after
school because your
teacher will get angry if
you don't.
i. get up
9____Your dentist will
be pleased if you do
this twice a day.
j. do homework
10____You do this in
the afternoon when
your classes at school
have finished.

2. Answer: What time do you wake up on school days?

3. What time is it?

__________________ ____________________ ___________________

4. DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: ffiillll iinn tthhee ssppaacceess wwiitthh tthhee

ccoorrrreecctt pprreeppoossiittiioon

01) The picture is __________ the sofa. (above, in)

02) The bank is __________ the street. (across, through)
03) We came here __________ the doctor’s office. (at, from)
04) There is a lamp hanging __________ the dining room table. (over, under)
05) We ran __________ the house. (into, up)
06) The table is __________ the bed. (next to, through)
07) Your letter is __________ the red books. (across, between)
08) There’s a mouse __________ the refrigerator. (through, behind)
09) My shoes are __________ the closet. (in, on)
10) The necklace is __________ my neck. (around, at)
Write the dates in full following the example provided.
5th Feb February the fifth
30th Jan
17th Nov
12th Aug
21st Sep
9th Apr
7th Mar
25th June
1st May
13th July
29th Oct

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