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, Nl.w.


tthlch ls tbe Prlna Materla of the Phllosophere, of thla O that

bas been relL purlfled,ln raln-water or Dewrand.chrlstallleed,
tnke 16 ounces, grlnd,1t snall and nlx some of the Earth out of
whlch 1t rae llx1.v1.ated, and calclned, wltb lt and. put lt l-a a
veesel of Glaesr'rlth Der or raln-rater aad set it ln
the Suar wben DrIr lnblbe agaln and repeat tbe Eane eeveral t1nee,
for 4 weeks that tbe unlversar splrlt of tbe A1r nay inslnuate
ltself the better lato the eane, then nake rouad.perrets of the
aaue and f111 sucb a Veesel thats burnt of good Materlale half, put tt ln a f,urnace rltb a Large recetyer 1n whlcx there
has been ftret put 2 neaaures of distlIled, Der or raln-raterr lute
lt wel.L and dlstlll rlth the 4 degrees of flre, a Splrd't and
volatlle saLt or the Volatlle Snake or T{lauga contt-nue the same
xrttb fresh lngredlente tlLl you have forced alJ. tbe Vol.atlle 8p1r1t
.-r)- of eucb SaLt. Non you nust also nake the Splrlt Volatlle,
or Put the 6ane in a glass ltnbeck as thls and
put a head wlth a long beak to lt and put tb,e sane 1n a Balneo
Marlae: Aad carefully drar over arr the phlegna. Thea when coLd
take l't f,ron tbence, and pLace lt ln nlunz GapeJ-Ie rl-tb
(1.e' a sand.heat) aad dlstll or drar over the Splrlt,
but as be stlll wants ble wlngs, you nust repeat tbe d!.stlllatton

? tlnes per 6e. The seventh tlne gtve hln ble volattre salt tbat

they nay both cone o,ver together; at the laet strong flre
when the Wlngs of tbe Snalre 1111 rlse l.n vhlte florers, take then

and eubI:LBe otr l'et tben rlse once nore tlll tbey are qulte clean

and transpareat and, tahe great car6 of tben. Then take tbe Caput

Mort. on wbat renalned ln the Veesel fron wblcb you dl.etl.ll,ed

the Spi-rlt, pouad. tt enalI and, pour distllted Der or raln-rater

on !t and. extract a salt fron tt, tbe same purlfle and f!.I'ter

eo ofteu t111 perfectly clean and transparent, aB a lllanond.

Then you have the Snake w"lthout Wl.aga but take 6reat care tbat
you lose notblng ln the lTork that the pouderous or [el-ght of

Hature lray renaln conpleat; take that flrst Salt gdld !.t snall

aud put 1t ln a gJ.aee.Vessel and pour the Spl'rl.t aid your!'le

SaIt upon !,t, lute tt very sell tbat nothlng ualr evaporate or

fLy fron 1t, place !.t ln a gentle rarmth, then the flred r11l be

dlEeolved by the Volatlle and opeaed arrd tbe Volatl.l'e snalre 1111

devour the fl'xt one and fron botb 1111, proceed a ttery creeptng

Drakel here you bave the Qulatessence and the bleselng rhtch the

Lord IaI.d l.a the Eartb, wblch ls the Der of beaven, and of the

fatnese of the Eartb, (Gen. XXWI-28-29.) the 1lfe of a].l tblnge

tbat are ctreated. Tbls Llquor le sweeter thaa Suger. llor to

kaou hor to use thls bleseed tlquor.

Rx. take balf an ounce of purlfl.ed Gold (by Antl.nony) beat

lato leaf goldr put lnto sush a 6lass (here ls an l'lluetratlon

of an long necked round botton flask-D.E.) and pour 2 ouncee of


tbl.e Valuable tlquor upon lt; put lt lnto a geatle beat, and. the

GoLd rrfff dlssolve gently lnto a blgh coloured yellor Ltquor, aad

greyish earth w1ll settle at the botton. Then eeparate the clear

SoLoutlon ln a glass VeseeL that 5 parts of the Ba"e nay renaln

enpty; eeal tbe gl.ass hernetlcer tbat 14, nelt the top part or

nouth of the Veeeel c1oee togetber, aud place Lt ln (bere he

hae an llluetratlou of an Atbanor-D. E.) thl.e secret furnace,

glve 1t gentle degreee of flre for 40 days aad atghte t111 1t ls

aJ-I gone lnto tbe putrlfactlon and becone b1ack, rhl.cb tbe Aaciente

calLed the Crore f,ead. Thea put lt 1a ashes and.glve etronger

flre, ae bot ae the Sua-sblnes ln the blgbest l,lerld1an: Wben the

Itlonders of Nature w111 appear rrttb all ber Coloure [h,e.a Pea-

cocks-tall. Then ercreaae your flre yet so that lt be nol red

hot, theu appearB after l1O days the Whlteneesr tbe Moon shlne,

aad Dtana couea forcard ln her Snor rblte Glltterlng Vest. Shea

glve Lt the 4th Degree of beat for 40 days and nlghte longer ;
here you nust bury your Vessele ln ashesr when 1t bae stood for

40 or lO daye 1n tbts Degreer the red Lloa r1I1 appearr FI'll

draw h1.mself together llke a and wtII Eeparate i'tse1f

Il-ke the yolk ln aa eggr Tble nor le the true QulntesseDcer a

11ttLe of thrown oo 6 f,ead. pervadee Lt and, turne l.t tuto

(?) t for lt ls a true tlacture, to d:.seolve a litt1e(?)tatn thl.e
\-/ \-/f

heavenLy Llquor ls a powerful MedJ.clne for all dleeases of the

body by taklng but a yery fev drope onl.yr lt nakes a man rleet

aB it encreasse the strengtb of the body and dellvere hlu out

of dl.6tresa aa weII.

But lt le aeceesary to knov that ttule unlversal LLquor before

lt ls nlred rlth the GoId nust be nade netalLlc and, tlt to operate,
by tvo safer fiLrst; nlth Mercury Vlvun Purlflcato vblch. by the
ttquor la turned, lnto a pwater, for 1t wae notblng but aa a

Sat"tleh llater, aad, thle !.s the true Keyr rhen he ls opened, aone

feces d,o settle, tben the Llquor nust be separated, then re go

on aa the Author teacbest, the other nethod far exceeds thJ-e here,
take of the Mlnera Saturn t vrf.:cAls an entlre Volatl-le seed of
^4. G.
( )"ud )), beat lt snaLl after barlng been reIl cleaased of
tbe niner Bour the Llquor upoa lt, thea thle blessed l{l-nera r1}1
alL dleeolve ltseLf, ln such; pour off the clear Solutloa and,
aone freeh. upon lt, when tbe vhole ls dlssolved pour the rhole

cLear Solutloa ln a g1aee, put lt 1n a cool place, lt 1i11

nost wond.erful Chrletlal.e, when tbat 1s done thl-s wonderftrl SaIt
nay by dlfferent or Several ways brought lato a TR or tlnctrr€r
There l-e anotber netbod to obtaln th1-s Secret, Vlzl tatce
the purJ.fled, Sal,t O U"tore you drar or d5-etll-l a Jr- Sptrtt
fron lt, dry the sane yery reII and put lt ln a dl.stlLllng glaee,
place tbe sane vith tUeQSalt 1n (galneo Vapor) or steen heat,
or tn horse dung, but lt nuet be a coatlnual steenlng warnth
keep I.t there Bo IoEg t111 the SaItOO" converted, lnto aD o% :
Olly Llquor and. separate fron a1L lnpurlty, decant the clear fron

all the fecee, lu a cLear glaes, put the sare lnto Balneo Marle,
aad cabeful.Ly dlstlll over the Pble6nar but that rlll be very

li.tt1e tlll l.t ls coagulated agala: Then put the glase lnto fresh.
horee Dung to putrlfLe and dtssolve, tben coagulate t.t a6aln aad
repeat tbe sane tlll your (e) Satt le flx and flore l.n the
(A ) flre like rax rlthout dlnlautlon, rhea lt le la tble State
then Keep l.t very carefully: Take flne GoLeOretlned thru, Artl-
lrony (dleeolve l-t 1n Aqua fort, shea aII dlssolved dl.stl.ll- l-t all
over out of a glase yesEel, then pour!rater upon l-t and dJ.e-
eolve lt agaln, and &tstlLl the rater fron lt agaln, repeat the
aane eeveral tlnes, at tbe last glve alrays etrong flre, rhen
your fort rA11 nostly go over rlth 1t.. Dlsso1ve !'t ouce
nore and. put aone of the Mereury tn tbe Solutlon, the sane 1111
attract tbe
GoId to ltself , dtstl-Il tue \drater fron lt
agaln to a porder, set the 6ane ln a sealed glaee in the f,lre,

vhea the Mercury rrlll f,Ly fron lt, and leave the(?)UrUnd
a loose Earth qulte open and porous, edulcorate or uaeh th5.s
earth l.n dl.stl.lled raln-water Eeyeral tlnee, then dry l't, and
take thereof 1,/4 ounce, of tbe above Llquor or L-lquide Alkachest

or Mercury Phl-l,osophrun 2 ouncesl tub lt seLl together l'n a glass

Horterr put lt iuto a glase Vtal; called ln Gernany Fbiole, secure

I-t wel.l that notblng nay fall lnto lt, place the vesseL l.n a Sand

heat and gl-ve J.t the fourth degree or etrong flre, t111 it nelts

and, flowa togetber lnto a red Stone or powder; xtth tbls you naJr

do woud.ere,for 1t vlll tranenute all conuon MetaLe latoo.

whea Jrou pour aone of the above univereal Mercury whlch you have
prepared of the Volatlle and the flxed Snake upon I.TAGNESIA
P1uaabunlflgruu, a beavy l,tlaeral or ore, lt opeas or unrocke the
sane loto agreegr for lt contalns the l1fe of all Metals a!.d
l,[luerals, aad thle -fL Sptrltus ]tuadl of aII thlage nalr be used
ln cAAl,r,arrol{E vrRTUTrs ElrxrRrs AD PR0tOttGAt{DuM
vl$t!,t for 1t
nalntaLae and supporte all, thlngsl Els 1s the true green Vitrtol
rlth one nay do wondere.

But that you Eay be enabled to eat and rnal.ntain Jrourselve6

uhlle tbts great work 1e 1n band, I rlll teach Jrou a anall rork

that Jrou naJr do at the sane tlne and 1n all places. TakeX X -
rusty lron (suppose Grocue Martls)

rhlch 1s and a volatlle gold

ore or sand,r 6rtnd and nlr lt togetber, put Lt la a strong stone
or eartb,en yeseelr subllne lt, what ls sublLned, ml.x agaln dth
the rest, and add a llttle freeh{ , to lt, subLlnle it agaln
and repeat lt the 2ad tlne when you rrlrl recetve a gol'dl'sh srb-
ll"uoate wlrlch you nust use thue. Melt I 5 ouncea of the clean
(purlfted) netar O ln a strong earthen vesse1 (a cruclble) let

lt be ln fuslon ;L strong ftre for an hour then ntx Z ouncea

of thls Br subllmate ntxed. ulth fat and put tt lnto the neltl-ug

V let it flos or be 1n fusl-on for aB hour and you w111 flad

(by pourlng tt out) that you r11l have to ltve, nhll-e you are at

work about the grand Search.


I uust teacb you one useful tblng more when you have a nlght
f,at Earth, and extract the 6ame rith Der or eranay, (1.e.
dLstllLed Raln-water) by evaporatlng tbe sane lt con ahoot lnto
a Salt by reasoa of l.te fatnese and fat Vlscous Salt, when you
observe thlel Let lt evaporate to a thlck Syrop rtker tbl.s Syrop
or Jel,Ly ls nore valuable tban the chrletaLs for tbererrltb you

nay go to work, aanel.y that you nlx so nuch of, lte (bere a6a1a

ls the phraee tbat I have Left out before, because 1t appears to

be tn German end also that I cannot nake lt out. BesLdee tbe
Author tells ue lrhat the pbraae Eeana, D, f,) Uxlvated and
caLclned. Earth trlth lt and dlstlll over tbe sptrlt, by rhlcb
tleana you rlLl rece1ye as nuch agaln of thls Volat1l.e -Jr- (Spfat)
the tlxed Sal.t rematns behlnd, rhlcb nay be lklvated,, and pro-
ceed,ed ln the rork the sane as before lnstructed.

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