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D’Ann Coak

Glendora High School

1600 E. Foothill Blvd
Glendora, CA 91741
(626) 963-5731 x 5204

Sept 10, 2018

Brock Jacobsen
Coordinator of Education Technology & School to Career Pathways
Glendora Unified School District
​500 N Loraine Ave 
Glendora, CA 91741 
Dear Mr. Jacobsen,  
As you are aware, I was recently asked to review our current Acceptable Use Policy of 
Technology Resources for students. Upon my review I found some strengths, areas of concern 
and I also have some suggestions. A strength I found was the statement, “Access is a privilege, 
not a right; as such, general rules of school behavior apply.” It’s important that parents and 
students understand that the district is providing a resource for students to use appropriately, if 
a student’s behavior violates that privilege then they lose access to those resources. The 
statement is clear and it is placed the beginning of the AUP. I see that this sets up a transition to 
the explanation of possible consequences. The consequence statement informs families that 
there are District ramifications that are in accordance with the state of California. The AUP also 
explains that the district has the jurisdiction to enforce student behavior and discipline policies 
when a student is using the district’s resources remotely off-campus. This reminds students to 
be conscientious of their internet usage. Following the consequence statement, the AUP lists 13 
responsibilities for the students and parents. The list of responsibilities describes with some 
detail what families can expect from the district as we enforce these rules.  
I did notice some concerns with the AUP. As I understand it, the student and parents 
sign the AUP at registration every school year. However, the teachers have not signed it and the 
AUP was not distributed to the teachers. Since teachers are the ones using the technology with 
the students, teachers should be made aware of the AUP and sign the AUP as well. In addition, 
the AUP does not discuss the district’s or teachers’ instructional philosophies. A description of 
the instructional philosophies would provide families with a preview of what to expect in the 
classroom and how we use our technology resources. The last concern that I have is the 
negative verbiage that is throughout the document. The phrase “shall not” is repeated multiple 
times in the list of rules/ responsibilities. The negative verbiage of the document is not inviting. 
Families are more likely not to read the document when it is written in this tone.  
In addition, the AUP does not address Distance Education. As our district continues to 
develop and more online education is being implemented, it would be beneficial to address 
Distance Education in our AUP. Distance Education can be defined as a curriculum that is 
rigorous, attainable and completed asynchronously or synchronously online. Including Distance 
Education on our AUP will give families an understanding of where our district is going in the 
future with our curriculum. District Education will provide students the chance to complete 
courses that aren't traditionally offered in a face to face situation.​ I suggest adding the following 
to the existing policy: 
● Distance Education will be used at the discretion of the teachers when it is deemed 
appropriate to the curriculum. Distance Education communication will be approved by 
the administrators and the district’s technology department. Distance Education is 
encouraged to be used within all grade levels.   
● Students that participate in Distance Education are expected to adhere to all current 
student policies and positive digital citizenship. The Distance Education experience is an 
extension of Glendora Unified.   
As I mentioned before, the teachers are not asked to sign the AUP, yet they are required 
to implement the AUP in their classrooms. I would suggest obtaining signatures from the 
teachers at the start of every school year. Teachers should be encouraged to review the AUP 
with their classes. The teacher can then share with his or her students how the AUP applies to 
the classroom expectations. Some teachers have blended learning courses that require 
students to complete online assignments. Explaining that the district’s jurisdiction and 
resources apply outside of the campus will prepare the student to behave and use the resources 
appropriately. I would also like to suggest that the students review the AUP and write a 
“student-friendly” version of the AUP. This would allow the students to have a voice and a better 
understanding of the AUP.  
I appreciate the opportunity to work in conjunction with the district. Thank you for your 
D’Ann Coak 
Education Specialist  

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