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I am an Atenean

Samantha Jamie H. Geronimo

I remembered reading something that Marianne Williamson said, “Our deepest fear is not
that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” I wasn’t the
type to look up quotes from or, the only quotes I looked
up were dialogues from my favorite shows on Netflix. If that was the case, how did I come
across this rousing excerpt? It started not too long ago, a year, at most. By “it,” I mean the
significant experience that helped define me as a person.

It was around 2 p.m., our last subject for the day. Research class wasn’t the most thrilling
subject that semester, and to be frank, I didn’t even try listening to the teacher. Instead of
listening to her discussion about dependent and independent variables, my friend decided to tell
me about this movie she watched on Netflix called “The Secret.” She told me how it defined and
explained the law of attraction. I had always been interested in things out of the ordinary, things
like the concept of life and death and the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, so I put my attention
to what she was saying. She began to tell me stories of how people began to put their trust in the
Universe and how they received what they asked for by simply living by the LOA. Despite the
doubts I had on how these miracles could happen, I remained interested and even got more
curious. While my friend told me more, I tried to keep a straight face to avoid catching the
teacher’s attention.

The LOA or Laws of Attraction is nothing complex. An article I read that night said that it
has been believed by the people of before that the immortal Buddha wanted it to be known that
“What you have become is what you have thought.” I read article after article for hours, and even
as I laid down to sleep, I continued to think about it. The next morning, I felt completely
different. I felt like me, but I felt better. I was better. I also came across a Youtube video, where
someone talked about claiming things and saying them as if they already happened. That
morning, I felt better. That morning, I was better. As I walked to school after being dropped off
in front of the subdivision that contained my school, my sun continued to shine bright rays.
Unlike the days where I reached my classroom sweating, panting and frowning, that day I was
smiling. I was still sweating and panting as my classroom was situated on the fourth floor, but I
was smiling. My days felt brighter, to say the least. I was less irritated and had longer patience. It
was a big change of pace for me because I knew myself as someone who easily got affected by
the simple things that happened around me. Hence, I was constantly down, or my mood
fluctuated most of the time. I still had bad days, countless, in fact, but they were significantly
less and shorter than before. I felt good about myself, and I thought that mattered the most.

Having the opportunity to learn about the Laws of Attraction and being able to
understand it with such a purposeful point of view, I can say that this is an experience worth
writing about. This made me feel a lot better about myself, even more than specific
accomplishments I achieved, because I got to work on myself. The LOA may seem ridiculous
and ambitious for most, they might laugh at this paper or at me if I were to tell them. I wouldn’t
blame them, it really was difficult to grasp the concept of having anything you could possibly
ask for. If they ask me how, or why would the Universe make all these happen, I wouldn’t be
ashamed to tell them I don’t have a clue. I only believe, I don’t know how or why, and to be
honest I don’t think I need to. At this point, whether the LOA works or not don’t really bother me
anymore. Gaining this new positive outlook on life made my days lighter, made me
communicate and connect with other people better, and also made myself let go of the things I
limit myself to. I didn’t lose anything, and I believe I would never have to lose anything ever
again. I am claiming this, together with everything else I desire to achieve. As I end my essay, I
am making it clear to the Universe that I am also claiming this. I am with power. I do not fear of
what I cannot do, and I do not fear of what I can. This is what helped define me as a person. I am
an Atenean.

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