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For this assignment I decided to work with “The Kite Runner”, a book writing by Khaled
Hosseini, an Afghan-American novelist that tells the story of Amir, a kid from Kabul and his
relationship with Hassan his childhood friend, but especially his relation with his father. The
story is full of sadness, guilt, redemption and social conflicts like the Afghanistan’s monarchy,
the refugees and the rise of the Taliban’s. This task is going to be an Diary entry about
“bravery and beliefs in times of war”. It´s going to be written with a formal and serious tone,
and hopes to address to all type of audience, due to the importance of the topic. In this diary
entry, I tried to use formal and technical language, giving an easy reading to the public and an
better understanding of the context, with hope the readers value the importance of being
brave sometimes, to don’t stop believing in your ideals and to fight for other even if it means
going against the group. It´s also directed to people who has suffer during war with some
decisions or when their faith and moral are being proved. I chose this type of text because I
felt this is the best way to accomplish the objective, because it involves feeling and it´s
persuasive for the public.

Dear diary, 14 October, 1979

It has been a long time since I last wrote on you, but lately I do not even have time for my
thoughts, everything is changing and I don’t know if it´s for good or bad, it´s has been some
hard years for the afghans, I can tell by looking how terrified and anxious people is, especially
Amir, who I have seen a bit distant and quiet, and when I ask about his feelings he never
speaks, he just turn his head around and ignores me. I know he is having a hard time dealing
with h the war but he must learn to live with it, because the world loves testing our strength
and capacities to solve problems.

To put you in context my dear friend, Amir and I are running away from Kabul, there´s no
longer a place to call home, the Soviet military forces had invaded Afghanistan and they are
chasing us. So the only way to keep being alive was escaping and I must admit that it feels
weird. You know I am known for being brave and fearless, I´m Toophan agha, or 'Mr.
Hurricane '", respected by everyone in the city, but I had to leave in order to save my son life.
Now we are on our way to the United States, going up and down of different transports and
enduring these military perverts that are keeping us alive and unseen from the soviet forces.
These soldiers show me that every day the world is increasingly corrupted by interests and
pleasure, clouding our judgment. Like the other day when the truck that contains us and four
other families stopped, and suddenly a soldiers appeared and demanded for one woman to
follow him and pleased the Russian guard for us to keep our way. I remember the families
hugging with fear in their eyes; especially the woman’s begging to not be seen by this soldier .
So after this scene, I remember standing on my feet while Amir was holding my hand
shuttering something, that seems like a favor. I know that maybe other fathers would never
risk their life knowing that if something bad happened they would leave their son alone, but
that is not my case, I´m not that kind of father, my belief´s didn´t allowed me to stay quiet so
ignoring my son and the future, I confront the soldier, willing to sacrifice my life to keep the
Russian guard from raping one of the woman’s in the truck. Fortunately, in a mysterious way I
made it, and I got to save the woman, without killing myself. Before that, everyone was
thanking me and praising me as a hero, expect my son. I look at him and I could feel the fear
inside him, he was shaking and once we made eye contact he hugged me. Then he asked me if
I was afraid and I simply answer him that every bravery act is born from feeling fear, because
if you don’t fear you can’t be brave. After that I think he understand my actions, but I’m still
worried he will not be strong enough for the future, I was worried that my son wouldn’t have
the courage to stand up for himself, neither the strength to behave morally as an adult.

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