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When Death Comes

Poem by Mary Oliver

When death comes

like a hungry bear in autumn;
when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse

to buy me, and snaps the purse shut;

when death comes
like the measle-pox;

when death comes

like an iceberg between the shoulder blades,

I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering:

what is it going to be like, the cottage of darkness?

And therefore I look upon everything

as a brotherhood and a sisterhood,
and I look upon time as no more than an idea,
and I consider eternity as another possibility,

and I think of each life as a flower, as common

as a field daisy, and as singular,

and each name a comfortable music in the mouth,

tending, as music does, toward silence,

and each body a lion of courage, and something

precious to the earth.

When it’s over, I don’t want or wonder

if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened,
or full of argument.

I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.

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The Medicine Wheel

Practices of South:
Non- judgment
Walk in Beauty

Practices of West:

Practices of the North:

Beginners Mind
Living Consequently

Practices of the East:

Mastering Time
Owning Projections
Indigenous Alchemy

Rites given
South: Kawaks – seers rites, Ayni Karpay – archetype seeds in each chakra,
Hampe Rites – Rites to mesa, and Bands of Protection.

West: Pampa Mesayok Rites – Caretaker of the Earth – Daykeepers.

North: Alto Mesayok Rites – Wisdom Keepers Rites, Mountain Rites.

East: Kurak A Kuyek Rites – Masticators of Wisdom, Earthkeepers.

Mosok Karpay: Anchor to the new time.

Taitanchis: Creator Rites, Co-Creator.

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Medicine Wheel Journey and Tools Overview

General energetic maintenance:

l Regularly clean chakras in the shower

l Continue to do fires for your Ayni Karpay to strengthen
l Breathwork
l Feed your mesa
l Journey with your mesa stones let them inform you
l Full moon fires
l Join the lineage on Saturday nights, sleep with your mesa open
l Revisit the practices of each direction

When doing your personal work:

l Work within sacred space, with your wirachocha open

l We engage it at the mythic instead of in our material lives
l We can track through all 4 levels and gain information
l We map it mythically
l Engage it energetically
l Own it Mythically, Symbolically and Literally

Ways to take an issue to the mythic instead of processing it literally in your life:

l Blow it into a stone and place it in your mesa

l Take it to a sandpainting
l Take it to a fire

Tracking for Wisdom:

l Literal Serpent 1st Physical (incl. organs, body functions etc)

l Symbolic Jaguar 2nd Mental, emotional
l Mythic Hummingbird 6th Mythic Journey, How it effects your world, your life
l Energetic Eagle 9th Energetic matrix
l Bridge 8th Shamans seeing state, download

Some ways to track for where you are on your journey, general info, etc.:
(use your perceptual states)

l Blow issue into a stone, hold the stone and track the stone
l Say an issue and restate it in every perceptual state and get information
l Blow on all your mesa stones and throw them on your mesa cloth, divine for info
l Use tarot cards write 3 card story, read outloud, ask yourself questions, track
l Explore shadows, backdoors and projections
l Ask the Ayni Karpay (archetypes in chakras) for information

Ways to map mythically:

l Make a sandpainting showing how it affects your world

l Do a three-card story see how it lives archetypically you
l Put it in a body movement and express it that way

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Three card story: questions to ask self as move through process:

l Read the story aloud to yourself or to a partner

To get a sense what your journey is:

l What is the mythic journey-the epic journey the big picture

To see where the energy is at currently:

l Where are you on this journey, in this story energetically

l Which card has the most energy of the story

To see obstructions, lacks, gifts:

l What elements are present from the picture and the journey in the story
l What elements are missing from the pictures and the journey in the story
l What elements are aluded to but still in the developmental stage
l What are the dangers, what are the gifts?

To look at shadows:

l Read the story as “I”

l We are looking for the hidden shadow (the piece you don’t recognize about yourself)
l Who are all the characters (even the out of control train)
l What aspect of you is reflected in each character
l How to you live with the beautiful and the ugly in the story

To look at backdoors:

l What back doors are reflected in the story (escape hatches)

l (If not this then I can always go back to …)

To look for projections, limiting beliefs:

l What are the beliefs represented or held within the story

l If I’m holding that belief what am I creating in my world

Create a new map- new journey statement:

l What do you want instead

l Put that into a body movement

Practices of the East

Since we dream the world in constantly-lets dream an incredible world

Practice of Mastering time

l Step into the stream of timelessness, let go of the restrictions of cause and effect paradigm
l Recognizing the you live in sacred time – the universe conspires on your behalf
l Practice Ayni – being in proper relationship to life
l Stepping outside of time into infinity and perfection, being informed by that
l Practice stillness so can create movement and shift your momentum tunnel

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Practice of Owning your Projections: Awareness

l Practice awareness that you are creating your world in every moment
l Recognize what you have created, and what you now choose to create
l Recognizing the mirror the universe is reflecting on your behalf
l Discover and acknowledge the parts of yourself that you’ve refused to look at

Practice of No-Mind

l Break free of your thoughts and get in touch with the sage within, who is beyond thought

Practice of Indigenous Alchemy

l Moving through the 4 step transformational process around the Medicine Wheel
l No longer addressing issues only literally in our lives

Practices of the North

Practice of Beginners Mind

l Simplify – reduce the clutter in every level

l Serpent – literally clear out the excess stuff
l Do not be possessed by your possessions
l Jaguar – clear limiting beliefs
l Hypothetical relationship of the world
l Hummingbird – stop identifying with your thoughts
l Take every belief about the nature of reality and throw it in the fire. Then free to reinvent ourselves and
our world
l Eagle – then we find spirit
l Engage your life as a love “thank you for life and for each moment”

Practice of Living Consequently

l Every word, thought and action sends out vibrations

l Each of these has consequences
l Full awareness of your actions and the ripples in time

Practice of Transparency

l Allow self to be completely seen with nothing left to hide

l Stop hiding the parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable
l Be transparent, completely congruent-walk your talk
l Do not explain self-its ok if they don’t get who you are
l Don’t be a target, no need to be right
l Become conscious of your beliefs.
l Choose being useful and valuable

Practice of Integrity

l Be true to your word and recognize its power to create reality

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North Medicine Wheel Homework


Itu Apu Despacho-birth mountain dspacho

l Connect with mountain of your birth or body of water…Itu Apu born under (Itu means birth energy)
l Create an energy bundle to honor it… come to closure with mountain… with those
energies and powers that supported us for all our years
l Take the bundle….despacho to the mountain and leave it with great gratitude

Ayllu Apu despacho-mountain you are now

l Ayllu Apu – Do a bundle…despacho to the mountain where you live

l Anchor yourself with the place you now reside
l Your support and protection comes from here
l (Ayllu means tribe or village)

Three fires:
To strengthen your connection with the lineage. These can be done alone or with a member of your ayu. One for
each Kuya. Three Fires for the ancestors… call on the spirit of the mountains and lineage… strengthen commu-
nication with lineage… remember the work of the North. Sit in meditation with lineage.

l stone of invisibility
l master of time…no longer bound by time
l keeping a secret

Develop a connection with your Allies of the upper world

l Plant-Journey to meet and connect further with your plant medicine, create a medicine garden of them
l Animal-Journey and spend time with your power animal. Journey and get to know the archetypes
l Human/ Whale/ Dolpin Journey to this land interact with your ancestors learn their wisdom
l Speak to the whales and Dolphins bring in their wisdom and implement it
l Patchacutti Get to know the 5th world, Visit with Patchacutti
l Source yourself from that energy

Lineage stone:
Feed it with your blood from time to time. This is the only stone you feed with your blood

Practices of the West

Practice of Fearlessness

l To actively practice peace and nonviolence

l We don’t respond from a place of anger or fear
l Not collude with the consensual reality: (high level of integrity) not unconsciously agreeing with what
everyone else is doing
l Motivated by powerful state of ethics, not by into everyone else’s beliefs

Practice of Non-Doing

l Immerse yourself in the flow of the universe

l Stay in the present
l Rather then pushing to make things happen – allow things to unfold

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Practice of Certainty
l Have an unwavering commitment to the course you’ve chosen
l No Backdoors, burn your bridges
l Don’t create what keeps you from being-fully engaged in your present
l “If this doesn’t work I can always”
l No doubt, absolute trust in spirit, fully stepping into your life with no back doors

Practice of Non-Engagement
l No longer engages in predatory relationship
l Violence no longer lives within us
l Select your battles carefully – is this conflict worth my energy

Develop a relationship with the Alto Mesayok Lineage:

l We shed our Karmic and Genetic lineages so we can connect to a lineage of medicine man and
women that exist outside of time.
l They begin to inform us, we begin to remember stories that are not ours, sitting around a fire after a
buffalo hunt, sitting on top of a mountain meditating over the cravase.
l Pampa Mesayok rites – caretakers of the earth
l Caretakers of the seasons, planting, harvest, healing, birth, death
l Develop your stewardship of life
l Have a ceremonial fire honor that lineage, begin that relationship

West Medicine Wheel Homework

Develop a relationship with our lineage and the Pampa Mesa Yok rites

Fire ceremony for each kuya and its relationship with the lineage, invite to be more active in your life.

7777 breath- breath of power

Practice using perceptual states

Using those states to shift your engagement in the world – see from another perspective

Kutty :
Call 4 members of your Ayu to give each other kutty

Karma to Dharma
l Go from Karma to Dharma, Unconsciousness to consciousness
l Practice certainty
l Miracles become more common place(indication you are in the medicine way)
l Holds us accountable to ourselves-spiritually accountable, reliable beings

Reinventing the Body

8 months every cell in body changes spend next 8 months to reinvent your body

Practices of the South

Non-Judgment. Non-judgment of yourself or others. Practice discernment. Break free of conceptual reality.
Step into experience not preconceptions.

Non-Attachment. Not holding onto old perceived ways things are or need to be
practice the beginners mind, free to experience the world
Don’t take yourself so seriously

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Non-Suffering. Life has pain the suffering is what we do before and after the fact
Live life in the moment not anticipating outcomes

Practice beauty. Practice beauty as expansiveness, touch everyone you meet with beauty. Back into the

Growing New Skills

l Sacred Space-opening the 4 directions. Engaging with the archetypical energy of those directions
l Opening your Wirachocha, experiencing that space of infinity and safety
l Growing a relationship with Lineage
l The medicine men and women through time
l Developing a relationship with fire
l Your personal Power Animal
l Your Soul Piece
l Your Mesa
l Ayni Karpay
l Bands of Power/Protection
l Kawak Crown and necklace

South Medicine Wheel Homework

l We’re growing new bodies not just weeding out our old issues.
l Bring your life into Anyi, be abundant and in proper relationship
l The universe will conspire on your behalf. It provides exactly what you ask for.
l Now stones are Kuyas-healing stones

Do your Breathwork

Get to know your mesa

You are your mesa / your mesa is you – feed it with your love, intention, breath, food etc.

Work issues at the energetic not the literal.

l When issues arise for you take them to your mesa (blow them in a stone)
l If an issue feels to literal and real to you – take it to a fire

Engage in an active dialog with nature, visit with the universe.

l Recognize you are a caretaker of the earth and practice the beauty way.

Journey Uhkupacha-underworld
l Develop a relationship with Huascar

Growing of Anyi Karpay (archetype seeds ) germinate with fire

l Anyi Karpay bring your into Anyi (proper alignment)
l Work for 2 weeks with each seed, get to know it, help it grow

Our archetypes help to clear our chakras, as our chakras clear we develop rainbow bodies.

7 fire ceremonies done alone, full or new moon, one each seed
l This fire is for you and growing your archetype don’t do with friends and family

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Five Wishes Worksheet – by Gay Hendricks

A Guide To Asking The Simple Question That Can Make All Your Dreams Come True

The Gift
In my thirties I received the gift of a question that changed the course of my life. My decision to answer the question created
a life blessed with love, wealth and joy…a life in which all my dreams came true.

The Questions- from your death bed:

Was your life a complete success?
If you answer “No,” ask yourself the main reason your life was not a total success, and write it down in the space below.

The main reason my life was not a total success is because I didn’t _____________________________________________.

Now write down four other reasons.

My life was not a complete success because I didn’t __________________.

My life was not a complete success because I didn’t __________________.
My life was not a complete success because I didn’t __________________.
My life was not a complete success because I didn’t __________________.

Your Five Wishes

Now, turn those reasons into wishes.

For my life to have been a total success, I wish I’d _______________________________________________.

And I wish I’d __________________________________________.

I also wish I’d __________________________________________.
And __________________________________________________.
And __________________________________________________.

(Of course, it’s also possible that you might answer my question with a “Yes, if you’re one of those, congratulations! For the
sake of celebration, take a moment to write down the five experiences or accomplishments that made it a success.)

First and foremost, my life succeeded because I _______________________________________________.

I also succeeded because I _________________________________________________________________.
And because I ____________________________________________________________________________.
And because I ____________________________________________________________________________.
And because I ____________________________________________________________________________.

Your Path Forward

Begin by transforming your wishes into right-now, present-tense affirmations you can use to create the life of your dreams.

I enjoy ______________________________________________________________.
(Example: I enjoy a loving relationship with a man/woman who adores me.)

And _________________________________________________.
And __________________________________________________.
And __________________________________________________.
And __________________________________________________.

Your wishes are living, breathing expressions that can be changed, revised and re-prioritized. Work with them, play with
them, use them as navigational tools to guide your way, share them with your friends and family. Above all, enjoy the pro-

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The Great Spiral

Cycle 1: Cycle 2: Cycle 3:
Disengage the 4th Chakra Disengage the 4th and Disengage the 4th, 3rd
(counterclockwise) 3rd Chakras and 5th Chakras

Cycle 4: Cycle 5: Cycle 6:

Disengage the 4th, 3rd, Disengage the 4th, 3rd, Disengage the 4th, 3rd, 5th,
5th and 2nd Chakras 5th, 2nd and 6th Chakras 2nd, 6th and 1st Chakras

Cycle 6:
Disengage the 4th, 3rd, 5th,
2nd, 6th, 1st and 7th Chakras
Great Spiral Notes:
1. Start the process by rattling primarily around the heart
area, connect and be present.
2. Each cycle is done separately. Begin the process with
Cycle 1, starting with the heart chakra and proceeding as
shown in each diagram ending the process with Cycle 7.
3. Disengage the chakra (counterclockwise) until the en-
ergy flow is smooth and easy (this loosens the energy
body) then proceed to the next chakra.
4. Nudge the feet (towards the 7th chakra), if necessary
to move the energy body. (Not touching physically)
5. Inform the energy body that, it is okay to go.
6. Once the energy body has left the physical body seal
all the chakras by placing a "+" (using oil or florida water)
on each of the chakras, starting with the 7th chakra and
finishing with the 1st chakra. (If working with someone
who has passed.)

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Surrogate Death Rites

With a surrogate and client:

1. The shaman takes survey of client. Who are we calling? When did she die? What is her relationship with you?

2. Have the surrogate lie down.

3. Shaman calls the deceased by name, journeys to Hanaqpacha (to the Upper World) to find what level (world)
she/he is.

4. Bring deceased energy above (not into) of surrogate.

5. Cleanse the surrogate’s chakras, with the intention of cleansing the deceased’s chakras. Go fast, can’t keep/
hold this energy very long. Rapid 7 Illuminations, using one stone.

6. DIALOGUE: I love you, I forgive you, etc. Keep it short. Help living client to stay focused on what’s important.
i. Have client say “It’s ok to go home”.

7. When Shaman senses that the energy needs to return, do a Great Death Spiral.

8. The Shaman journeys with the deceased’s energy to the light. See them welcomed home.

9. Give the surrogate time to return.

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Client Homework
My teachers say; “The healing is instantaneous, the understanding comes later.” It is your journey. I can help
clear the way, but you must walk the path. To make the most of your shamanic session you will be asked to do
some homework. This will assist you to integrate the shifts that occur during your session.

“Sand Painting”: Ideally they are made outside on the earth, but if that is not possible, use your imagination
and find a space inside your home or on your deck. (The underlining of a flower pot filled with soil or sand works
well.) You can use objects found in nature or bring items to the sand painting that have special meaning regar-
ding what you are working on. It is good to have some burnable items. Make a circle (spirit catcher) large enou-
gh to put objects in. Stones or twigs or leaves work well for this, but follow your own intuition. You will be placing
objects into this circle that represent the issues you are working on. You will sense when it is done working for
you but no longer than three days. When it is time to dissemble it, take out the burnable items for your fire cere-
mony and return the rest to nature. Bring the burnable items to the fire.

Fire Ceremony: When we place items in the fire during ceremony, we release it to Spirit. The New Moon and
the Full Moon are special times for ceremony, but do not limit yourself to these. If you feel a fire ceremony is what
you needed, make one. The sincerity of your prayers and intention is what will make it powerful. Blow into the
twig or stick that which you want to release or that which you are praying for, then burn it. If you have items from
a sand painting, offer them at this time.

Salt Baths: These help to release heavy energy from the luminous body. Use one cup of sea salt (best without
added iodine) plus one cup of baking soda in a hot bath. Or use Epson Salts. Soak for at least 20 minutes. Use
this time to meditate. Then rinse with fresh water. This is best done just before bed. No alcohol during this time.
Repeat every other day for the week following your session, but continue the baths beyond a week if you feel it
would be helpful.

Altars: After a soul retrieval, you need to honor the return of your soul part, keep any agreements that you
made, and discover how to use the gifts that have come to you. An altar is simply a special place in your home,
like a section of a shelf, on which you place objects that have special meaning for you in relation to your soul
retrieval. Flowers or incense are often placed here. These are not for worship, but for honoring. Follow your inner
guidance as to what should be placed there. Honoring your new gifts is an important practice and essential for
stepping into the healed state

Journal writing: Use diary form, poetry, prose, pictures, or symbols. Some people find it useful to start their
day with ten minutes of stream-of-consciousness writing. Do not sensor your writing and do not stop even if you
repeat the same thing over and over. Include your dreams in your journal. Allow dream memory to bubble up.

Meditation: It is wise to have a meditation practice. There are many forms. Find one that works well for you. We
published a CD with a breathing meditation with full instructions. It is wonderful for starting your day. They can
be ordered from

Sacred space: Opening sacred space thins the veil betweens the worlds and brings you closer to Spirit. It can
be done simply or more elaborately, but our reverence and sincerity is what makes it happen. It can be done full
throttle with rattle, spirit water and voice, turning to face each of the directions, etc. or silently where ever you
happen to be. It depends on what is appropriate. Here are the prayers we use. These words are simply a guide,
a starting place. Feel free to use the language that works with your personal spiritual practice; however, a word
of caution, be mindful of what energies you call in.

Suggested Reading: Shaman, Healer, Sage and The Four Insights, by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

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Prayer to Open (and Close) Sacred Space

To the winds of the South

Great serpent,
Wrap your coils of light around me,
Teach me to shed the past the way you shed your skin,
To walk softly on the Earth. Teach me the Beauty Way.

To the winds of the West

Mother jaguar,
Protect my medicine space,
Teach me the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show me the way beyond death.

To the winds of the North.

Hummingbird, Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by my fire
Whisper to me in the wind
I honor you who have come before,
And you who will come after, our children’s children.

To the winds of the East.

Great eagle, condor
Come to me from the place of the rising Sun.
Keep me under your wing,
Show me the mountains I only dare to dream of.
Teach me to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.

Mother Earth.
I’ve come for the healing of all of your children;
The Stone People, the Plant People.
The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers.
The finned, the furred, and the winged ones.
All my relations.

Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations.

Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnamable One.
Thank you for allowing me to sing the
Song of Life.

Alberto Villoldo PhD

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Kurak Akuyak Rites

In Service to the Stars

A. Kurak – those who bring sacred medicine to the ordinary. Akuyak – to digest, to chew The one who mas-
ticates, chews the knowledge so that others can take it in, digest it. This is the sage who brings the sacred
medicine to the world.

These rites are directly related to Sirius and the Pleiades. The places from which the lineage is sourced. You
become unfettered from everything that is known – spirit will inform you.

B. Kurak is an elder – a sage (how awake you are) In Andes, you are an Elder once you turn 40. These
are the ones who chew the wisdom so others are able to feed from it. Here we are being of service -
bringing the wisdom to others - like a mother who chews the food and then feeds it to the baby.

C. KU – medicine stone

l The darkness that holds and supports the stars is the feminine
l In manifest form is the masculine – light (stars)
l A star can only exist in the darkness of space.
l The masculine is held within the feminine.
l We are connected to ancient ones that are of the stars.
l We are connected to mystery and vastness of emptiness – that’s the mystery of
 the feminine.

D. Kurak Akuyak – the ones who step outside of time.

E. Brings the energy of the stars to the planet – to every living being.

l These are the dreamers and visionaries of our world.

l They embody who the species is becoming.
l They are self referencing
l They choose infinity as an act of love & power

F. In WESTERN conception - wait to end of time, judgment day to acquire immortality. Shaman says,
why not tonight?

l Kuraks eat from the tree of infinite life, not just tree of knowledge.
l We grow these our entire life, but they are complete the moment we receive them.
l Kuraksaretimeless,neverborn,neverdie.
l When receiving rites - we step into part of us that was always there – infinite, outside of time
l The time here is infinity, totally free of cause & effect. Timeless - part of self that never entered the
stream of time - can never die.

l The Energy of the Kurak Akuyaks is YAPA – Lightening.
l These are extraordinary seeds – grown in fire and through your mesa and your work.
l Here we are participating in creation. We are dreaming the world into being outside of time (timeless lineage).
They are the Rites of our becoming – they will inform you. They affect how you age physically and heal.
l Kurak Akuyaks are the living embodiment of the tradition.

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Tatianchis Ranti Rite

CREATOR RITES in the Munay-Ki

Tatiachis – god Ranti – Equal, equivalent

When it comes in, each time it creates a different vessel.

Here we acquire stewardship for all of creation from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of
galaxies. We awaken our ability to dream all of creation and our world into being.

When vision and intention are in alignment – universe conspires on

your behalf. You participate in creation. This rite can move something from lower level to higher level – which
is why it is used sometimes in Destiny Retrieval.

“We have shared the totality of power and love. We brought our heads together and aligned our minds with
the wisdom of the ancients. In this process our hearts were also united. We worked with our three worlds
– aligned them; bringing into alignment all three worlds, so we are not at odds with each other. Grow your
seeds, the seeds of the time to come. Remember to celebrate the joy of being alive. With your new minds
and new eyes look at the spirit of the winds – travel with the wind, so you know which way to go. We have
work to do, let there be abundance – great harvest. Be productive and fertile. Make an abundant village to
share with neighbors – grow corn.” – Dona Bernadina.

Although there were individuals who attained this level of initiation, and awakened their Christ or
Buddha consciousness, it was never possible to transmit these from one person to another, until

**One other difference in giving the Tatianchis Ranti is before you start the usual procedure. Stand behind the
person receiving the rite, with your hands on their shoulders. Then reach to the sky and call the Tatianchis
Ranti - 3 times. Pull in the energy and blow it in their crown. Then move to the front of the person and do the
usual way of giving rites, beginning with the prayer into the mesa.


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