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“She really is a good sister, even if she did claim Gareth first,” I mutter
drunkenly to myself before I give her a dorky thumbs-up and point toward the exit
door. She nods one time before focusing once more on the guy she’s clinging to. I set
down my empty wine glass and pick an untouched glass of water up off one of the
tables. I gulp it down before I move toward the bright sign in the back of the room.
When I step outside, I silently congratulate myself for making it without
falling on my face in these shoes. The black, clingy dress I have on couldn’t be worn
with my usual flats, so I’m wearing sandals, high ones, with pointy toes and a slim
heel. They look sexy but are sucking the life out of my feet. I lift one foot from the
ground to rid myself of the torture devices then giggle as I stumble sideways.
“I got you.” Strong arms wrap around me, keeping me from tumbling to the
ground, and I shiver from the embrace despite the fact that I feel so overheated.
I glance up and my cheeks grow even hotter than they already are as I look
into Gareth’s eyes. “Seriously? My luck sucks.”
“What?” he asks as he chuckles, the warm sound vibrating against my back
and through me.
“Nothing.” I turn around to face him, taking a step back. He doesn’t let me go
completely. His heavy palm is still wrapped around my hip like he doesn’t believe I’ll
be able to hold myself up. “Please ignore anything I say or do from this point on.”
His gaze bores into mine before he asks, “So you want me to ignore you like
you’ve been ignoring me all night?”

“You’re Sage’s cousin, right?” a deep voice asks, and my hair stands on end
while butterflies take flight in my stomach.
I don’t have to look to know it’s him speaking. Still, I tip my head way back to
catch his gaze. Lord, save me. He’s tall and so beautiful. I thought I got that from
across the room, but seeing him up close is something else.
“I think he told me you were.” His brows draw together over his dark eyes
surrounded by thick lashes as I stare at him.
I mentally slap myself and force my mouth to start working. “Yes, I’m
His brow relaxes and he leans into the bar next to me with his hip, crossing his
arms over his chest. “Another month.” His eyes twinkle with humor.
“Met a July, June, May, and April. Now, December.”
At the mention of April, my stomach twists. “Our parents were keeping with a
theme.” I pick up my wine and take a very unladylike gulp. Why didn’t I see him
“Gareth.” His hand comes my way. I don’t want to take it, really don’t want to,
but my manners force me to place my hand in his. When his rough, warm strength
envelops my hand, my breath sticks in my lungs. “It’s nice to meet you.”

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