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Beware of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is an abnormal cell growth in a person's breast tissue . But not no cause single
that definitely for cancer breast . A ngka incidence of the disease of cancer for women whose
highest is cancer of breast , namely by 42 , 1 per 100,000 inhabitants with an average death
17 per 100,000 population .

Symptoms of cancer of breast can include one or more of the matters following this :
 Lumps that do not give rise to a sense of pain in the breast
 Bleeding or exit of fluid which is not unusual on the nipple
 Leather breasts are attracted to the inside or shrink
 Itching and rash were constantly at around the nipple
 Putting were attracted to the
 Leather breasts are swollen or thickened

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer :

Most of all patients with cancer of breast is a woman with u worth over 50 years . . Factors
other that influence is the history of a family. Cancer breast also can be caused due to
previously suffered from cancer in the organ of the body more so the spread to parts of the
breast . Or if previously there is a history of suffering from k anchor on the organs of the
body more. It else can trigger cancer is a style of life. Frequently consuming foods that
contain the ingredient chemicals or air nature of carcinogens, alcohol, or smoke.

Early Detection of Breast Cancer :

 Check Breast Self- examination (BSE ) : society , especially women can carry out
checks on the breast in order , then made motions that called Recognize or Sarari
which is an abbreviation of " Check Breast Self ". It is recommended that the
examination performed 1 month once after menstruation approximately 4-7 days after
menstruation . On examination of this , things that do is : Stand in front of the mirror
with the position of shoulders straight and both hands on the waist . Note whether
there perubaan physical bust you , for example, changes bent uk , size or color of the
breast. Raise both hands to the top and note the return if there is a change of physical
breast that appears. Press nipple milk and see if there is a liquid that came out of the
nipple milk. Lay down and touch the breast part of the right to hand the left and so on.
Create a circular pattern and feel whether there are lumps in the breast and others.
When sitting or standing try to massage the breast to find whether there is a lump that
is suspicious. Feel the armpit to the abdomen to examine it.
 Mammogram, which is a scan process with X-Ray to see the condition of the breast
 Breast MRI

Handling Cancer Breast : depending on the stage of the cancer of breast who
 Surgery to remove cancer cells,
 Therapeutic radiation ( using a beam of X -energy high ) to destroy the cells of
 Chemotherapy

article ; Beware of Breast Cancer ?; Dewi . Haloho; 180101043

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