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Why do you think more and more people are in search of

adventure nowadays?

Without a doubt in my mind nowadays people prefer have an adventure in their

holidays and it is almost fashionable to have something like that. One reason for this is
that helps you to be mentally fit. For example, if you decide to do a walk or a mountain
climb for 40 minutes it can extend your hippocampus in a long term. A second reason
for this is that in the adventures there will always be contact with nature. For instance,
nowadays if you have an extreme vacation (kayaking, scuba diving with sharks,
paragliding, etc.) are clear examples of how you interact with nature. The most
important reason for this is that it is presume on social networks. For example, actually
people are tired of the classic relaxing holidays on the beach or in a big city, decide to
venture into new destinations prepared for adventure and in full contact with nature
and that is interesting today and we are used to publish everything we do outside our
routine and other people see us doing something extreme or new in our holidays and
try to surprise people or share our adventures or experiences, that is for real. To sum
up, that is why I think people are in search of adventure.

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