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Sample Essay Questions for Chapter 5, 6, 8, 9

1. Explain steps in diagnosis process.

2. Explain diagnosis and its critical issues
3. Differentiate between Analytical and Socio-Technical Diagnostic Models.
4. Explain what a sociogram is and how it can be used to collect data on a work group.
5. Explain the force-field analysis model of diagnosing problems and give an example of the
use of the model.
6. Explain Integration strategies in OD.
7. Differentiate between generalizing and clarifying & summarizing.
8. Explain major factors affecting success of change.
9. Explain strategies to lessen resistance. (any six)
10. Explain activities of Probing and Questioning in process interventions.
11. Explain structural approach to change.
12. Explain structural change and strategies to implement structural changes.
13. Explain changes at organizational levels.
14. Explain stream analysis.
15. Explain any three crucial areas for effective organizational performance.
16. Explain any three stress management interventions and explain any two of them.
17. Enlist types of Process interventions and explain any four of them.
18. How do task and maintenance functions differ?
19. What are interpersonal interventions and why they are important to the organization?
20. Explain employee’s empowerment.

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