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Virtual Center


Turnstile (n.) - a mechanical gate consisting of horizontal arms fixated to a vertical post.

Transgression (n.) - something that is against a law.

Miscreants (n.) - a person who behaves badly.

Restitution (n.) - the act of making up for damages.

Makeshift (adj.) - done or made using whatever is available

Murky (adj.) dark and dirty; not clear

Antics (n.) - foolish, outrageous or amusing behavior.

Exalted (adj.) - something or someone that is raised in rank, value or power

Flagging (adj.) - worn out or weak

Waning (n.) - a gradual decrease in magnitude or extent

Foolhardy (adj.) - recklessly bold or rash

Unfurled (v.) - unfold or spread out

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