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Abdicate (Verb) - To give up a right, claim or high office, such as a monarchy.

Benign (adj) - Having a tendency toward kindness and gentleness.
Congest (verb) - To cause the accumulation of too much blood or mucus.
Discordant (adj) - Disagreeing; conflicting.
Exemplify (verb) - To illustrate or clarify with examples.
Gullible (adj) - Easily taken advantage of or deceived; naive.
Jurisdiction (Noun) - The authority to interpret law and administer justice.
Knave (noun) - A dishonest, deceitful person.
Luminous (adj) - Radiating light; glowing.
Neophyte (noun) - A beginner.
Ornate (adj) - Excessively decorated; elaborate; showy.
Panorama (noun) - An image of a scene or landscape which is unrolled continuously for
spectators and exhibited one part at a time.
Questionable (adj) - Doubtful; problematic; disputable. Subject to dispute or challenge.
Reluctant (adjective) - Hesitant, unwilling.
Urgency (noun) - The state of being insistent.
Voracious (adjective) - Having an appetite for large amounts of food.
Willful (adjective) - Stubbornly insistent on getting one's way; headstrong; obstinate.Done
Xenophobia (noun) - Fear or dislike of any person or thing that is strange or foreign.
Yawp (Verb) - To cry loudly, harshly. To complain.
(Noun) - A harsh, raucous utterance.
Zilch (noun) - A slang term meaning nothing or zero.

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