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Flash and Fanny

Once upon a time, there was a couple of horse. The husband’s name was flury and
the wife’s name was fanny. Flury was a stong race horse and Fanny was a beautiful farm
horse. They lived together in a stable of a farm. They have married since 6 months ago and
now Fanny will have a baby.

Fanny : Honey, we will have a little baby in our life. What name will you give?

Flury : How if is it from F. Because our name is from F too.

Fanny : That’s good my honey. If the baby is a girl, I want her to become a farm horse like
me. But if the baby is a boy, I want him to become a race horse like you. Our baby will be
stonger than us.

Flury : That’s a good idea. How if the name is Flash for the boy. Because he will be the race
horse right.

Fanny : And what about the baby girl?

Flury : Maybe Filsy it’s good.

Fanny : That’s right. Will you go race this week?

Flury : Ya, the farmer said I will go to the field this night to have practice.

Fanny : Okay, be carefull ya.

Flury went to the field alone. But Fanny wanted to see Flury, so she went to the field
too. But there was an accident that happened to Flury in the field.


Fanny : “my honey.... my honey” (cry....)

Flury : “neigh.... neigh....”

(they go to the satble)

Farmer : “Flury i think you must stop race, and maybe you must help me in the farm.

(Farmer out)

Fanny : “oh honey what happen to you”

Flury : “that’s ok honey, my legs just broke, i can help you in the farm”

Fanny :”it’s ok, tommorow i must help the farmer”

Now flury became a farm horse, he helped fanny and the farmer. And the accident

Farmer : “Fanny, Fanny bring flury here”

Fanny : ”neigh.... neigh.... c’mon we must work”

Farmer : “it’s a lot of thing here, flury you can bring it right go to the stable and keep it

(On The Way Flury fall)

(flury sream)

Fanny : “ Flury.... flury.... what happen to you” (fanny tried to pull flury)

Farmer : “ i’ll call my friends”

(her friends come)

Fanny : “are you still strong?, are you ok?, what can i do for you?”

Flury : “if our baby have born, and it’s a boy, please don’t let him to be like me”

Fanny : like what? What do you mean?

(Flury has died)

Flury has died now, Fanny felt very sad. And now the farmer didn’t have a race horse
anymore. He hoped Fanny’s baby could be a race horse.

Farmer : Fanny If your baby is a boy. I hope he could be a race horse, because I need a
generation for the race horse.

Fanny born a baby. Her friend helped her to bear the baby. She was really really
afraid and she cried and cried and cried. finally fanny bore a baby boy and he grew up. And
what happen to the next. Let’s see

Swiper : you’ll be a race horse and you’ll lose your leg same like your father hahaha

Flash : my mother said it was only an accident

Swiper : really? You think if you become a race horse you will not get an accident same like
your father hah?

Flash : (think) i dont know!! (run away)

In the farm.

Flash : motheeeeerrrr (cry)

Fanny : what happen to you flash?

Flash : i dont want to be a race horse

Fanny : eeh ehh why?

Flash : i want to be like you mom.

Fanny : flash,your father wanted you to be a race horse, it’s his last wish before he got an

Flash : but mom

Fanny : i said no. (leave flash alone)

Farmer’s daughter came into flash

Nuna : heyhey what happen to you flash why you look so sad?

Flash : yeah my mother didnt allow me to be a farm horse

Nuna : hmm i think you must show your skill to your mom your the best skill

Flash : you think i must do that?

Nuna : yeah...keep your spirit

Flash didnt know what to he chose to practice hard to be a strong farm horse.
And finally......

Farmer : flash my boy....come here

Flash : yesss sir....

Farmer : This is the apple for you

Flash : yeee, thank you

(flassh took his apple and he went around the field. But the swiper wanted to steal the
apple while the farmer went away to bring the cart)

Flash : swiper, what are you doing to my apple?

Swiper : eeeeeh eeeh (confused). This is your apple? I just want to keep it, how if is it

Flash : Oh ya, you are right. Thank you swiper

(Swiper felt angry and sad)

Farmer : hey, what happened here? come on go with me to the market Flash

Flash : really aaahh im so happy should i tell my mother first?

Farmer : you dont need tell your mother now, because we havent enough time...let’s goo
let’s goo

On the way

Farmer : ohh you are strong. I think you are good to be a farm horse than a race horse.
Because you’re stronger than your mother

Flash : really? Thank you sir

Farmer : yeah you know before this,, i wanted you to be a race horse because i lost your
father. I want you to be your father’s generation but you’re so strong.

Flash : Thank you sir. What will we do in the market?

Farmer : We will sell cabbages. And we will have a little money to buy your food

Flash : Yeeeee new food

They went to the market to sell the cabbages. Flash felt very happy. They met a
market seller in the market. And they talked about the things that they would sell.

Market seller : Can I help you?

Farmer : I want to sell our things. They are the cabbages. Do you want to sell them to the
costumer? I have a lot at home. If you want we will keep it a little bit and pay for a half. If
there is a lot of costumer, we will keep a lot here.

Market seller : Ya, of course. I will try to sell it, but I will pay a half first. If it is a lot of
costumer, I will pay all

Farmer : Yaaa, thank you. Did you see Flash? We have a seller, yeeee.

Flash : Now we go home?

Farmer : yaa, you are so helping me in selling. Thank you Flash, you are goo and so strong to
be a farm horse like your mother.

Flash : I will tell my mother about this.

They went home. On the way Flash felt really really happy. He was not patient to tell
that to her mother. He thought maybe her mother would trust him that he could be a strong
and a good farm horse.
Farmer’s daughter : Daddyy, Flash where have you been? Why didn’t you ask me to go with

Farmer : We have gone to the market honey. I havel sold our cabbages to the seller in the

Swiper : hey Flash, where have you been? Your mother was looking for you. She was afraid
of you.

Flash : didn’t you tell my mother that I went to the market with her?

Swiper : eeh eeh (confused) She didn’t ask to me

(Flash went to the stable)

Flash run to the stable to find his mother

Flash : mooooomm

Fanny : hey deaaar, where have you been? I’m looking for you, but you weren’t here. I’m so
afraid honey.

Flash : I’m from the market with the farmer. Mom mom you know what farmer said about

Fanny : no lah because you didnt tell..what waht tell me dear

Flash : farmer said im a good farm horse and he said im a strong horse.. im so happy mom

Suddenly flash slept

Fanny : oke dear if it makes you happy i agree i love you as i love your father.

Finnaly fanny agreed if flash became a farm horse. Because she loved his son and
whatever made his son happy she will do it for her lovely son.

The moral value of this story is if your daughter or your son later want to be what they
want, just support them. Because what they want to be that is what the real skill of them


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