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Hello, my name is Tamara Soto. I’m twenty years old. I’m chilean. I was born in
Calbuco. I was born on october, twenty fifth of nineteen-ninety eight.
I studied Gastronomy at María Auxiliadora high school.
When I was a child I lived with my parents in Pargua with my two sisters. At
present I live in Carelmapu.
My family:
My family is composed of my couple and my son.
Today I study Dental Thecnicion at Aiep Professional Institute in Puerto Montt.
Hobbies and free time:
My favorite hobbies are sleep, cook,to knit and spend time with my son.
I like to go to the park and watch movies.
My favorite food is Lasagna and spaghetti.
I hope to finish my studies in the future and be able to work.

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