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(c4) CRe[I believe in one God,](g)do(e') in(f) u(d)num(e') De(g)um,(h.) (::) Pa[the
Father almighty,](ixhi)trem(h') om(h)ni(g)po(f')tén(g)tem,(g.) (;) fac[maker of
heaven and earth,](ef)tó(g)rem(g') cae(g)li(f) et(h) ter(g.)rae,(g.) (,)
vi(e')si(f)bí(g'z)li(g)um[of all things visible and invisible.](h') óm(g)ni(f)um,
(ed..) (,) et(ixhi) in(h')vi(g)si(f')bí(h)li(gf)um.(g.) (::)

Et(e') in[I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten](f) u(g)num(g')
Dó(g)mi(f)num(efee) (,) Ie(d)sum(e') Chri(g)stum,(h.) (;) Fí(ixhi)li(h)um(h'z)
De(h)i[Son of God,](h') un(g)i(f')gé(h)ni(gf)tum.(g.) (::) Et(e') ex(f) Pa[born of
the Father before all ages.](g)tre(e') na(g)tum(h.) (,) an(ixhi)te(h')
óm(h)ni(g)a(f') saé(h)cu(gf)la.(g.) (::) De(g)um[God from God,](f') de(h) De(g.)o,
(g.) (,) lu[Light](g)men(f'z) de[from Light,](h) lú(g')mi(f)ne,(efee) (,)
De(d)um[true God from true God,](e') ve(g)rum(h.) de(h') De(g)o(f') ve(g)ro.(g.)
(::) Gé[begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;](e')ni(f)tum,(g.)
non(h') fac(g)tum,(e.) (,) con(f')sub(d)stan(e')ti(f)á(g)lem(e'z) Pa(g)tri:(h.) (;)
per[through him all things were made.](ixhi) quem(h') ó(h)mni(g)a(f') fac(h)ta(gf)
sunt.(g.) (::) Qui(e') pro(f)pter[For us men and for our salvation](g) nos(h')
hó(g)mi(f)nes(e.) (,) et(d) prop(e')ter(f) nos(g)tram(e') sa(f)lú(gz)tem[he came
down from heaven,](g.) (,) de(g')scén(g)dit(f') de(h) cae(g.)lis.(g.) (::) Et(d)
in[and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate](e')car(f)ná(g')tus(f) est(e.) de(e)
Spí(f')ri(d)tu(e') Sanc(g)to(h.) (;) ex[of the Virgin Mary,](ixhi) Ma(h')rí(g)a(f')
Vír(h)gi(gf)ne:(g.) (;z) Et(ixhi) ho[and became man.](h)mo(f') fac(h)tus(gf) est.
(g.) (::) Cru[For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,]
(e')ci(f)fí(g)xus(e') ét(f)i(e)am(d') pro(e) no(g)bis:(h.) (;) sub(ixhi)
Pón(h')ti(h)o(g) Pi(f')lá(g)to(g.) (;) pas[he suffered death and](ixhi)sus,(h')
et(g) se(f'z)púl[was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the
Scriptures. He ascended into heaven](h)tus(gf) est.(g.) (::) Et(d)
re(e')sur(f)ré(g)xit(e') tér(f)ti(d)a(e') di(g)e,(h.) (;) se(ixhi)cún(h')dum(g)
Scrip(f')tú(g)ras.(g.) (::) Et(e') a(f)scén(g)dit(f') in(e) cae(g)lum:(h.) (;)
se(ixhiz)det[and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in
glory](h') ad(h) déx(h')te(g)ram(f') Pa(g)tris.(g.) (::) Et(ef) í(g')te(g)rum(g')
ven(g)tú(g')rus(g) est(g') cum(h) gló(g')ri(f)a,(efee) (,) iu[to judge the living
and](d)di(e')cá(g)re(h.) vi(ixhi)vos(h) et(f') mór(hz)tu[the dead and his kingdom
will have no end.](gf)os:(g.) (;) cu(e')ius(f) re(g)gni(g') non(g) e(f')rit(h)
fi(g.)nis.(g.) (::)

Et(e') in[I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,](f) Spí(g')ri(g)tum(g')

Sanc(g)tum,(h.) Dó(g')mi(f)num,(ed..) (,) et[the giver of life,](ixhi)
vi(h')vi(g)fi(f')cán(gz)tem:(g.) (;) qui[who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the the Father and the Son is adored](e') ex(f) Pa(g)tre(g')
Fi(g)li(g)ó(g)que(f') pro(h)cé(g.)dit.(g.) (::) Qui(e') cum(f) Pa(g)tre(g') et(h)
Fí(g')li(f)o(e.) (,) si(f)mul(e') a(d)dor(e')á(g)tur,(h.) (,) et(ixhiz) con[and
glorified,](h)glo(h')ri(g)fi(f')cá(g)tur:[who has spoken through the prophets.](g.)
(;) qui(e') lo(f)cú(g')tus(g) est(g) per(f') Pro(h)phé(g.)tas.(g.) (::)

Et(ef) u[I believe in one, holy, catholic](g)nam(g.) sanc(g)tam(f.)

ca(h)thó(g')li(f)cam(ed..) (,) et(ixhi) a(h'z)pos[and apostolic Church.]
(h)tó(h')li(h)cam(g) Ec(f')clé(h)si(gf)am.(g.) (::)

Con(ef)fí(g')te[I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins](g)or(g')

u(g)num(f') bap(h)tís(g)ma(e.) (,) in(f) re(e')mis(d)si(e')ó(g)nem(h)
pec(f')ca(h)tó(g.)rum.(g.) (::z) Et[and I look forward to the resurrection of the
dead](e') ex(f)spéc(g)to(e. ) re(f)sur(e')rec(d)ti(e')ó(g)nem(h)
mor(f')tu(h)ó(g.)rum.(g.) (::) Et[and the life of the world to come.](ef)
vi(g)tam(g') ven(g)tú(gf)ri(e') saé(ixdh'!iv)cu(h)li.(h.) (::) A[Amen.]
(hvGFghG'FE)men.(de..) (::)

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