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Multiple Choice Quiz

1. is the most frequently used skill in social work

a. Needs assessment

b. The interview

c. Goal setting

d. The determination of eligibility

2. All of the following are TRUE about the social work interview EXCEPT:

a. It is purposeful

b. It has a formally determined time, meeting place and duration

c. The worker"s actions are planned, deliberate, and consciously selected to further the

d. It is similar to a personal conversation with a friend

3. Oral communication formats in clinical social work practice consist of:

a. An agency"s operational manual

b. An agency"s organizational structure

c. An agency"s mission statement

d. An agency"s catchment area

4. The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

a. Case conferences

b. Team meetings

c. Worker-client sessions

d. Student-instructor supervisory sessions

e. All of the above

5. All of the following are TRUE about words EXCEPT

a. Words reflect a storehouse of information on how the world is organized

b. Words have the same meaning for everyone-Webster"s Dictionary

c. Words impose an order on perception

d. Words suggest categories and the values of such categories

6. All of the following are TRUE about Ethnographic interviewing EXCEPT:

a. It is guided by theory-based inquiries

b. It relies on the client as a cultural guide

c. The practitioner acquires a mental lexicon taught by the client

d. The focus is on cover terms used by the client that are unfamiliar to the worker

7. Descriptive knowledge specific to different racial, cultural, and ethnic groups is referred to as:

a. Ethno-psychotherapy

b. Ethnic sensitive practice

c. Sensitivity training

d. Matching

8. The following are guidelines for using a translator, EXCEPT

a. Use a family member if at all possible

b. Keep the interview short

c. Look at the client, not the translator

d. Write a summary of the meeting as soon as it is finished

9. "Tell me about" is an example of:

a. An open-ended question

b. A closed-ended question

c. An ethnographic interviewing technique

d. Theory-guided inquiry

10. Leaning forward, saying ummm, nodding, are examples of which one of the following interviewing

a. Paraphrasing

b. Prompting

c. Furthering

d. Checking

11. Theory-based techniques that assume that communication (verbal and non- verbal) is motivated by
both conscious and unconscious dynamics come from which one of the following theory-based lines of

a. Cognitive-behavioral

b. Task-focused/Structure-functional
c. Behavioral

d. Strengths-based

12. Which one of the following theories guides the determination of eligibility for concrete services?

a. Cognitive-behavioral

b. Task"focused/Structure-functional

c. Behavioral

d. Strengths-based

13. Which of the following client populations need modification of interviewing techniques:

a. Infants, children, and adolescents (developmental)

b. Those whose expressive language is compromised by physical illness i.e. dementia,

Alzheimers disease

c. Those whose communication is compromised by developmental disorders i.e. autism,


d. Those whose communication is compromised by psychosis such as Schizophrenia,

the presence of hallucinations and delusions

e. All of the above

14. Which of the following interviewing techniques are appropriate for communicating with less verbal
client populations?

a. Observation

b. Play therapy

c. Activities

d. Ethnographic techniques

e. All of the above

15. "Can you tell me why this band is so popular among your age group?" is an example of:

a. Psychodynamic inquiry

b. A task-focused inquiry

c. An ethnographic inquiry

d. A strengths-based inquiry

Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 15 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

is the most frequently used skill in social work

The correct answer was: b. The interview.

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are TRUE about the social work interview EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: d. It is similar to a personal conversation with a friend.

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Oral communication formats in clinical social work practice consist of:

The correct answer was: c. An agency"s mission statement.

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

The correct answer was: e. All of the above.

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are TRUE about words EXCEPT

The correct answer was: b. Words have the same meaning for everyone-Webster"s Dictionary.

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are TRUE about Ethnographic interviewing EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: a. It is guided by theory-based inquiries.

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Descriptive knowledge specific to different racial, cultural, and ethnic groups is referred to as:

The correct answer was: b. Ethnic sensitive practice.

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The following are guidelines for using a translator, EXCEPT

The correct answer was: a. Use a family member if at all possible.

9. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

"Tell me about" is an example of:

The correct answer was: a. An open-ended question.

10. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Leaning forward, saying ummm, nodding, are examples of which one of the following interviewing

The correct answer was: b. Prompting.

11. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Theory-based techniques that assume that communication (verbal and non- verbal) is motivated by
both conscious and unconscious dynamics come from which one of the following theory-based lines of

The correct answer was: c. Behavioral.

12. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which one of the following theories guides the determination of eligibility for concrete services?

The correct answer was: b. Task"focused/Structure-functional.

13. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of the following client populations need modification of interviewing techniques:

The correct answer was: e. All of the above.

14. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of the following interviewing techniques are appropriate for communicating with less verbal
client populations?

The correct answer was: e. All of the above.

15. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

"Can you tell me why this band is so popular among your age group?" is an example of:

The correct answer was: c. An ethnographic inquiry.

Multiple Choice Quiz

1. _____All of the following are TRUE statements about the Keynesian Welfare Model EXCEPT:

a. Profitable growth and full employment are possible in a closed national Economy

b. Government seeks to reduce social expenditures and curtail social programs

c. Capitalism is the principal method of distributing social and economic resources

d. The model seeks to rectify market failures but not eradicate the market System

2. ____The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996) reflects which one of
the following models of social policy?

a. The Keynesian Welfare National State KWNS

b. The Schumpterian Model

c. The Chambers analytical framework

d. The Postmodern approach to welfare

3. ____The desired end goals of social policies can be found in:

a. An agency"s operational manual

b. An agency"s organizational structure

c. An agency"s mission statement

d. An agency"s catchment area

4. _____The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

a. Values- theories of social justice

b. Science-empirical research

c. Normative prescriptions

d. Philosophical proof

5. ____ Indirect practice consists of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Face-to-face delivery of concrete services

b. Social policy analysis, development, and advocacy

c. Administration and supervision of agency programs

d. Social activism

e. Community organizing

6. _____All of the following are requirements for social work licensing, EXCEPT

a. BSW or MSW degree from an accredited school of social work

b. Passage of a licensing exam

c. A PHD or DSW degree from an accredited school of social work

d. On-the-job supervision by an licensed clinical social worker for a specified period of


7. ____Social workers practice under all of the followingauspices EXCEPT

a. Public

b. Not-for-profit

c. For-profit

d. Media

8. ____An agency"s catchement area refers to:

a. a geographical area served by an agency

b. a client"s route to service

c. a policy-based program of services

d. a political district

Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 8 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

_____All of the following are TRUE statements about the Keynesian Welfare Model EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: b. Government seeks to reduce social expenditures and curtail social

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

____The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996) reflects which one of
the following models of social policy?

The correct answer was: b. The Schumpterian Model.

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

____The desired end goals of social policies can be found in:

The correct answer was: c. An agency"s mission statement.

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

_____The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

The correct answer was: b. Science-empirical research.

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

____ Indirect practice consists of all of the following EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: a. Face-to-face delivery of concrete services.

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

_____All of the following are requirements for social work licensing, EXCEPT

The correct answer was: c. A PHD or DSW degree from an accredited school of social work.

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

____Social workers practice under all of the followingauspices EXCEPT

The correct answer was: d. Media.

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

____An agency"s catchement area refers to:

The correct answer was: a. a geographical area served by an agency.

Multiple Choice Quiz
1. The type of communication that conveys the legal parameters within which macro practitioners work
is called:

a. Fiduciary communication

b. Task communication

c. Public relations communication

d. Persuasive speech communication

2. In policy practice, agency-specific guidelines for implementing a policy- based program are
contained in:

a. Public Law

b. Authorizing legislation

c. Agency operational manual

d. Court rulings

3. Fiduciary misconduct in community practice consists of:

a. An agency"s operational manual

b. An agency"s organizational structure

c. An agency"s mission statement

d. An agency"s catchment area

4. The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

a. Falsification of data

b. Failure to comply with National, state, regional or local planning regulations and

c. Failure to establish and abide by a fair and democratic planning process

d. The use of bribery and undue power to undermine a fair process

e. All of the above

5. In management practice, fiduciary responsibilities are contained in

a. mission statements

b. job descriptions

c. employee contracts

d. safety protocols and grievance procedures

e. All of the above

6. To fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities agencies must:

a. Comply with social work licensing standards

b. Comply with regulatory standards of all organizations having oversight authority

c. Be fiscally accountable to all funding sources

d. Convene annual meetings with the client populations they serve (the stakeholders).

7. Which of the following informs the desired end-goal of a proposed policy initiative

a. Empirical evidence of need

b. Psychodynamic theory

c. Theories of social justice

d. Solution-focused techniques

8. All of the following theories inform advocacy practice EXCEPT:

a. Social exchange theory

b. Cognitive-behavioral theory

c. Conflict theory

d. Theories of social justice

e. Empowerment theory

9. Policy advocacy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Incremental change

b. Revolutionary and radical change

c. Conflict negotiation

d. Consensus building

10. Social goals advocacy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Consciousness raising

b. The mobilization of small and large groups

c. Civil disobedience

d. Promotion of community cohesion and tolerance

Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 10 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The type of communication that conveys the legal parameters within which macro practitioners work
is called:
The correct answer was: a. Fiduciary communication.

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

In policy practice, agency-specific guidelines for implementing a policy- based program are
contained in:

The correct answer was: c. Agency operational manual.

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Fiduciary misconduct in community practiceconsists of:

The correct answer was: c. An agency"s mission statement.

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

The correct answer was: e. All of the above.

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

In management practice, fiduciary responsibilities are contained in

The correct answer was: e. All of the above.

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

To fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities agencies must:

The correct answer was: d. Convene annual meetings with the client populations they serve (the

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of the following informs the desired end-goal of a proposed policy initiative

The correct answer was: c. Theories of social justice.

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following theories inform advocacy practice EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: b. Cognitive-behavioral theory.

9. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Policy advocacy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: b. Revolutionary and radical change.

10. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Social goals advocacy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: d. Promotion of community cohesion and tolerance.

Multiple Choice Quiz
1. All of the following are characteristics of formed groups EXCEPT:

a. They have an identified purpose

b. They have a professionally trained leader

c. They come together spontaneously

d. They usually have some auspice e.g. agency, organization

2. Who among the following established group work as a method within the profession of social work?

a. Mary Richmond

b. Charlotte Towle

c. Grace Coyle

d. Geisala Knopka

3. According to the text, all of the following are types of therapeutic groups EXCEPT

a. Sociodrama groups

b. Children"s play groups

c. Book club groups

d. Basketball groups

4. According to the text, all of the following are types of analytic groups EXCEPT:

a. Ego supportive groups

b. Life skills groups

c. Psycho-drama groups

d. Psychotherapy groups

5. All of the following are anti-group sentiments EXCEPT:

a. The group is unstructured

b. The group is not in control of its own process

c. The group shares common properties with all other groups

d. The group is an incomplete process

6. All of the following are common group properties EXCEPT:

a. All groups have a purpose

b. All groups go through stages of development

c. All groups have an analytic base

d. All groups have criteria for their composition

7. Group workers must attend to all of the following group structures, EXCEPT:

a. The group as whole

b. The roles individual members play in the group

c. Subgroups and/or cliques within the group

d. All of the above

8. According to Shulman, the person who blocks topics from group discussion is referred to as:

a. The scapegoat

b. The monopolizer

c. The gatekeeper

d. The deviant

9. Which one of the following captures implicit and explicit group communication and interaction

a. A genogram

b. A cognitive map

c. An ecomap

d. A sociogram

10. When themes are the focus of attention in analytic groups, the following term is used to describe the
groups focus

a. Non-problems

b. Near problems

c. Door knob problems

d. All of the above

11. All of the following are indicators of anti-group phenomenon, EXCEPT:

a. Recapitulation of the primary group

b. High drop out rate

c. Excessive member absences

d. Abrupt ending of the group

12. All of the following are therapeutic elements in analytic groups, EXCEPT:
a. 1%

b. 15%

c. 25%

d. 50%

13. Children are at-risk of outplacement due to all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Interpretation/insight

b. Corrective interactions

c. Multiple transferences and counter-transferences

d. All of the above

Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 13 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are characteristics of formed groups EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: c. They come together spontaneously.

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Who among the following established group work as a method within the profession of social work?

The correct answer was: c. Grace Coyle.

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

According to the text, all of the following are types of therapeutic groups EXCEPT

The correct answer was: a. Sociodrama groups.

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

According to the text, all of the following are types of analytic groups EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: b. Life skills groups.

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are anti-group sentiments EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: c. The group shares common properties with all other groups.

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are common group properties EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: c. All groups have an analytic base.

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Group workers must attend to all of the following group structures, EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: d. All of the above.

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

According to Shulman, the person who blocks topics from group discussion is referred to as:

The correct answer was: c. The gatekeeper.

9. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which one of the following captures implicit and explicit group communication and interaction

The correct answer was: d. A sociogram.

10. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

When themes are the focus of attention in analytic groups, the following term is used to describe the
groups focus

The correct answer was: a. Non-problems.

11. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are indicators of anti-group phenomenon, EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: a. Recapitulation of the primary group.

12. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are therapeutic elements in analytic groups, EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: c. 25%.

13. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Children are at-risk of outplacement due to all of the following EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: d. All of the above.

1. Structure-functional theory

a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by threat of losses

and promises of gain.

b. Governs work force productivity and morale

c. Social stratification and conformity; pressure to go along

d. Recognition of oppression and discrimination and the power of collective action

e. Tolerance for difference, social identity, cultural pluralism

2. Symbolic Interaction theory

a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by threat of losses

and promises of gain.

b. Governs work force productivity and morale

c. Social stratification and conformity; pressure to go along

d. Recognition of oppression and discrimination and the power of collective action

e. Tolerance for difference, social identity, cultural pluralism

3. Power-Conflict theory

a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by threat of losses

and promises of gain.

b. Governs work force productivity and morale

c. Social stratification and conformity; pressure to go along

d. Recognition of oppression and discrimination and the power of collective action

e. Tolerance for difference, social identity, cultural pluralism

4. Social Exchange theory

a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by threat of losses

and promises of gain.

b. Governs work force productivity and morale

c. Social stratification and conformity; pressure to go along

d. Recognition of oppression and discrimination and the power of collective action

e. Tolerance for difference, social identity, cultural pluralism

5. Management theories

a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by threat of losses

and promises of gain.

b. Governs work force productivity and morale

c. Social stratification and conformity; pressure to go along

d. Recognition of oppression and discrimination and the power of collective action

e. Tolerance for difference, social identity, cultural pluralism

6. Policy

a. Structural change through the use of small and large groups

b. Coherence and tolerance

c. Productivity and morale

d. Incremental reform within the system

7. Advocacy

a. Structural change through the use of small and large groups

b. Coherence and tolerance

c. Productivity and morale

d. Incremental reform within the system

8. Management

a. Structural change through the use of small and large groups

b. Coherence and tolerance

c. Productivity and morale

d. Incremental reform within the system

9. Community

a. Structural change through the use of small and large groups

b. Coherence and tolerance

c. Productivity and morale

d. Incremental reform within the system

10. Conceptualizer
a. Determines what is needed to get the job done, secures resources, monitors time-

b. Uses skills to actually create the product

c. Envisions the end product, set standards of quality- big picture

d. Attends to details "who will do what when

11. Planner

a. Determines what is needed to get the job done, secures resources, monitors time-

b. Uses skills to actually create the product

c. Envisions the end product, set standards of quality- big picture

d. Attends to details "who will do what when

12. Organizers

a. Determines what is needed to get the job done, secures resources, monitors time-

b. Uses skills to actually create the product

c. Envisions the end product, set standards of quality- big picture

d. Attends to details "who will do what when

13. Workers/doers

a. Determines what is needed to get the job done, secures resources, monitors time-

b. Uses skills to actually create the product

c. Envisions the end product, set standards of quality- big picture

d. Attends to details "who will do what when

14. Socialization

a. Opportunities to participate in community events that promote a sense of belonging;

parades, music-in-the park etc.

b. Informal (social network) sources of aid.

c. Transmission of values, beliefs, culture, and norms

d. Enforcement of community norms through laws, ordinances, and a police force

e. Institutional distribution of goods and services to community members

15. Resource allocation

a. Opportunities to participate in community events that promote a sense of belonging;

parades, music-in-the park etc.
b. Informal (social network) sources of aid.

c. Transmission of values, beliefs, culture, and norms

d. Enforcement of community norms through laws, ordinances, and a police force

e. Institutional distribution of goods and services to community members

16. Social control

a. Opportunities to participate in community events that promote a sense of belonging;

parades, music-in-the park etc.

b. Informal (social network) sources of aid.

c. Transmission of values, beliefs, culture, and norms

d. Enforcement of community norms through laws, ordinances, and a police force

e. Institutional distribution of goods and services to community members

17. Support

a. Opportunities to participate in community events that promote a sense of belonging;

parades, music-in-the park etc.

b. Informal (social network) sources of aid.

c. Transmission of values, beliefs, culture, and norms

d. Enforcement of community norms through laws, ordinances, and a police force

e. Institutional distribution of goods and services to community members

18. Socializing opportunities

a. Opportunities to participate in community events that promote a sense of belonging;

parades, music-in-the park etc.

b. Informal (social network) sources of aid.

c. Transmission of values, beliefs, culture, and norms

d. Enforcement of community norms through laws, ordinances, and a police force

e. Institutional distribution of goods and services to community members

19. Geographical

a. Membership consists of affiliation based on interests; professional or personal

b. Membership is determined by physical location i.e. political boundaries, agency

catchment area

c. Membership is determined by socio-demographic characteristics, race, ethnicity,

class, gender

20. Functional
a. Membership consists of affiliation based on interests; professional or personal

b. Membership is determined by physical location i.e. political boundaries, agency

catchment area

c. Membership is determined by socio-demographic characteristics, race, ethnicity,

class, gender

21. Reference

a. Membership consists of affiliation based on interests; professional or personal

b. Membership is determined by physical location i.e. political boundaries, agency

catchment area

c. Membership is determined by socio-demographic characteristics, race, ethnicity,

class, gender


a. The assurance and cultivation of the capacity for political deliberations; active liberty

b. All citizens have equal moral and political standing

c. Pluralistic composition requires that all citizens be given the means of addressing and
deciding public issues even in the face of deep disagreement.

23. non-discrimination

a. The assurance and cultivation of the capacity for political deliberations; active liberty

b. All citizens have equal moral and political standing

c. Pluralistic composition requires that all citizens be given the means of addressing and
deciding public issues even in the face of deep disagreement.
Matching Quiz - Results
You answered 0 out of 23 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Structure-functional theory

The correct answer was: c. Social stratification and conformity; pressure to go along.

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Symbolic Interaction theory

The correct answer was: e. Tolerance for difference, social identity, cultural pluralism.

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Power-Conflict theory

The correct answer was: d. Recognition of oppression and discrimination and the power of collective

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Social Exchange theory

The correct answer was: a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by
threat of losses and promises of gain..

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Management theories

The correct answer was: a. Transactions between individuals and organizations are regulated by
threat of losses and promises of gain..

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: d. Incremental reform within the system.

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: a. Structural change through the use of small and large groups.

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: a. Structural change through the use of small and large groups.

9. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: b. Coherence and tolerance.

10. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: c. Envisions the end product, set standards of quality- big picture.

11. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: d. Attends to details "who will do what when.

12. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: a. Determines what is needed to get the job done, secures resources,
monitors time-line.

13. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: b. Uses skills to actually create the product.

14. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: c. Transmission of values, beliefs, culture, and norms.

15. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Resource allocation

The correct answer was: e. Institutional distribution of goods and services to community members.

16. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Social control

The correct answer was: d. Enforcement of community norms through laws, ordinances, and a police

17. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: b. Informal (social network) sources of aid..

18. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Socializing opportunities

The correct answer was: a. Opportunities to participate in community events that promote a sense of
belonging; parades, music-in-the park etc..

19. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: b. Membership is determined by physical location i.e. political boundaries,
agency catchment area.

20. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: a. Membership consists of affiliation based on interests; professional or

21. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: c. Membership is determined by socio-demographic characteristics, race,

ethnicity, class, gender.

22. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The correct answer was: c. Pluralistic composition requires that all citizens be given the means of
addressing and deciding public issues even in the face of deep disagreement..

23. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.


The correct answer was: b. All citizens have equal moral and political standing.

Multiple Choice Quiz

1. Systematic reviews have all of the following in common EXCEPT:

a. Systematic reviews are focused on a single topic

b. The author(s) of a systematic review must document the criteria used to include or
exclude studies from the review.

c. Only studies related to clinical social work are included in systematic reviews.

d. Systematic reviews differ from narrative reviews in that they attend to the rigor of
the research design

2. All of the following are TRUE statements about the limitations of Empiricism EXCEPT:
a. Empiricism is necessary but not sufficient to build knowledge

b. No array of statistical techniques produces cumulative knowledge

c. Empirical data become knowledge when referred to theory for its interpretations

d. Empirical significance is equivalent to clinical significance.

3. All of the following are TRUE about science as a way of knowing EXCEPT:

a. It is based on trust in reason (rules of discourse)

b. It builds on previous knowledge and is self-corrective

c. It adheres to standards that allow for comparative analysis

d. All of the above are true

4. In science, knowledge is stated in such a way as to

a. Make it non-comparable.

b. To prove or disprove it

c. To integrate it

d. To generate and test new knowledge.

5. Which of the following are characteristic ofqualitative research designs

a. Power-Conflict theory

b. Social Exchange theory

c. Bureaucracy theory

d. Human relations theory

6. The standard of scientific rigor consists of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Multiple studies

b. Replicated studies

c. Values-determined outcomes

d. Experimental, control group studies

7. In addition to science (theory and research) all of the following factors influence decision-making in
macro practice.

a. Moral philosophy " helps determine the desired-end goals of social work policies and

b. Public and political opinion- both influence support for or funding for programs

c. Competing economic interests among population subgroups

d. All of the above influence decision-making in macro practice.

8. All of the following statements argue for evidence-based practice EXCEPT:

a. Treatment choice is now a condition of competent practice

b. Evidence-based practice guarantees a successful treatment outcome

c. Clients benefit when they are aware of theoretically sound and empirically verified
diverse treatments

d. Knowledge of what is the matter and possible solutions add to the client"s ability to
make an informed decision

Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 8 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Systematic reviews have all of the following in common EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: c. Only studies related to clinical social work are included in systematic

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are TRUE statements about the limitations of Empiricism EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: d. Empirical significance is equivalent to clinical significance..

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following are TRUE about science as a way of knowing EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: d. All of the above are true.

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

In science, knowledge is stated in such a way as to

The correct answer was: a. Make it non-comparable..

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of the following are characteristic ofqualitative research designs

The correct answer was: b. Social Exchange theory.

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The standard of scientific rigor consists of all of the following EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: c. Values-determined outcomes.

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

In addition to science (theory and research) all of the following factors influence decision-making in
macro practice.
The correct answer was: d. All of the above influence decision-making in macro practice..

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

All of the following statements argue for evidence-based practice EXCEPT:

The correct answer was: b. Evidence-based practice guarantees a successful treatment outcome.

Mean, Median and Mode are :

(A) Measures of deviation

(B) Ways of sampling

(C) Measures of control tendency

(D) None of the above

Answer: (D)

Research is

(A) Searching again and again

(B) Finding solution to any problem

(C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

(A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.

(B) Survey of related literature

(C) Identification of problem

(D) Searching for solutions to the problem

Answer: (C)

A common test in research demands much priority on

(A) Reliability

(B) Useability

(C) Objectivity

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

Action research means

(A) A longitudinal research

(B) An applied research

(C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem

(D) A research with socioeconomic objective

Answer: (C)

A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called

(A) Deductive Reasoning

(B) Inductive Reasoning

(C) Abnormal Reasoning

(D) Transcendental Reasoning

Answer: (B)

Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?

(A) Socio-economic Status

(B) Marital Status

(C) Numerical Aptitude

(D) Professional Attitude

Answer: (C)

The essential qualities of a researcher are

(A) Spirit of free enquiry

(B) Reliance on observation and evidence

(C) Systematization or theorizing of knowledge

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by

(A) Statement of Objectives

(B) Analysis of Data

(C) Selection of Research Tools

(D) Collection of Data

Answer: (C)
A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

(A) Primary Data only

(B) Secondary Data only

(C) Both Primary and Secondary Data

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

One of the following is not an open source software:

(A) DSpace

(B) Windows

(C) Green-stone

(D) Linux

Answer: (B)

Classification of all types of libraries has been made by-





Answer: (C)

Reading centre’s, story hours, exhibitions and reading to literature are forms of …

(A) Extension service

(B) Service of a public library

(C) Both

(D) None

Answer: (C)

Informal self education is possible in what kind of library?

(A) National Library

(B) Public Library

(C) Specific Library

(D) College Library

Answer: (B)

……………………. Is a process of information

(A) Books


(C) Computers

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

Feedback mechanism is a part of which service?

(A) Reprography


(C) Translation service


Answer: (D)

What is the collection of terms or records in MARC called?

(A) System

(B) Network

(C) Website

(D) Database

Answer: (D)

What is Bibliometry?

(A) Function of Library Network

(B) Information Management Service

(C) Information Management Tool

(D) Library Service

Answer: (C)

Microchip was invented by…..

(A) Microsoft


(D) Intel

Answer: (D)

Information is…..

(A) Raw Data

(B) Processed Data

(C) Input data

(D) Organized data

Answer: (D)

Conference proceedings are considered as..................documents.

(A) Conventional

(B) Primary

(C) Secondary

(D) Tertiary

Answer: (B)

RSS feed is a tool of :

(A) Graphic design

(B) Web 1.0

(C) Web 2.0

(D) Architecture

Answer: (C)

An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is................ .

(A) Bibliography

(B) Directory

(C) Encyclopedia

(D) Dictionary

Answer: (C)

One of the following search engine is exclusively meant for scientific information :

(A) Google

(B) Yahoo

(D) Altavista

Answer: (C)

Technological Gatekeeper is :

(A) A formal method of giving current awareness service

(B) A method of technology assessment and evaluation

(C) A process of transfer of technology

(D) An informal mechanism of keeping user informed of relevant development

Answer: (D)

The Farmington plan is associated with :

(A) Library Legislation

(B) Library Cataloguing

(C) Library Cooperation

(D) Library Indexing Service

Answer: (C)

UNESCO assisted Model Public Library in India is located at :

(A) Kolkata

(B) Delhi

(C) Mumbai

(D) Chennai

Answer: (B)

Mark the ‘odd one out’ :

(A) Cow-Calf principle

(B) Principle of osmosis

(C) Wall picture principle

(D) Whole organ principle

Answer: (B)

Shelf list facilitates................ .

(A) Classification

(B) Weeding out

(C) Stock verification

(D) Documentation

Answer: (C)

Questionnaire is a :

(A) Research method

(B) Measurement technique

(C) Tool for data collection

(D) Data analysis technique

Answer: (C)

A periodical evaluation of an employee is done through........... .

(A) Job rotation

(B) Performance appraisal

(C) Refresher course

(D) Work guide

Answer: (B)

“Controlled Group” is a term used in.............. .

(A) Survey research

(B) Historical research

(C) Experimental research

(D) Descriptive research

Answer: (C)

‘Noise’ in Information Retrieval is due to............. .

(A) Precision

(B) Recall

(C) Relevant information

(D) Redundant information

Answer: (D)
What is the relationship between ISBD and cataloguing codes ?

(A) They are not related at all

(B) Cataloguing codes will include bibliographic description

(C) ISBD includes cataloguing rules

(D) ISBD can replace cataloguing rules

Answer: (B)

Tagging in web 2.0 application is called :

(A) Taxonomy

(B) Folksonomy

(C) Syndication

(D) Directory

Answer: (B)

Inductive logic proceeds from :

(A) General to General

(B) Particular to General

(C) General to Particular

(D) Particular to Particular

Answer: (B)

Which of the following is not a “Graphic representation” ?

(A) Pie Chart

(B) Bar Chart

(C) Table

(D) Histogram

Answer: (C)

The oldest and the largest Library Association in the world is............. .


(B) LA


Answer: (A)

Which of the following is not covered under Intellectual Property Rights ?

(A) Copyrights

(B) Patents

(C) Trade Marks

(D) Thesaurus

Answer: (D)

Ontology is................. .

(A) An Indexing Method

(B) Classification of Internet based documents

(C) Cataloguing of Internet based documents

(D) Documentation service

Answer: (B)

High Level Language is.................. .

(A) Disk space dependent

(B) O. S. dependent

(C) Machine independent

(D) Machine dependent

Answer: (C)

The transmission of receiver’s reaction back to the sender is known as................. .

(A) Noise

(B) Feedback

(C) Medium

(D) Source

Answer: (B)

Protocol means............... .

(A) Interchange of data between two devices

(B) Interchange of data between two computers

(C) Linkage between two computers

(D) Linkage between two devices

Answer: (D)

Which of the following is an ‘Acronym’ ?





Answer: (A)

A set of rules that govern overall data communications system is popularly known as............... .

(A) Protocol

(B) Agreement

(C) Pact

(D) Memorandum

Answer: (A)

Staffing is concerned with providing and maintaining................resources.

(A) Physical

(B) Technical

(C) Human

(D) Financial

Answer: (C)

Which of the following is not true about e journals ?

(A) They are distributed through digital methods

(B) They also have editors or editorial boards

(C) They are publications of serial nature

(D) They are always free of cost

Answer: (D)

What is the meaning of 'Translation Pools' ?

(A) Details about the names of translation experts

(B) Details about the addresses of the translators

(C) Agency of the names of translation experts

(D) None of these.

Answer: (C)

How is stochastic equation of information solved ?

(A) By statistical rules

(B) By dynamic rules

(C) By statistical and dynamic rules

(D) None of these.

Answer: (C)

Whether Library is a system?

(A) Yes, it has various sections as sub-systems coordinating each other forming a system

(B) No, it cannot be a system

(C) It is quite impossible

(D) Library is separate from a system.

Answer: (A)
Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks
each. All questions are compulsory.

1. The right to choose the place of meeting in social case work is preferably vested
with the
(1) Agency
(2) Client
(3) Social Worker
(4) Person accompanying the client

2. What is the number of proposed targets for Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGS) adopted by UN General Assembly on 25 September, 2015 ?
(1) 170
(2) 165
(3) 169
(4) 155

3. In the year 1915, the controversial speech titled, ‘Is social work a profession’ at
the National Conference on charities and corrections was delivered by :
(1) Mary Richmond
(2) Gisela Konopka
(3) Abraham Flexner
(4) Herbert Bisno

4. “Make in India” campaign is primarily intended to

(i) Attract global investment
(ii) Provide job opportunities
(iii) Boost economy
(iv) Organize innovative programmes
Codes :
(1) (ii) and (iv) only
(2) (i), (iii) and (iv) only
(3) (iii) and (iv) only
(4) (i), (ii) and (iii) only

5. Feeling of extreme sadness and loneliness is symptom of

(1) Phobia
(2) Hysteria
(3) Manic depression
(4) Paranoia

6. Abnormal psychology is presently called

(a) Psycho pathology
(b) Study of abnormal behaviour
(c) Science of mental disorders
(d) Science of neurotic disorders
Codes :
(1) (a) only
(2) (a) and (b) only
(3) (a), (b) and (c) only
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

7. Which one of the following skills of social group work was not given by H.B.
Trecker ?
(1) Skill in using reality of the present
(2) Skill in establishing purposeful relationship
(3) Skill in analysing group situation
(4) Skill in participation with the group

8. Institutional Redistribution Model of social policy is associated with

(1) Welfare state
(2) Capital state
(3) Communist state
(4) Police state

9. Which act requires employers in industrial establishments to define the conditions

of employment ?
(1) The Factories Act, 1948
(2) The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
(3) The Industrial Employment (Standing orders) Act, 1946
(4) The Trade Union Act, 1926

10. As per global definition of 2014, social work is not concerned with the promotion
of which one of the following ?
(1) Social change
(2) Social cohesion
(3) Social choices
(4) Liberation of people

11. Which of the following is not a system in system approach ?

(1) Change agent system
(2) Client system
(3) Target system
(4) Personality system

12. Drug abuse denotes

(1) Frequent use of drug
(2) Use of illicit drug
(3) Physical dependence on drug
(4) Psychological dependence on drug

13. Which among the following is not a feature of Random Sampling ?

(1) It makes the sample representative of the population.
(2) It ensures generalization of results.
(3) It reduces error and increases precision of the experiment.
(4) It maximizes experiment variances.

14. The confirmatory test used to diagnose HIV is

(2) Western Blot
(3) ESR test
(4) PCR test

15. Juvenile Justice Board deals with the issues of

(1) Children in need of care and protection
(2) Children in conflict with law
(3) Missing children
(4) Special children

16. A short term or temporary care for a few hours or weeks designed for the sick or
disabled to provide relief to the regular care giver is called
(1) Institutional care
(2) Respite care
(3) Advance care
(4) Revival care

17. Terms of Reference (TOR) includes

(i) Time dimension
(ii) Expected Results
(iii) Corrections
(iv) Limitations
Codes :
(1) (ii) only
(2) (ii) and (iii) only
(3) (i) and (iv) only
(4) (i), (ii) and (iv) only

18. Who among the following is associated with the concept of ‘Social Fact’ ?
(1) Emile Durkheim
(2) Karl Marx
(3) M. Mauss
(4) Max Weber

19. Herbert Spencer’s model of society was essentially

(1) Consensus
(2) Organic
(3) Functionalist
(4) Conflict

20. The use of Random tables for drawing a sample is also called as
(1) Simple random sampling
(2) Quota sampling
(3) Lottery method
(4) Tippet’s method
21. ‘CARINGS’ is a term associated with
(1) Surrogacy
(2) Adoption
(3) Children’s Parliament/Bal Panchayat
(4) Interest groups

22. Sum of squares of deviation taken from Mean is always __________.

(1) Maximum
(2) Least
(3) Greater than Median
(4) Zero

23. Which of the following is not a HR function ?

(1) Ensuring barrier free access
(2) Promoting work culture
(3) Financial audit
(4) Training and development

24. Locality Development Model of community development was propounded by

whom ?
(1) Saul David Alinsky
(2) Gordon Hamilton
(3) Jack Rothman
(4) M.G. Ross

25. Which among the following is/are characteristics of a good social planning
process ?
(i) Participatory
(ii) Democratic
(iii) Inclusive
(iv) Centralised
Codes :
(1) (i), (ii) only
(2) (i), (ii), (iii) only
(3) (i), (ii), (iv) only
(4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

26. Which among the following therapies is/are associated with behaviour
modification ?
(i) Impulsive therapy
(ii) Assertive therapy
(iii) Aversion therapy
(iv) Simple extinction
Codes :
(1) (i) and (ii) only
(2) (ii) and (iii) only
(3) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
(4) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
27. ‘Ashram Shala Yojana’ is the Central Government scheme to promote education
(1) Other backward classes
(2) Scheduled castes
(3) Scheduled tribes
(4) Children of inter-state migrant workers

28. Asymmetrical distribution indicates

(1) Range
(2) Standard Deviation
(3) Skewness
(4) Kurtosis

29. Which among the following department was created under the Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment in May 2012 ?
(1) Department of AYUSH
(2) Department of Disability Affairs
(3) Department of Youth Affairs
(4) Department of Refugee Rehabilitation

30. Social Distance Scale was developed by

(1) Likert
(2) Thorndike
(3) Bogardus
(4) Thurston
Show Answer
31. The points of scatter plots are randomly distributed among the quadrants, when
little ________ exists between the variables.
(1) Difference
(2) Correlation
(3) Regression
(4) Association

32. Who is the Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog ?

(1) Narendra Modi
(2) Bibek Debroy
(3) Arvind Panagariya
(4) Nitin Gadkari

33. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of collective bargaining ?

(1) It is a collective process.
(2) It is a flexible process.
(3) It is not a bipartite process.
(4) It is interdisciplinary system.

34. The acronym ‘NITI’ in NITI Aayog stands for

(1) National Institution for Transforming India
(2) National Institute for Transforming India
(3) National Intelligence Training Institute
(4) New India Training Institute
35. The term “Vicious Cycle” was proposed by
(1) Amartya Sen
(2) Gunnar Myrdal
(3) Andre Gunder Frank
(4) Emile Durkhiem

36. Who among the following is associated with Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan ?
(1) Arvind Kejriwal
(2) Anna Hazare
(3) Aruna Roy
(4) Arundhati Roy

37. Belief in the worth of the individual is related to _________.

(1) Social work values
(2) Social work techniques
(3) Social work principles
(4) Social work methods

38. Mobilizing resources is associated with __________.

(1) Advocacy Role
(2) Catalyst Role
(3) Broker Role
(4) Planner Role

39. Which among the following schemes is associated with the prevention of
trafficking of women and children for commercial sex exploitation ?
(1) Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana
(2) Swadhar Yojana
(3) Ujjawala Scheme
(4) Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

40. Advocacy may not be essentially a part of which of the methods of social work ?
(1) Social Case Work
(2) Social Action
(3) Social Group Work
(4) Social Work Research

41. A social system is that _______.

i. has various parts
ii. is a whole
iii. has a boundary
iv. has sub-systems
Codes :
(1) i, ii, iii only
(2) i, ii, iv only
(3) i, iii, iv only
(4) i, ii, iii, iv
42. The concept of ‘Wholeness’ and ‘Here and now’ are related to which of the
following :
(1) Functional School
(2) Gestalt Theory
(3) Life Model
(4) Crisis Theory
Show Answer
43. During which period, India’s population marked negative growth rate ?
(1) 1901-1911
(2) 1911-1921
(3) 1921-1931
(4) 1991-2001

44. The name of Shramik Vidyapith is :

(1) Labour Education Camp
(2) Jan Shikshan Sansthan
(3) Vanasthali Vidyapeeth
(4) Labour Literacy Board

45. ‘Something given or demanded as repayment for wrong doing’ refers to

(1) Rehabilitation
(2) Correction
(3) Retribution
(4) Reformation

46. According to 2011 census, the literacy rate of India is

(1) 62 percent
(2) 74 percent
(3) 80 percent
(4) 82 percent

47. The main focus of “Atal Pension Yojana” (APY) is on

(1) Retired persons from Quasi-government sector
(2) Workers of unorganised sector
(3) Workers of organised sector
(4) Ex-servicemen

48. The name of the 2012 Delhi Rape Victim was coined by the media as “Nirbhaya”.
Which principle of social case work does it relate to ?
(1) Non-Judgmental Attitude
(2) Individualization
(3) Acceptance
(4) Confidentiality

49. What is/are the purpose(s) of agencies involved in the field of corrections ?
(i) Reformation
(ii) Training
(iii) Education
(iv) Retribution
Codes :
(1) (i), (ii), (iii) only
(2) (i), (ii), (iv) only
(3) (i), (ii), (iii) and
(iv) (4) (i), (ii) only

50. Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is implemented by

(1) Members of Parliament
(2) Members of Legislative Assembly
(3) Department of Adult Education
(4) Village Panchayat

51. The PC PNDT Act primarily addresses to :

(1) Legal Abortion
(2) Sex selective abortion
(3) Abortion care to unwed mothers
(4) Abortion care to rape victims

52. According to the Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act,
the percentage of women beneficiaries shall be
(1) 50 percent
(2) 75 percent
(3) 33 percent
(4) 100 percent

53. Fear of elimination is a symptom of

(1) Paranoia
(2) Schizophrenia
(3) Hysteria
(4) Manic depression

54. Which of the sections of Indian Penal Code deals with cruelty to women by
husband or relatives of husband ?
(1) Section 198 A
(2) Section 298 A
(3) Section 398 A
(4) Section 498 A
55. The periodical survey for estimating poverty line in India is conducted by :
(1) National Sample Survey Organization
(2) Indian Statistical Institute
(3) Operational Research Bureau
(4) NITI Aayog

56. Who introduced the concept ‘life space’ to explain the nature of relationship
between person and environment ?
(1) Allport Gordon
(2) Kurl Lewin
(3) Michel Gordon
(4) Hamilton
57. The author of the book, ‘From charity to social work in England and United
States’ is
(1) Kathleen Woodroofe
(2) Mary Wollestonecraft
(3) Mary Richmond
(4) Elizabeth Agnew

58. Arrange the major milestones of social work history in chronological order
starting from the earliest to the latest :
(i) Elizabethan Poor Law
(ii) Charity Organization Society
(iii) Settlement House Movement
(iv) Medical social work
Codes :
(1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(2) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
(3) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
(4) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

59. Assertion (A) : A well drafted social policy is based on the voices of the people
and connects with the grassroots.
Reason (R) : Social policies are framed in the areas of social concern.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(4) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

60. Assertion (A) : Bal Panchayat or children’s parliament modelled on the concept
of Gram Panchayat is an initiative of UNICEF.
Reason (R) : Participation of children on the issues which affect them or affect society
at large is the thrust behind formation of Bal Panchayat.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(4) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
61. Assertion (A) : Street vendors are an indispensable part of the society.
Reason (R) : Street vendors belong to the unorganized sector of the economy and
do not have any government assisted social security.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(4) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.

62. Match the List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the codes
given below :
63. Match the List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the codes
given below :

64. Match the List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes
given below :
65. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer from the codes given below

66. Match the List – I with List – II and select correct answer with the help of codes :
67. Assertion (A) : Even after 75 years since inception social work continues to
struggle for its professional status in India.
Reason (R) : Principles of Human Rights and Social Justice are fundamental to social
work profession.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

68. Assertion (A) : Empowerment leads to development and self sufficiency.

Reason (R) : Many people in India are not empowered.
Codes :
(1) (A) and (R) are correct.
(2) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(4) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

69. Arrange the following enactments related to environmental protection in

chronological order from the codes given :
(a) The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
(b) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
(c) The Wildlife (Protection) Act.
(d) The Forest (Conservation) Act.
Codes :
(1) (c), (a), (d), (b)
(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)
(3) (b), (c), (a), (d)
(4) (d), (c), (b), (a)
70. Arrange the following Central Government Schemes in chronological order with
regard to their year of launch :
(a) National Social Assistance Scheme
(b) Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme
(c) Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
(d) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
Codes :
(1) (c), (a), (b), (d)
(2) (b), (d), (c), (a)
(3) (a), (b), (d), (c)
(4) (a), (c), (b), (d)

Read the passage given below and answer the following questions (71-75) as per
understanding of the passage :
The need for an alternative to conventional social work is more obvious today than
ever before. Given its acceptance of our present social order and its emphasis on
reform of the individual and limited social reform, conventional social work appears
powerless to deal with the increasing social problems that have already overloaded a
diminishing welfare state.
With the social discontent fomented in the 1960s, social workers were critiqued as
being a part of the problem by choosing to emphasize casework as a model of
practice, an approach that perpetuated the pathologizing of clients. Furthermore,
social workers were viewed as helping clients to “accept and adapt to basically
unjust social structures” with the profession being “nothing else but a professionally
elitist activity that mystified, infantilized and disempowered clients”.
Structural social work reveals the shortcoming of welfare capitalism as a social
system and shows how conventional social work has failed to respond to systemic
social problems. The structural model demands that social workers “abandon their
social control function to involve themselves in institutional and structural change”.
Emphasis shifted to seeking more collaborative, dialogical relationships, rather than
top-down, expert models with service users.
Structural social work is part of a critical, progressive tradition that has been
concerned with the broad socio-economic and political dimensions of society,
especially the effects of capitalism, and the impact of these influences in creating
unequal relations amongst individuals. Its primary goals have been to reduce social
inequality through the transformation of Western, Euro-Centric civilizations and the
emancipation of those who have been oppressed. The lens of this theoretical
approach has been focused on the interplay between the agency of individuals
and structures, particularly the broad structural barriers which influence and limit the
material circumstances of service users.
Structural social work theory begins from a conflict, rather than an order perspective.
The theory regards society as composed of groups with conflicting interests who
compete for resources, power, and the imposition of their own ideological views. In
this perspective, social problems are more the result of “defective rules” which
pathologize those who are marginalized and the consequence of institutional
arrangements which maintain social hierarchies, rather than faulty socialization of
Structures refer to “social regularities and objective patterns external to individual
action, intentions, and meanings, and not reducible to the sum of those meanings or
actions”, specifically both institutional arrangements and broad social relational
patterns such as racism and sexism.
71. Structural social work is a departure from the conventional social work in the
sense that
(1) It demands social workers to get involved in institutional and structural change
by abandoning their social control function.
(2) Emphasize on more collaborative and dialogical relationships.
(3) It denounces top-down expert models with service users.
(4) It shows how conventional social work has failed to respond to
systemic problems.
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72. The major concerns of structural social work are
(1) To focus on the interplay between agency of individuals and structures.
(2) To reduce social inequality by containing effects of capitalism.
(3) Emancipation of those who have been oppressed.
(4) Transformation of Western, Euro-centric civilizations
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73. Structure social work views social problems as –
(1) Faulty socialization of individuals
(2) A consequence of individual arrangements
(3) A result of defective rules
(4) A manifestation of maintenance of social hierarchies
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74. Structural social work theory conceptualizes structures as –
(1) Institutional arrangements and social relational patterns
(2) Individual action, intentions and meaning
(3) A sum of meanings or actions of an individual
(4) Social regularities and objective patterns in terms of institutional arrangements
and relational patterns.
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75. Why do we need an alternative to the conventional social work ?
(1) Conventional social work is powerless
(2) As social problems have increased with the diminishing welfare state
(3) As its emphasis is more on reform of the individual than present social order.
(4) Acceptance to present social order.
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