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English 9
1. What kind of narrative is SPHNP?
2. What controls literature? (structure)
3. How many narratives? Identify the
1. Setting - place
a. Internal
• class • memory
b. External • mind
• class • memory
• mind
• The writing was reflective of the
character/author’s state of mind and sentiments
• How does she sound like?

• Content: so many issues

• Complex narrative structure and style
Stylistic features

• Examine for a moment an ordinary mind

on an ordinary day. The mind receives a
myriad impressions – trivial, fantastic,
evanescent, or engraved with the
sharpness of steel. (…)
Features of her novels
 Marks important step in development of novel
 Emphasis on subjective internal lives, not on external events,events not important in
themselves but impressions they made on the characters who experienced them was
 This involved revolution in narrative technique : shifted point of view inside her
 Abandonment of another convention of novel: chronological ordering of events
 Therefore her novels involve constant shifting backwards and forwards in time according
to sensations and recollections aroused in characters by events they are experiencing.
 Two levels of narration:1)external events arranged in chronological order 2)flux of
thoughts arranged according to associations of ideas.
 All her novels rely on flimsy plots, focusing on internal thoughts,feelings and reactions.
They follow the random associations of ideas as they come up.

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