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Name: Section:

I. Multiple Choice

1. ________, research is a structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and create new
knowledge that is generally acceptable.

a. Roussel 1991 b. Grinnell 1993 c. Stone 1978

2. The primary source of knowledge.

a. Research b. Survey c. Questionnaire

3. ________ stated that “it is necessary to understand the research process”

a. Grinnell 1993 b. Stone 1978 c. Roussel 1991

4. It is the first challenge of any researcher.

a. Research Topic b. Research c. Research Title

5. This part of research includes information which would focus attention on the importance and validity of the problem.

a. Background of the Study b. Research Topic c. Research

6. It is the basic difficulty, the issue, the area of concern, the circumstances which exist.

a. Research b. Statement of the problem c. Research Topic

7. The first part of problem where the researcher states the objective.

a. Objective of the Study b. Background of the Study c. Research

8. The specific questions which are to be answer in the study.

a. Objective of the Study b. Research Questions c. Questionnaire

9. Describes the coverage of the study.

a. Scope b. Delimit c. Significance of the Study

10. The researcher defines who will benefit out of the findings of the study.

a. Significance of the Study b. Scope c. Problem

II. Enumeration

1. It is a verb meaning to examine closely.

2. An intellectual stimulus calling in an answer in the form of scientific inquiry.

3. A prefix which means gain, anew or over again.

4-9. List at least six parts of a research.

10-15. What are the parameters of the research in answering basic questions.

III. Essay. 5pts each

1. In your own opinion what is Research?

2. What is the Purpose of the Study?

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