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The Poem

We react even in small things we see

We excrete and we pee
Now, now you sure farts
If that is it, the poem starts

Nervous System is important indeed

It helps us in the things we need
The CNS is the part that is main
It is composed of spinal cord and brain

The PNS is everywhere else

It contains reflex to help ourselves
Neurons or nerve cell transmit information
And that is the nervous system in basic translation

Hormones make the Endocrine System work

They’re always around, they always lurk.
And they do so many things
One is helps body to produce antibodies

And there is this thing

Called RH Bill, a Bing
Making available condoms and “pills”
It is against justice, rights, and freewill!

This so-called Bill degrade a woman’s self-worth

Making her believe that it is a curse to give birth
Women are designed for this to fill earth
Not to be selfish and invest on what will prevent birth

Respect the human body

It is created by God, thus we have dignity
If people can understand human sanctity
Why then desecrate the utmost beauty?

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