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Binaural Beats: An Infographic

Guide To Brainwave Entrainment

On 10:56 By Hannah Owen

Imagine if you could get into a deep state of focused consciousness any time you want.

What if I told you that this is possible? Here's your answer: get yourself some stereo
headphones and listen to Binaural Beats.

Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment are amazingly powerful tools for altering your
state of mind.
This is seriously useful whether you want to reach a deep meditative state of mind,
achieve peak concentration whilst studying or immerse yourself in vivid creative
visualization. Binaural beats can also help you raise yourvibrational frequency.

So, What Are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are one of the more popular types of brainwave entrainment. They are
formed of two different frequencies played at once. One played in each of your ears.

Here's an example of how binaural beats work:

Let's say you have a base frequency of 400 Hz playing in stereo. A tone of 397 Hz playing
in one ear and a tone of 403 Hz in the other. Your brain will entrain to a resonance of 6
Hz to make up for the difference between these two frequencies.

Here's An Infographic To Please Your Eyes:

What Do Binaural Beats Sound Like?
Here is a sample of a pure Alpha wave:
This is an example of what a pure Alpha wave of 12 Hz sounds like at 5228 Hz. You
should be able to hear a tone which kind of wavers and trembles a bit. It will sound
slightly different to each person who listens to it.

Binaural beats can also work when music is played over the top or mixed into the
frequency itself. This is done simply to make it more pleasing to the ears.

Get Control Over Health

Problems And Pain Once And For
On 15:53 By Hannah Owen

Why should you put up with physical suffering?

Many have to deal with physical illness and pain on a daily basis. It seems unfair. "why
me?" you are no doubt asking yourself if you are one of these people.

Trivial tasks become a real challenge and life generally more difficult for you.

I would like to give you a few tips on how you can make yourself feel better, inside and

I am going to be exploring alternative treatments for you to use along side prescription
medication or some other medical procedure.
It has been proved by science that a person's state of mind plays a huge part in the
healing process. There have been quite a few studies done on this.

So here's a few home remedies you might want to give a try:

Imagine The Comfort Spreading Out Like Ripples On Calm, Still Water.

Get Into A State Of Deep Relaxation

Get yourself into a comfortable position. Seated or laying down, whatever works for

Focus on your breathing.

Inhale for a count of 5.

Hold it for one second.

Exhale for a count of 5.

Continue doing this until you feel relaxed.

Read: How to Meditate Properly - The Best Meditation Techniques

Visualize Healing
Now you need to aim your attention at the part of your body where you feel the most

Any part of your body where you feel little or no pain. Doesn't matter which body part
or how insignificant it may seem. Even if it is your little toe.

Give that comfort a colour.

Now imagine that colour spreading out slowly.

As the colour expands so does the comfort.

Your whole body slowly fills up with the radiant colour of comfort.

Your body will now feel more relaxed than it did before.

Bask in the glow of relaxation for as long as you like.

When you want you wake up just move each part of your body, one part at a time.

Now open your eyes and go about your day.

Do this as often as you need to. Any time the pain or illness is overwhelming you. The
more you do this the more you will benefit.
Stress is extremely bad for your health and corrosive to the organs. Relaxation being
the opposite of stress is a great healer, your cells regenerate quicker whilst you are
deeply relaxed.

Read: Creative Visualization Techniques - Visualize Your Way to Success

Other Homeopathic Remedies You Can Try:

Home Remedies For Nausea:
Lemon and ginger tea. First, boil some water. Chop up ginger into smallish chunks. Put
the pieces of ginger into the hot water. Now get some squeezed lemon juice and add a
few drips, according to taste. For those with a sweet tooth, add a teaspoon or two of

Home Remedies For Sore Throat And Cough:

Gargle salt water. A classic which works a treat.
Steam. Fill a bowl up with boiling hot water. Put a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil and
peppermint oil in. Put a towel over you head. Lean over the bowl and inhale the steam.

Home Remedies For Headache:

Drink water. The number one most common cause of headache is dehydration. Take
small sips of water constantly to prevent yourself from getting them.

Home Remedies For PMS:

Chasteberry. One of the most effective treatments for premenstrual cramps and other

Home Remedies For Constipation

One tablespoon of olive oil will get your bowels moving naturally. Simple solutions work

Stop your suffering in it's tracks using what mother nature has provided us with on this
beautiful planet.
Use the power of healing herbs and some the best creative visualization techniques to
restore your optimum state of health and well-being.

Your body will thank you later if you take care of it now.

Listen to your body, pay attention to the signs it gives you and always avoid stress.

Can We Reprogram Our DNA

and Heal Ourselves With
Frequency, Vibration & Energy?
 Mar 6, 2014
 2

As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our ‘junk’ DNA was anything but
disposable, researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s
Centenary Institute have proven that 97 percent of human DNA programs or encodes proteins
in our bodies. One of the researchers involved in this study said, “this discovery, involving
what was previously referred to as “junk,” opens up a new level of gene expression control . .

This also means there are multiple modalities that mainstream science has yet to give a nod
to, which just might re-train or reprogram our DNA — even cells which have become
cancerous or are mutilated by the onslaught of toxins in our environment and negative
emotional baggage which has been proven to have an undesirable impact on health. Many
people have compared human DNA to the Internet. It communicates immense amounts of
information in microcosmically small, but significant ways, mimicking a vast network of
information portals, not unlike the billions of websites connected to one another all over the
world. It may account for our intuition, spontaneous healing, and a number of other
phenomena that mainstream science is just beginning to understand.

Chaos Theory and DNA

Chaos theory states that chaotic appearances are just a very complex system affected by very
subtle changes in an almost infinite array of varying possibilities. When you consider that
humans have 3 billion base pairs of DNA, most of which are identical, but that there are at
least 3 billion raised to the 4th power (4 raised to 3,000,000,000) of positions possible – a
number larger than the number of particles in the Universe – you might just call DNA a
highly organized but extremely complex system – seeming chaos. Is it not possible that such
a complex system can be affected by very subtle shifts of light or sound, even the human

The DNA Spectrum: Making Music with Biology

There are numerous scientists (not to mention thousands of years of spiritual adepts) who
claim light and sound alter our DNA and directly influence our biology. DNA is a type of
language, albeit a complex one. Computer simulations and a purely biological approach to
understanding the language, have failed however, in the same way that language fails to
describe ‘ascended states.’

Mainstream science will tell us that while DNA involves construction rules that affect
different sequences, the ‘dictionary’ of DNA does not follow Zipf’s law, which every other
natural language follows. So, even though DNA has structure, it is not a language. I heartily
disagree. If you have ever watched a musician who was skilled in playing his or her
instrument technically, to absolute perfection, but somehow lost
the emotional ‘language’ which is necessary to convey an ovation-inspired performance, then
you understand that stringing together a perfect phrase or sequence of notes does not account
for an entirely separate and subtle language that speaks to the human heart and mind. It is the
technical perfection of the right rhythms and notes paired with heart and passion which brings
us to our feet. Similarly, DNA can be strung together in its typical set of A-T or C-G, but it is
the junk DNA which might decide whether your cells cause you to develop cancer or be
gifted with the ability to see clairvoyantly.
Russian linguists, Dr. Pjotr Garajajev and Vladimir Poponin found that DNA does follow
similar patterns and rules to human language, but this is not the most interesting information,
by a long shot. In fact, biologist, Dr. David Deamer and Susan Alexjander, who holds an MA
in music, have discovered that DNA makes its own beautiful music before we even try to
alter it. The two measured the actual molecular vibrations of DNA and recorded it using an
infrared spectrophotometer. They exposed each section of DNA to infrared light and
measured the wavelength it absorbed, and therefore determined its sound frequency. What it
made was ‘hauntingly beautiful’ music. “Some of the combinations of frequencies,”
Alexjander said, “. . .they are just stunning. It sounds alive to me.”

Is this for real?

While interesting and inspiring, at least to the imagination, ideas of singing DNA and re-
structuring DNA with intentional frequency are certainly difficult to find in practical
application and are as of yet lacking legitimate scientific validation. As with Chi, the mapped
out essence of life to Chinese medicine, the difficulty in finding verifiable proof and use for
these theories is something that has earned this line of thinking the title of new age and

Science does, however confirm that sound and light can and do directly influence the body’
healing processes. Researchers at the University of Cincinatti have had measurable success in
applying high-frequency electrical signals to vascular cells with great effect in healing
chronic, persistent wounds like diabetic ulcers. For decades the mystery of Royal Rife and his
frequency healing machines have been touted by many as the end-all cure for a wide array of
diseases, parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections. His discoveries suggest that every
living organism has its own unique resonant frequency and that by subjecting the body to
electrical currents that target specific pathogens, diseases and ailments can be neutralized and
destroyed without pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures. Furthermore, acupuncture, the
ancient Chinese system of medicine that works directly with the body’s energy conduits and
has offered tangible healing benefits to millions over many centuries, has also recently been
validated by scientific research.

These examples corroborate, to a degree, the ancient spiritual notion that the human body is
enlivened by a subtle energetic system that can be manipulated by the application of sound,
light and intention. For one to understand this on experiential terms, however, it is necessary
to cultivate the sensitivity to detect and direct this energy, but for many, this process of
cultivation is simply too demanding and too methodical to be assimilated as a habitual part of
daily life. Most people simply do not have the patience in our fast paced environment to
achieve the awareness of this, scientists included.

Shamanism Meets Science

While science is making exciting advances in understanding our quantum universe, the
timeless healing modalities of shamanism have of late been forcing their way into the popular
conversation about healing and spiritual development. In fact, shamanism may offer us the
best example of how the use of sound and directed energy can bring about healing in the
body and psyche.

In a shamanic healers toolkit, the most commonly utilized and highly prized agents of healing
are often Icaros, which are Sacred songs sung by the doctor to the patient to affect health and
well-being by enchanting the subtle and unseen spiritual influences that may be gripping the
body and psyche. In addition to Icaros, shaman will also often employ chacapas, bundled
dried leaves, as well as other musical or tuning instruments which create sounds that are
influential to the body’s energetic system.

Often coupled with the use of plant medicines, shamanic practices can have powerfully
positive effects on the sick, and some scientists are recognizing that the alkaloid rich
medicine Ayahuasca may be able to assist in curing cancer. Eduardo E. Schenberg of
the Federal University of Sao Paulo, has recently publicized research indicating that the
compounds DMT and harmine, found in Ayahuasca, have “been shown to induce the death of
some cancer cells and inhibit the proliferation of human carcinoma cells.”

While reductionist science is good at isolating molecular reactions, the truth is that any
research on the subject of Ayahuasca is incomplete without acknowledging the beneficial
presence of shamanic healers who are capable of bringing out the highest energetic potential
of the effects of any chemical compounds within Ayahuasca, or any other plant medicine.
Administering the compounds without the context of genuine shamanism is hollow, and lacks
the full picture of the healing potential of shamanic medicines. The primary means in which
shaman communicate with a patient is through their Icaros and other instruments of sound
and vibration, which demonstrates their understanding that a significant part of the science of
healing is working with vibration and frequency.


While certainly an interesting idea to muse, hard evidence that frequency and vibration can
directly effect DNA and the body’s healing processes is still forthcoming, however, there is
an ample body of experiential human evidence to inspire and warrant further examination of
this topic.

This is not an easy theory to prove, or disprove, and the answers are unlikely to satisfy
everyone. The best that we can see is that truth is relative to personal experience in some
ways, and when an individual has spiritual, or cosmic experiences that do not fall within the
explainable territory of rigid science, they unfortunately are left high and dry by a world
paradigm that is stringently adamant on disproving mysticism.

Certainly, this is a complicated and sometimes heated topic, as we do live in a world still
dominated by material science that attempts to reduce mysticism and spirituality to anomalies
in brain chemistry and personality. Yet, at the same time, the human race is coming up
against serious plateaus in its understanding of how to interact with the natural world,
including our bodies, which means we must be willing to tangentially explore the validity of
the information received through intuitive experiences.

These questions are here to stay until answered, so aren’t they worthy of a second look, with
an open mind to all possibility?

About the Authors

Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many
hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom
Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the
Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing
the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a
practitioner of Yoga and Taoist esoteric arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged
in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor
of, the proprietor of, a grateful father and a man who
seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. His remarkable
journey of self-transformation is a testament to the power of the will and the persistence of
the human spirit. He may be contacted at

The Intuitive Realtor/Heale r

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Raising Your Vibration: Day 1

With the New Year upon us, I have decided to make regular posts regarding our personal
vibration and how to raise it…(meaning what our own physical body’s energy is vibrating at).
The higher your vibration, the happier you are, the more you are able to Create the Life
you Desire! We all know when we feel down, our energy level is low, shame, feelings of being
unworthy, despair vibrate at a 20. Love, happiness, joy vibrate in the 500’s. While enlightenment
vibrates at 700 and above. The United States on average vibrates at 220…. There are studies out
there about how it can be measured through muscle testing.

*Vibrational Scale designed by Dr. David Hawkins, photo thanks to Sanctuary Wellness.
Your personal, dominant vibration is the one that creates your reality, whether or not you’re
aware of it…it’s still happening…just like gravity. You need to be aware of your thoughts, how
you feel, the energy you are emitting. All of this has an effect on how you manifest (create) your

“Imagine that there’s a scale, one of those old time apothecary ones, with a little plate on each
side, suspended by chains. Both plates weigh the same, until you start to place weights on them.
Whichever side has more stuff on it, will sink lower, and the heaviest side wins.
One side of this scale is dedicated to the thoughts you have that allow what you want. The other
side is dedicated to the thoughts you have that don’t allow what you want. Whichever side has the
greatest percentage of thoughts wins, and therefore creates your reality. So, if just 51% of your
thoughts on a subject fall on the “allowing what you want” side, your desired manifestation
arrives. With me so far? Good”….exerpt by Melody Fletcher
The more you can reach that 51% of positive thoughts, positive emotions for your life, the better
off you will be. This is the Magic that life has to offer. We are the only ones that have the power
to control our energies. If you are in a place in your life full of negativity, you have the power to
change it. Over the next weeks or possibly months, I will share tidbits that I share with my clients
to change their personal vibration, so they can begin to take the steps to get control over their life,
to begin getting the power back to attract the life they desire!

Everything I do, all the work I do, has to do with energy, how we vibrate, clearing out old, low
energies and raising our vibration to attract the life we desire. I do this in my work as theIntuitive
Realtor/Healer, as well as all the work I do as an Healing Services I do, including Space/Energy
Clearing, Soul Awakening Coaching, Energy Healing (Reiki), and Distance Energy Healing
My first question to you is just take notice of your emotional state, your physical state, your
mental state, and how you feel about your spirituality? You might even want to write some of this
down so you remember in the days and weeks to come, where you have been and how far you
have come to raise your vibration!

Thank you for joining me on this personal journey of being consciously aware of your personal

New Years Rituals to help you Manifest the Life You Desire in 2016!
If you would like a Reading, personalized just for you, go to my Readings page!
Much Love, Light, Joy and Many Blessings during this New Year! Enjoy!

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