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MUSC 2552 Final Paper Proposal

Leung Lok Wai Louis

SID: 1155092495

Name of the performing group: Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir- Principals
Name of the event: Midday Oasis
Date: 19th March, 2018 (Monday)
Time: 13:30-13:55
Venue: Chung Chi College Chapel

Brief Description
When we talk about saxophone, we usually relate it to Jazz music or pop music.
Besides Jazz and pop music, some re-arranged music might also will be performed as

“Midday Oasis” is a programme launched by Chung Chi College which aims to
provide relaxation for staffs and students in their compressed and stressful life. I am
choosing this event as it not just focusing on performances, but also there is an aim
behind the performance.

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