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In life one meets someone very likable person and

some he comes to dislike . The person I like the most in my life
is my grandfather . He is a smart old man , seventy – two years
of age . He is a tall man instead . The children love him ,the
young people surround him and the senior people respect him .
He loves me very much and cares too . He lives
mostly with us but he often goes to visit his other sons and
daughters . He is full of zest for life . He takes interest in the
activities of others . He has a award of encouragement and
appreciation for everyone . He is fond of poetry and loves to
quote lines from it on different occasions . He never complains
about others and his physical decomforts . He believes that what
cannot be cured must be endured . He is also very much fond of
nature . He also believes that it is the duty of every person to
spread happiness all around . He is very friendly in nature too .
My life becomes more interesting and colourful
when my grandfather is around . He entertains us , teaches
us and inspires us . He is the person I like most because of his
work and his good personalities and thinkings.

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